Burn or Deficiency. +rep for help

OK, the current questions are, will flushing flush out the Mycorrhiza and will I have to retreat?

Do roots continue to grow after you put the plants into flower.

I have 2 plants showing nute burn. After flushing those 2 should I wait on the other 5 to show nute burns before I flush?

What are the possible causes of leaves without discoloration curling downwards?

Is flushing really the best solution, or will it prohibit growth & limit the yeild?

+rep for help with these questions.
And I have another question to add to the list.

I recently bought a Rapid Rooter tray that holds 50 clones and uses plugs/cubes

A couple of the clippings have completely wilted and it seems like the branches that holds the leaves are rotting. If I try to pick up the leaf it just comes off like the branch isn't even there. Are these clippings gonners or should I just let them be?

I'm coming up with new questions faster than I'm getting answers. +rep for help, please lend a hand
Only treat problems that you have. Vinegar and baking soda, though acidic and alkaline, are not practical to adjust your pH. My suggestion would be to quit using that until you can get some actual pH adjusters. Try to harvest some rain or snow water in the meantime. Do not worry about pH or adding ferts, just continue feeding your plants plain water from the same source so as to not have changes in pH. pH fluctuation is very stressful to the plant. It is exhibited often by twisted leaves, especially new growth. Don't think that your plants need food everyday. They will be fine off of just soil for several weeks without any food. I usually don't start adding nitrogen to my plants until after 3 weeks, but I use FFOF soil.

When it comes to flushing, your plants aren't going to just spring up the next day. The entire point is to just wash away the excess salts and nutes that the plant cannot uptake. The leaves that are dead are dead, they will not come back. Droopy leaves that are healthy green are most likely over-watered or under-watered, or suffering from temp or humidity issues. If you can find some dried up crackly leaves towards the bottom of the plant and the leaves are droopy it is probably under-watered, if they look glossy green and are drooping it is probably over-watered.

Roots do not stop growing through flowering.

As a cutting roots, the leaves will begin to root, yellow, dry and die off. This is normal. You will not have a 100% success rate probably, but some will root. Try to wait 2 weeks before you look at them the first time.
Only treat problems that you have. Vinegar and baking soda, though acidic and alkaline, are not practical to adjust your pH. My suggestion would be to quit using that until you can get some actual pH adjusters. Try to harvest some rain or snow water in the meantime. Do not worry about pH or adding ferts, just continue feeding your plants plain water from the same source so as to not have changes in pH. pH fluctuation is very stressful to the plant. It is exhibited often by twisted leaves, especially new growth. Don't think that your plants need food everyday. They will be fine off of just soil for several weeks without any food. I usually don't start adding nitrogen to my plants until after 3 weeks, but I use FFOF soil.

When it comes to flushing, your plants aren't going to just spring up the next day. The entire point is to just wash away the excess salts and nutes that the plant cannot uptake. The leaves that are dead are dead, they will not come back. Droopy leaves that are healthy green are most likely over-watered or under-watered, or suffering from temp or humidity issues. If you can find some dried up crackly leaves towards the bottom of the plant and the leaves are droopy it is probably under-watered, if they look glossy green and are drooping it is probably over-watered.

Roots do not stop growing through flowering.

As a cutting roots, the leaves will begin to root, yellow, dry and die off. This is normal. You will not have a 100% success rate probably, but some will root. Try to wait 2 weeks before you look at them the first time.

Thanks for the help. +rep

There really hasn't been any signs of fluctuation since I started adjusting the pH in the water. The distilled water I was using was under 6.0, not sure how much though as my tester only goes down to 6.0. The spring water I'm using now has a pH of approx 7.6. I have no way of collecting the snow while it melts (no rain this time of year where I am) so I have to stick with bottled water for now, and I haven't found one that comes at 6.5 or anywhere near it.

I've only fed once this entire grow (6th week just started). I took some bad advice and mixed the dirt too hot (FFOF + 2 tablespoons of Bone Meal + 2 tablespoons of Blood Meal). I guess I should have flushed a long time ago, but I only recently got enough one gallon jugs to do a flush with tap water. And I was hoping that the plants would eventually get big enough to handle it, but I guess I'm wrong.

No leaves died yet, just brown tips and on the NY Diesel the brown is spreading a bit and on a lot more leaves.

The green leaves aren't drooping right now, some just have tips that are curling under. I've yet to find an explination for it, but I don't think it's overwatering. If I saw dead or dried leaves I'd think it was underwatering, but there are no dried leaves.

I didn't expect the flush to do anything except stop the nute burns. I'm sure the plant will droop for a little while afterwards.

I don't think it's temp. I've kept it at 80 degrees at the tops of the pots until just a few hours ago when I turned one of the lights off. It's now 68 degrees at the tops of the pots. Humidity is a different matter, it's 30% to 40% which is as hi as I can get it with 1 humidifier. I've been told that during veg 80% is optimal but I have no way of getting it that hi. Could that be the cause of the leaves that are curling under at the tips?

Thanks for the info on the roots. Do you know if the flush will flush out the Mycorrhiza that I added to the soil? I need to know if I need to retreat them.

Thanks also for the info on the rooting clones. The only ones that have rotted are the ones where the branches were laying on the plugs. I guess I have to keep that from happening, thank goodness it's only a few. Some of them will root though?
Thanks for the help. +rep

No leaves died yet, just brown tips and on the NY Diesel the brown is spreading a bit and on a lot more leaves.

The green leaves aren't drooping right now, some just have tips that are curling under. I've yet to find an explination for it, but I don't think it's overwatering.

That is from the nute burn more than likely. It could be attributed to the low himidity. I used to put a bottle of hot water with a dry paper towel rolled up and stuck in it touching the water to raise humidity, replacing the water and paper towel after 2 days. The paper towel would act as a humidity wick, and as time went by, the water would travel up the dry paper towel. Then I quit caring about humidity in my veg area and I have had no problems since.
Oh, and the mycorrhizae, if you mixed it well with your soil you shouldn't worry about the flush. The vinegar and baking soda may be killing them off, I do not know.
i ph two 55 gallon treash cans all the time. one is bloom nutes and the other is veg nutes. its way easer that way i found
I've wanted to do this but I get bacterial growth in my nute mixes, no matter what I have tried. Do you not have a problem with that mygirls? I use clean containers and store them in a cool dark closet. It smells really nasty after the growth starts, and I don't wanna water my plants with that. I sure wish I knew a remedy for this problem, because mixing nutes every other day and pHing is a bitch.
I've wanted to do this but I get bacterial growth in my nute mixes, no matter what I have tried. Do you not have a problem with that mygirls? I use clean containers and store them in a cool dark closet. It smells really nasty after the growth starts, and I don't wanna water my plants with that. I sure wish I knew a remedy for this problem, because mixing nutes every other day and pHing is a bitch.
get your self a fish tank air pump and run it all the time. this will helpand keep oxegen in the water. i do use my mix quite fast. i use any where fro 2 gallons to 4 gallon per plant. im in 19 gallon pots also
shitsmell nasty i mix bat guano in with mine and that my friend smellsNASTY.. hehehehe
Haha yes, I just didn't want bacteria propagating in my soil and root zone. I am gonna hafta give that pump thing a try though, dunno why I never thought of that.
That is from the nute burn more than likely. It could be attributed to the low himidity. I used to put a bottle of hot water with a dry paper towel rolled up and stuck in it touching the water to raise humidity, replacing the water and paper towel after 2 days. The paper towel would act as a humidity wick, and as time went by, the water would travel up the dry paper towel. Then I quit caring about humidity in my veg area and I have had no problems since.

I actually just put 2 bowls in there for the Lady Bugs to get a drink. I put pater towel in the bottom, cotton balls in the middle, and wood shavings on top. I saturate the papertowel and I use a spray bottle to keep the cotton balls & wood shavings wet. I have to spray a few times a day, and it did nothing to the humidity.

On top of a very low humidity, I have a heat problem due to the lights. I have a portable A/C and that thing pumps out the hot air like you wouldn't beleive, especially since I also have an inline fan helping it. And all that air exchange keeps it at 40%.

I had to turn off the lights one night to treat the plants with a pesticide oil and it got up to 80%, but with the A/C on it just aint happening.

Oh, and the mycorrhizae, if you mixed it well with your soil you shouldn't worry about the flush. The vinegar and baking soda may be killing them off, I do not know.

I didn't find out about Mycorrhiza till a couple of weeks ago so I didn't mix it in with the soil. Instead I dug 4 holes at the edges of the roots and put a table spoon into each hole, then covered the hole with dirt. So I'm probably gonna have to retreat I guess. What do you think?
i ph two 55 gallon treash cans all the time. one is bloom nutes and the other is veg nutes. its way easer that way i found

That sounds like a really good idea especially since I'd be using it right away. But I have to wait for more clones to root so I can sell them off and make some cash. But for future flushes, it sounds like a really good plan. Thanks.
I guess I just have 1 question left if someone can answer this for me before I do the deed.

Will flushing during veg prohibit growth & limit the yeild of most strains?
I think it is a good idea to flush about once every month, regardless of what phase of growth the plant is in. This will prevent the buildup of salts and can allow for more aggressive fertilizing. No, it will not hinder growth in any way, it is a good thing.
I guess I just have 1 question left if someone can answer this for me before I do the deed.

Will flushing during veg prohibit growth & limit the yeild of most strains?
personaly i do not flush during any part of the grow tell harvest time. as long as your plants are thriving w/out problems there is no reason to flush.
I think it is a good idea to flush about once every month, regardless of what phase of growth the plant is in. This will prevent the buildup of salts and can allow for more aggressive fertilizing. No, it will not hinder growth in any way, it is a good thing.

Thanks again man, never thought of it that way before tonight/morning..

I guess I'm gonna take a nap before getting to work again.

Thanks again everyone.