burn or deficiency?

Hello everyone ive had this problem for abou. 6 days now. Started with yellow tips on the bottom fan leaves. Now the yellow has advanced upwards. When it started I was told it was burn. So I flushed the medium and left it alone to see if it gets better. The inner new growth doesn't seem affected and looks to be growing fine, no yellow on new growth yet. She is 3 weeks today. And also my true leaves oN my 10 day old purple bud have started having yellow dry tips and it's advancing to the first set of fan leaves And her growth has def slowed down.IMG_20150512_102822.jpg IMG_20150512_102726.jpgIMG_20150512_102755.jpg Haven't watered or fed since fluSh to rule out overwhatering and nute burn but the yellow doesn't stop taking leave mass.


Well-Known Member
I'm looking at that soil and it looks like Peat moss correct? I think it might be the soil mix. What are you using?
I'm looking at that soil and it looks like Peat moss correct? I think it might be the soil mix. What are you using?
yeah brother I'm using a peat moss based mix I got from the local garden store. Is this bad? The first 2 weeks before started adding nutes it was growing perfectly and fast. Any suggestions? Maybe treating the burn turned into deficiency?


Well-Known Member
yeah brother I'm using a peat moss based mix I got from the local garden store. Is this bad? The first 2 weeks before started adding nutes it was growing perfectly and fast. Any suggestions? Maybe treating the burn turned into deficiency?
Yeah dude I thought so! This is what happened to me, Peat moss gets really spongy man. It's cheap and very acidic. I did the same thing thinking it was just as good as coco and it shocked the plant completely. Best thing you can do is to take it out the pot, hit that spongy root ball and put some better medium in there. Get some worm casts, perlite and cocopeat even compost if you have it. Mix it and let it dry for an hour or two and give your plant a much more comfy home. If you need any help just hit me up man.
Yeah dude I thought so! This is what happened to me, Peat moss gets really spongy man. It's cheap and very acidic. I did the same thing thinking it was just as good as coco and it shocked the plant completely. Best thing you can do is to take it out the pot, hit that spongy root ball and put some better medium in there. Get some worm casts, perlite and cocopeat even compost if you have it. Mix it and let it dry for an hour or two and give your plant a much more comfy home. If you need any help just hit me up man.
got it I'll make a run to the indoor garden store. And get me some of that good stuff. I grew other herbs before in peat moss and it's always worked perfectly, never thought cannabis would be such a picky weed haha. Once I get better soil ur telling me I should transplant the Rootball?! How carefully should I do this? Hook me up with the best step by step possible. wouldn't that stress the plant even further? Thanks for your help btw

sno capz

Well-Known Member
Nute burn will keep on keeping on until you change out that medium. Just clean and flush the root ball before transplanting it


Well-Known Member
Have you transplanted a plant before? Pretty much transplants and try to break down the big sponge that has taken over your roots. Plant it some good soil with a bigger pot than you previously had and feed only water till plant looks alive again.
Naw there's a first time for everything I guess. I'll do this tonight and post updates on their development after that. hopefully they'll recover but I'm germinating a new seed just in case my ladies don't make it through this burn. I'll plant this one straight to coco/perlite. Thank you both.
Well I got the goods had to wait a day bc the store had to order some coco/perlite.there was more damage on the leaves of both plants had to clip off 2 fan leavea bc they were more than 80 percent burned. I carefully transferred them and watered only with neutral ph water here is a pic I'll post further development IMG_20150513_191806.jpg
They look resilient, though. Still have some healthy growth, and it hasn't spread, so you should be able to recover. Good luck!
so they've made it though the burn and they seem to be in love with da coco..haha but now although they still show growth. The look pale transparent like I have been giving it very very little nutes since the burn..is it deficiency should I go ba,co to normal doses? And also I think the bigger one has male preflowers how accurate are preflowers in determining the ultimate sex of the plant . Also how long should I let a seedling in coco/perlite, water only, before starting nutes?Thanx in advance errbody. IMG_20150524_153544.jpgIMG_20150524_153551.jpg IMG_20150524_153604.jpg