Burned??? *pic*


Well-Known Member

Low Ryder Easy Ryder
5 Gallon Smart Pot
Subcool's Super Soil + FFOF
200 Watt CFL

Picked these leaves off the bottom, as they were the worst. Any idea's whats going on here?



Active Member
most likely a calcium deficiency a pic of the whole plant would be useful but i would bet my money on calcium deficiency!


Well-Known Member
Are you foliar feeding? could have settled on bottom leaves and with the cool cfl it took time to dry out.


Plant looks fine as o now I would say. If you start seeing that exact problem happening again o your lower leaves just give it some cal mag and that should fix her up. Are u using hard water?


Well-Known Member
whats youre ec/ppm of youre water. is it hard..
it looks like a strat of a mag or cal deff. but then i saw youre soil..umm that should not need cal/mad adding this early if at all..ye what is youre waters ec/ppm can u get a reading(also local water reports)


Well-Known Member
The soil you see on the top is just a thin layer of top soil. Under that is FFOF and Subcool's super soil. Im going to grab some cal-mag today and see if it gets any better. This is a current picof the plant...
