Burning Ballast?! Advice needed

Hey guys,

having recently purchased a 400watt M.H light which I planned to put on my
plants once in the veg period, I seem to be having a small issue. Once the M.H
has been put on, its roughly an hour or so until the ballast starts to smell of burning
plastic and gets very hot. it was purchased brand new and this is the first time using it.
Has anyone on here ever had a problem with this?? advice is appreciated. Thanks


New Member
may be factory glue from where its heated up for the first times ? but it shouldn't smell tho especially not like burning


Well-Known Member
make sure the lamp is seated in the socket, I've not personally seen it but someone local mentioned he had a meltdown and it was due to that.


New Member
yeah what he said i saw jorge carventes say always do an extra half turn and make sure to wipe grease of the bulb after
thanks for the replies. yeah I think the glue answer makes sense. im just weary about leaving it on an coming home from work one day to see it in pieces. it can however reach out to my balcony so I may leave it out there so its easily cooled. the smell is just a bit worrying for a first timer! an yeah jorge is the guy lol i have his vids on repeat


Well-Known Member
there was a warning in the instructions of my new ballast that said may smell of burning when in fist use, but should soon clear. or words to that effect. but i would still keep an eye on it.


I have bought a 600w sunmaster about 4 weeks ago and for the first week or two that smelled just like you described - it has faded now. I don't want to be responsible for a house fire so keep your eye on it but in my opinion it is just newness and it will wear off. I stood mine on bricks to dissipate heat and as a precaution...