Burning, curling and browning oh my!


So i have two pictures, the fan leaf is from my Panther mother plant, and the other is of my White Widow clone. The fan leaf has a brownish dry crackly discoloration, while the widow has leaf curling and a spotty burning.

I'm using 6500k shoplights, sterylized soil with worm castings, a general vegetation fert, i maintain a temp around 70, and just added a compost tea yesterday to see if that would help any.

Any suggestions!? These are the only two plants with any problems in an otherwise spotless and gorgeous vegetation room, please help!!:peace:



Active Member
three things come to mind, one is root stress, that pot looks a tad small for that size of plant. two is over watering. Last is stress, doesn't really look like a nute problem.


ok i"ll try transplanting it into something bigger, no roots had shown on in the holes on the bottom of the pot yet, which is what i was waiting for. Thanks for the input