Burning Man


Active Member
How many people know what I'm talking about?
I'd love to go. I'm just thousands and thousands of miles away and can never seem to work it. It's always either money or noone else I know will go :roll:
I manage to make it to most of the big east coast festivals; then again BM is more then your average festival

It's still in August right? I say we do a RIU tent.

B Irie

Uuuhh...Yeah! The burn is the shit and I can guarantee that you will not have another experience like it ever. You could go to Glade Electronic Music Festival in the UK....

If you have a chance, go to burning man. Just do it,


Well-Known Member
i was going to go last year but i found out too late. pretty much the day before. any one have any of this years info?


Well-Known Member
iv always wanted to go but haveing cosody of my 3 kids and a single dad! when i try to get a baby sitter i catch shit ( you dont need to leave you kids for that ) damn im not leavin my kids im tryin to get a baby sitter just so i can go some where--hell i take care of my kids all year long! dont dads deserv breaks just like the moms get when they have cosody? ( such an unfair world ) peace out


Well-Known Member
Watch it every year on discovery channel.. Would be a long trip for me to make, but it seems incredible!


Active Member
Its not cheap, 300 bones to be exact but thats a small price to pay for what some call a life changing experience.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
This sounds like a modern day woodstock from the hippy days only it lasts a week lmao, i will definantly have to go before i die.
2009s theme is evlution i would have to say i would have to do something with the evolution of cannabis lol it would be a great week lol

thank you for the thread:weed:


some one correct me if i am wrong

burning man is based on a pagan ritual of sacrifice

a giant figure of a man was constructed out of straw

the only difference between many thousand years ago and now is


the pagans tied their criminals to the burning man....