Burns Burns Burns Noob Help!!!!


1000w equilvalent cfl bulbs(240w true) a little under 1 foot above plants
temp vary from 75-88
24hrs light
ph'd to 5.7 pure cocogro
5 plants( 2 are showing the worst signs)
flora series gro/micro/bloom .25ml/.5ml/.25ml every 2-4 days depending on dryness, only fed 3 times so far


Active Member
Nute Burn. To much Fert. every 2-4 days is way to much....try every 2 weeks to feed them..also PH at 5.7 is a little low for soil grow...try about 6.3


Well-Known Member
for coco check the ppm of the fert before feeding
then check ppm of the run off
if the ppm of the runoff is higher, you are feeding too strong


every two week? does that mean i should not follow the flora series feeding schedule , and if im not feeding when dey dry out i should give them ph'd ro water?


Nute Burn. To much Fert. every 2-4 days is way to much....try every 2 weeks to feed them..also PH at 5.7 is a little low for soil grow...try about 6.3

i thought i am suppose to treat them as a hydro grow since im using coco coir


Active Member
Flora schedule is for Tomatoes, Peppers..etc. I use Flora series myself....The Flora nutes for MJ will not not be used up as fast as tomatoes..etc. I just keep it at 1100PPM all the time (once mature)..they look small so would keep it at 500-600PPM until they can handle it..adding a little more every feeding till they get used to it...also 24 hours light is not needed..try 18/6 plants need to sleep too ya know!


Active Member
Also, if you look at the Flora schedule..it is a 8 weeks nutrition plan from start to finish..wow we would all love it if our plants were completed in 8 weeks!..but not the case...they have a "*" per week which means you have to stay, and repeat the same feeding at that PPM until they mature., then move to next feeding schedule...

I have grown for years with Flora series with great success..my advice...seriously..is to keep them at 500-600PPM for the first 4 weeks...then raise it to 1100 PPM slowly..keep it at 1100 until ready to flower......then go by what the bottle says (I believe 1300PPM)...no need to add any Florabloom during the veg stage.

when I flower.. I do not use Flora series...just horrible for Flowering....I use PK 13/14 and get a huge yield per plant....flora series during flowering seems the nutes do not get used up equally (the plant just takes what it needs)..and your left with a huge PH imbalance..and nute burn.....before flowering I flush all the Flora series out of the water..and just use PK 13/14 with Calmag and 1 tsp Lemon Juice.....have had great results.

Not sure why people tend to grow in smaller mediums than required then transplant....why not just grow them in their habitat that they will stay from start to finish...transplanting adds so much stress.


Well-Known Member
1100ppm? On what meter? That would be 2.2EC on my Hanna meter.

That is way overboard IMO. Most people water/feed plants in coco at least once a day. I cant imagine the buildup in the medium with constant feeding at that level. I feed everyday at 1.8EC but after experimenting and reading some, I have cut that down to around 1EC with no adverse effects.

Plants don't use excess nutrients. If you give them 4000ppm, they will use what they need and the rest will hang around in the medium eventually causing lockout and other problems.

Transplanting does not add stress if done right and using a large container for small plants wastes nutrients and can lead to problems with buildup and soggy, anaerobic conditions.