

Well-Known Member
burping should be done at least twice a day i believe...(dont quote me on that) also good to turn your buds as your burping them so you can check for mold and things of that nature... wheres the pics?


Well-Known Member
15 min daily. That is what I have always been told, and it seems to work fine for me.


Well-Known Member
burping should be done at least twice a day i believe...(dont quote me on that) also good to turn your buds as your burping them so you can check for mold and things of that nature... wheres the pics?
when u say "turn" the buds do u mean shake the jar so they all move? or what???


Well-Known Member
Yeah basically. That's what I do and I believe that's what dak is advising. Mold will usually offend the nose pretty quick if it's present. I mean, you'll certainly smell it before you'll see it.


Active Member
Dak.......During the first 2 weeks I burp mine twice a day for 5-10 min. The next 2 weeks I go once a day for the same amount of time. That's a good cure for me. I don't shake the jars or turn the bud's. I live in a very low humidity climate so I don't have a problem with mold in the jars. I'm sure the guy's in a high humidity area half to stir up those bud's to prevent mold from forming. Just my experience......


Well-Known Member
Dak.......During the first 2 weeks I burp mine twice a day for 5-10 min. The next 2 weeks I go once a day for the same amount of time. That's a good cure for me. I don't shake the jars or turn the bud's. I live in a very low humidity climate so I don't have a problem with mold in the jars. I'm sure the guy's in a high humidity area half to stir up those bud's to prevent mold from forming. Just my experience......

ok cool. ya im jus about to "burp" twice a day for 15min and give it a little shake. shud work fine:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
nah man dont shake!!! just pull em out and turn them ovr u dont wanna bruise and bust up all that thc goodness! treat them with care or ull be sorry!


Well-Known Member
lol burping, for a sec i was like what the fuck are they talkin bout, " how the fuck do u burp your pants lol like after a long drink so they dont puke it up hahha " yes iv been smokin haha" i do purrty much what Latuya except i turn mine no shakie shakie ;D