Bury buds under ground?


Well-Known Member

I cure my buds in glass jars as recommended by many.
Now the question is how long can I keep my buds in that jar (after curing) under ground. you know just dig a hole and put the glass jar in the hole and cover it with dirt!
I want to do this as a security measure.


Well-Known Member
be careful not to brake the glass when digging out :o)
Most glass jars have metal lids, and metal will rust and eventually crumble if left exposed in soil. You're better off putting your jars in a larger waterproof plastic container and burying the plastic container. This will also help protect the jars when you dig 'em up, as 001 cautioned.

That being said, I don't think there'll be any problems with burying your bud. I think it'll be a great way to get a good long term cure because it's dark and cool underground. Just be sure you're well past the burping stage, the buds need to be dried completely before you store 'em long term.


Well-Known Member
my unlce used to grow alot in the woods and not legally. he barried his also but only for a few months at a time he just used the mason jars. i wouldnt leave them their for more thena few months though. cuz he told me where he barried some and it was barried for atleast a year and it had mold all over on the inside. so just dont leave them in the dirt to long