Buses with migrant families rerouted amid protest

You are the one screaming that they are being exploited... So, you are not worried about them being exploited if it costs too much to fix the situation???

we could fix the exploitation in a million better ways than spending billions of dollars to deport millions of people.
we could fix the exploitation in a million better ways than spending billions of dollars to deport millions of people.

Your solution is to spend billions of dollars. Again, it is a straw man.

Obama could fix this situation tomorrow if he wanted to but he doesnt. He created this crisis so he can force some sort of amnesty executive order down the throats of the American people. It could backfire in a really ugly way.

Sending the illegal immigrants back would not require billions of dollars.
Buck, how many of those kids you gonna personally let live in your house?

Since you're such a compassionate, loving and accepting lefty after all.
but you just said it was.

why you gotta lie so much?

I would simply cut their benefits and save the American people a shitload of money.

No school for Illegal Immigrants. No foodstamps for Illegal Immmigrants. No tax credits for Illegal immigrants. No renting housing to illegal immigrants. No offering jobs to Illegal immigrants.

We would save millions if not billions.

And they would go back by themselves...
I would simply cut their benefits and save the American people a shitload of money.

No school for Illegal Immigrants. No foodstamps for Illegal Immmigrants. No tax credits for Illegal immigrants. No renting housing to illegal immigrants. No offering jobs to Illegal immigrants.

We would save millions if not billions.

And they would go back by themselves...


If you are coming from a war torn region and already don't get foodstamp, tax credit, housing or jobs, it would still be better here. A lot of these people are escaping the failed policies socailaism. We still have enough capitalism to cover up our failed socialism, and being able to print a trillion a year without even counting it in our budget numbers will buy us time until we either get away from it or collapse.
woah, careful with the 'kill immigrants' talk, muyloco's gonna pop a chubby.

Aww, idn't he cute.

who's going to harvest the crops then?

georgia kicked out the illegals and the crops rotted in the field. they couldn't even pay parolees $10 an hour to do the work.

Of course they did. When you're paying the segment of the population that would normally fight for those jobs to sit on ass, why would they work? It's a convenient argument, since the policies you covet create the shortage of labor you now tout.

End the welfare state, which as you have stated, goes to Red states (which is where a great deal of the farming occurs) more than to blue and there will be plenty of "citizens" lining up to work.
Major reports coming out of Texas and Arizona that workers at the detention centers are being threatened with losing their jobs if they discuss the conditions in the centers publicly. News already leaking about the diseases spreading there. Hold on sloopy !!!!!
I was speaking to a friend about this the other day and they suggested that we set up the border as Military testing grounds. Put firing ranges across the whole thing and spend all day dumping rounds.

If you are coming from a war torn region and already don't get foodstamp, tax credit, housing or jobs, it would still be better here. A lot of these people are escaping the failed policies socailaism. We still have enough capitalism to cover up our failed socialism, and being able to print a trillion a year without even counting it in our budget numbers will buy us time until we either get away from it or collapse.
Yes, keep printing moar.

I'd like to buy oil, metals, etc in €€€.

Major reports coming out of Texas and Arizona that workers at the detention centers are being threatened with losing their jobs if they discuss the conditions in the centers publicly. News already leaking about the diseases spreading there. Hold on sloopy !!!!!

Thanks Obama!
Yep the parents come illegally first, pop out a baby quickly to get an anchor, then send for the rest. Pretty commonplace these days.

If you are coming from a war torn region and already don't get foodstamp, tax credit, housing or jobs, it would still be better here. A lot of these people are escaping the failed policies socailaism. We still have enough capitalism to cover up our failed socialism, and being able to print a trillion a year without even counting it in our budget numbers will buy us time until we either get away from it or collapse.

Our military does not have the ability to close the border?? If the politicians had the will it would be done tomorrow.
what could ever go wrong with militarizing a border?



you dumb shits just refuse to learn from history.
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Homeland Security buses carrying migrant children and families were rerouted Tuesday to a facility in San Diego after American flag-waving protesters blocked the group from reaching a suburban processing center.

The standoff in Murrieta came after Mayor Alan Long urged residents to complain to elected officials about the plan to transfer the Central American migrants to California to ease overcrowding of facilities along the Texas-Mexico border.

Many protesters held U.S. flags, while others held signs reading "stop illegal immigration," and "illegals out!"

"We can't start taking care of others if we can't take care of our own," protester Nancy Greyson, 60, of Murrieta, told the Desert Sun newspaper.

Many of the immigrants were detained while fleeing violence and extortion from gangs in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

After the buses were blocked, federal authorities rerouted the vehicles to a freeway and then to a customs and border facility in San Diego within view of the Mexico border.

The three buses were trailed by a half-dozen news crews during the two-hour trip. People near the San Diego facility were surprised by the caravan.

Juan Silva, 27, a welder in Chula Vista, said he thought officials were transporting drug traffickers. Then he heard the buses were carrying migrant families.

"I don't think people in that town should be against little kids," he said about the protesters in Murrieta. "We're not talking about rapists. We're talking about human beings. How would they feel if it was their kids?"

After the migrants are processed, Immigration and Customs Enforcement will decide who can be released while awaiting deportation proceedings.

Earlier in the day, a chartered plane landed in San Diego with 136 migrants on board, according to a federal Department of Homeland Security official who was not authorized to be named when speaking on the issue.

It was the first flight planned for California under the federal government's effort to ease the crunch in the Rio Grande Valley and deal with the flood of Central American children and families fleeing to the United States.

The government is also planning to fly migrants to Texas cities and another site in California, and it has already taken some migrants to Arizona.

More than 52,000 unaccompanied children have been detained after crossing the Texas-Mexico border since October in what President Barack Obama has called a humanitarian crisis. Many of the migrants are under the impression that they will receive leniency from U.S. authorities.

Another flight was expected to take 140 migrants to a facility in El Centro, California, on Wednesday, said Lombardo Amaya, president of the El Centro chapter of the Border Patrol union. The Border Patrol would not confirm that arrival date.
Those weren't migrants. Avoid mislabeling