bush bashers monsters


Active Member
wow bush basher! great work.. im thinking about doing the same grow in a cabinet around that size.. hopefully your yield will be plentiful.. and very potent kehehe


Well-Known Member
looking good bushbasher,,but I think the last pic has a pretty identifiable ball on it,,lol,,j/k,,seriously though,,looks like a fat stalk that can hold up lotsa yummy bud,,good luck to the end

Keep on Growin


Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I think they look great! Good job!

I have that same problem and I always drain the excess water after 30 minutes. My flowering plants will be bone dry for top inch or two but then my moisture meter says it's soaking wet at the bottom?

I've been cutting back on the watering schedule, trying to give more less often and that has helped a little bit.


Well-Known Member
its a girl or at least partly lol there are many white pistols showing. i another couple of weeks you will see how much resin your strain has, you will also be able to start judging denisty.

bush basher

Well-Known Member
i know its a girl it was just the tip looked strangely unformed and tight. there's pistils all around it still. thanx for looking tho.


Well-Known Member
dont over analize the buds yet. it does look a little muntant, but its too early to stress.

no in a week if your formation looks all pitiful you better think about starting a more stable plant. the hard part with any plant is untill you really flower a plant start to finish you dont know how good they will preform. Some of the best looking buds are very weak. some of the small ugly buds are mega powerful and ultra tasty. you simply wont know for 10-12 weeks more!

bush basher

Well-Known Member
thanks for that abud. its my only plant left after the other turned out to be a pure male. just let her go then till the end. at least i'll have some seeds to spare if there is some male flowers. oh well!