bush cancelling elections?


Active Member
seriously why would he declare martial law over another war? especially when McCain- who is 90% sure to be elected president over the black inexperienced democrat (no racism here but lets be realistic this is the america we live in)- is supportive of all of bush's policy's and will simply continue the tradition of stomping your civil rights 6 ft under ground...

basically the idea that they even NEED to "cancel" elections to get what they want is rediculous


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be placing any bets on McCain. It is a long way to November.
Pan-while I agree with you that things were good in the 90s and I won't say it was Reagan issues that made it happen, gov't has LITTLE to do with the economy. Mynard Kenyes was an economist in the 30s I believe who documented that all economies are cyclical. What goes up, must come down kind of stuff.

Big P

Well-Known Member
wow u guys are trippin, bush has u guys so scared its redicules

you have elevated a man that has different political / world views than u into a mythical all powerful enemy,

says more about u than anyone else.

it cleary shows you cant seperate reality with imagination

hes just right wing poliitically , if you are left thats fine, but turning somebody who doesnt agree with your views into a mythical creature, now thats pretty silly

is the sky falling?


Well-Known Member
Mynard Kenyes was an economist in the 30s I believe who documented that all economies are cyclical. What goes up, must come down kind of stuff.
Its funny how that works.. Do you know the "Federal" Reserve was created in 1913! I am willing to bet that before the advent of the "Federal Reserve the market had much more stability. The "Federal" Reserve is a private bank that has a monopoly on printing our money! They dictate more than you know!

wow u guys are trippin, bush has u guys so scared its redicules

you have elevated a man that has different political / world views than u into a mythical all powerful enemy,

says more about u than anyone else.

it cleary shows you cant seperate reality with imagination

hes just right wing poliitically , if you are left thats fine, but turning somebody who doesnt agree with your views into a mythical creature, now thats pretty silly

is the sky falling?
This post shows your lack of knowledge! Good try buddy, but the ones who can spell and are having intelligent conversations are the ones that are living in reality. Do you watch a lot of TV?

No one is calling Bush a "mythical creature" but rather a traitor of the USA that sold out his country and took awayour rights.

Get a quick education!!
Who do you believe?

The MainSream Media(MSM) and gov't. "The kids need the fluoride in the tap water" YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water

Or scientists and doctors?
YouTube - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water
YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning
YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________

YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911

YouTube - WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

YouTube - FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

YouTube - 911 WTC Basement Explosions video and photographic proof

YouTube - Dick Cheney Exposed! - Excellent TV Doc
YouTube - US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation | 911blogger.com

Zeitgeist - The Movie

(America; Freedom to Fascism)
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

(Ring of Power)
Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 - Sprword.com
Ring of Power - Parts 6-10 - Sprword.com

(The Money Masters) The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2
The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2

(Esoteric Agenda)
Esoteric Agenda - Sprword.com

(End Game)
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

(The Great Global Warming Swindle)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on LiveVideo.com

After you educate yourself with these links you can clearly see that the media and gov't are sleeping together. You should also be aware that the media is trying to make us hate Iran (just like Iraq) by telling us all this BS propaganda. The MSM is owned by Zionist Jews and hence the wars in the middle east because of difference in religion and corrupt politics.

Or you guys can believe this joke!!!! You can believe that WTC7 came down at free fall speed because of office fires. (I'm not that brainwashed though.:mrgreen:) BBC NEWS | Americas | Third tower mystery 'solved'

YouTube - Plans Against Dissidents

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
seriously why would he declare martial law over another war? especially when McCain- who is 90% sure to be elected president over the black inexperienced democrat (no racism here but lets be realistic this is the america we live in)- is supportive of all of bush's policy's and will simply continue the tradition of stomping your civil rights 6 ft under ground...

basically the idea that they even NEED to "cancel" elections to get what they want is rediculous
the last poll i heard was o'Bama 52 mill
mccain 22 mil
come on dude


Well-Known Member
wow u guys are trippin, bush has u guys so scared its redicules

you have elevated a man that has different political / world views than u into a mythical all powerful enemy,

says more about u than anyone else.

it cleary shows you cant seperate reality with imagination

hes just right wing poliitically , if you are left thats fine, but turning somebody who doesnt agree with your views into a mythical creature, now thats pretty silly

is the sky falling?
I agree with We TaRdED, you aren't very knowledgeable about this subject Big P.
If you have been paying any attention to the world around you, nobody likes Bush at all. There are reasons for that. He passes bills that invade our privacy because of "Terrorism". The government can now tap your internet and phones without a warning or warrants. And they can break into your home without a warrant and arrest you for whatever they feel is necessary. They have passed bills that allow this, you should look that up.

As for mythical creatures... man... where is your mind? lol
Who is thinking of mythical creatures? You would be the first to bring that out.

I think you are the one living in a imaginative world. Until you open your eyes and see what your wonderful government is doing and planning with the European Union and Germany.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be placing any bets on McCain. It is a long way to November.
Pan-while I agree with you that things were good in the 90s and I won't say it was Reagan issues that made it happen, gov't has LITTLE to do with the economy. Mynard Kenyes was an economist in the 30s I believe who documented that all economies are cyclical. What goes up, must come down kind of stuff.
Do you watch CNN? If so, you should have noticed the media attention Obama has. And McCain... hardly any. I suppose you can call it conditioning. They're preparing you to see a new type of President. Wouldn't be surprised if he became the President of Earth, he sure does like world unity.

YouTube - Barack Obama Speech from Berlin, Germany

All just an opinion, of course. :)


Well-Known Member
I think even dimwit dubya understands it can't be done.

At noon on 20 Jan 2009, the President and Vise President are unemployed. Period! Until the oath of office is given to the President-Elect, the Speaker of the House is the leader of our government. Period! ANY judge, in any jurisdiction, can administer the oath of office, to the President-Elect or Vice President in succession. If we do not have a sworn President by 12:01, on 20 Jan 2009, the US Secret Service and the Joint Chiefs will ask the Lady Speaker how SHE wishes to proceed. Period!

All of these points are well documented. It is part of our nations' plan for checks and balances.
Yeah ... that's how it's suppose to be done, but since when have they been doing it like that ... if they had ... the illegitimate bush and cheney would have been impeached long ago ... making things that are illegal ... legal ... would not be happening ... but it is ... it's clear that Pelosi and some of the other dim leadership are war criminals as well ...

Now get this straight ... I'm not disputing the civic lesson ... I'm saying the congress is the one in need of a refresher course ... big time ...

... and just a hypothetical question ... what if there is another "911" and the corporate media propaganda machine start their spin as they did last time ... and the illegitimate bush calls martial law and cancels the election ... again I know according to the law he can't ... but it has been clearly established that this regime and the congress disregards the law ... they will say it's to keep americans safe ... and protect the country ... now remember like before the propaganda machine is working overtime, to rally around the asswipe is the patriotic thang to do ... kiss-ass

To the ones that don't think it could happen ... just suppose it could ... what would you do? ... would you rally? ... what?

Oh yes and one other thing ... what about the bills that were pass which were sighted in the video ... that's not part of the civic lesson ... is it ... how do you respond to those new law ... and still say it can't happen?

Ok ... I just got through watching the second video ... I would like those that believe the elections could be canceled to tell us what they think of "Presidential Directive #51, Executive Orders #13301, #13315, #13350, #13364, #13422, #13438 ... and more" ... how do you respond to this?

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Well-Known Member
wow u guys are trippin, bush has u guys so scared its redicules

you have elevated a man that has different political / world views than u into a mythical all powerful enemy,

says more about u than anyone else.

it cleary shows you cant seperate reality with imagination

hes just right wing poliitically , if you are left thats fine, but turning somebody who doesnt agree with your views into a mythical creature, now thats pretty silly

is the sky falling?
I couldn't agree more.

People love extremities and their imagination knows no bounds. Currently, Obama is the beacon of light with his promises and magical wand that he is going to wave to fix everything while Bush is this monstrosity desperately clutching for power as his "regime" comes to an end. In reality, neither of these are remotely accurate, however it does not matter as long as it fits within their agenda. Blame Bush for everything, hell its a liberal motto, I've seen some pretty creative accusations arise, just use your imagination, see what you can come up with.

Bush is not going to suspend any elections nor proceed into a third term like good ol FDR. You guys are beyond possible speculation; you just fantasizing every atrocious act you can come up with and trying to think of reasons why this manbearpig would commit them. Its juvenile and ranks among the rumors about the poor lunch lady. I bet Bush eats souls and has a secret machine ran off blood that puts holes in the ozone lair and makes your xbox crash.


Well-Known Member
I agree with We TaRdED, you aren't very knowledgeable about this subject Big P.
If you have been paying any attention to the world around you, nobody likes Bush at all. There are reasons for that. He passes bills that invade our privacy because of "Terrorism". The government can now tap your internet and phones without a warning or warrants. And they can break into your home without a warrant and arrest you for whatever they feel is necessary. They have passed bills that allow this, you should look that up.

As for mythical creatures... man... where is your mind? lol
Who is thinking of mythical creatures? You would be the first to bring that out.

I think you are the one living in a imaginative world. Until you open your eyes and see what your wonderful government is doing and planning with the European Union and Germany.
Heres a question for you, who helped pass these bills? Do you know anything about your own government? The president can't think of something then instantly have it made a law, it has to be voted upon. By whom you ask? Congress. Liberals.

Learn your facts man, don't conform to everyone else. If you don't like Bush then get your own reasons why.


New Member
you dont want an sks....seriously..they are crap...get an ak-47 or ar-15...an sks will fail on you everytime....:hump:
I disagree. I have a bulgarian SKS with the forged reciever and outside of not having the full auto mode, it is every bit the gun the AK was/is. in fact those AKs with stamped recievers are a lot more likely to fail over the long haul. The quality of the AK/SKS is entirely relevant to where they were manufactured. I have put a few hundred rounds through my SKS and never had a misfire or a jam, and it is as accurate as it was on day 1.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I couldn't agree more.

People love extremities and their imagination knows no bounds. Currently, Obama is the beacon of light with his promises and magical wand that he is going to wave to fix everything while Bush is this monstrosity desperately clutching for power as his "regime" comes to an end. In reality, neither of these are remotely accurate, however it does not matter as long as it fits within their agenda. Blame Bush for everything, hell its a liberal motto, I've seen some pretty creative accusations arise, just use your imagination, see what you can come up with.

Bush is not going to suspend any elections nor proceed into a third term like good ol FDR. You guys are beyond possible speculation; you just fantasizing every atrocious act you can come up with and trying to think of reasons why this manbearpig would commit them. Its juvenile and ranks among the rumors about the poor lunch lady. I bet Bush eats souls and has a secret machine ran off blood that puts holes in the ozone lair and makes your xbox crash.

well said my friend these guys say some of the most laughable redicules shit and then have the nerve to act like they are not the tarts:mrgreen:

like i said if dont like bush fine vote for the new president, when i fantasize i fantasize of what these lefto cooks would have said about hitler fdr and our fight wwII

back then the boys in uniform would have wore you guys out untill they turned you into good americans again

instead if the ignorent shells of bitterness and self hate that u are today.

wish i could send you guys to Iran to live for the rest of your lives. obviously america is not the place for you, and the american voters will never agree with you guys. "the obnoxious minority" i like to label u guys

god bless america, and the fight against its enemies foriegn or domestic.


Well-Known Member
Yeah ... that's how it's suppose to be done, but since when have they been doing it like that ... if they had ... the illegitimate bush and cheney would have been impeached long ago ... making things that are illegal ... legal ... would not be happening ... but it is ... it's clear that Pelosi and some of the other dim leadership are war criminals as well ...

Now get this straight ... I'm not disputing the civic lesson ... I'm saying the congress is the one in need of a refresher course ... big time ...

... and just a hypothetical question ... what if there is another "911" and the corporate media propaganda machine start their spin as they did last time ... and the illegitimate bush calls martial law and cancels the election ... again I know according to the law he can't ... but it has been clearly established that this regime and the congress disregards the law ... they will say it's to keep americans safe ... and protect the country ... now remember like before the propaganda machine is working overtime, to rally around the asswipe is the patriotic thang to do ... kiss-ass

To the ones that don't think it could happen ... just suppose it could ... what would you do? ... would you rally? ... what?

Oh yes and one other thing ... what about the bills that were pass which were sighted in the video ... that's not part of the civic lesson ... is it ... how do you respond to those new law ... and still say it can't happen?

Ok ... I just got through watching the second video ... I would like those that believe the elections could be canceled to tell us what they think of "Presidential Directive #51, Executive Orders #13301, #13315, #13350, #13364, #13422, #13438 ... and more" ... how do you respond to this?

Many a man has speculated on creating a coup over the USA. To date, only one has ever worked. Apparently, on 22 Nov 1962, forces staged a bloodless coup, with the assassination of JFK.

Oswald was not a lone gunman, he was a conspiring patsy.

I have no response to your final points. This thread is about the president staging a coup d'tat (sorry, I'm bad with french). I believe a coup could be possible under extrordinary circumstances. As I said before, clinton was not smart enough to pull it off. dubya is way too dumb, even with cheneys' help, to stage a coup. Both of these villians are highly motivated. But, it still has not happened and it WON'T happen.

Every military officer is sworn to serve and defend the Constitution. If the president makes a clearly unlawfaul order, it will not be followed. Pelosie, whom you despise, knows the inside workings of government, to deal with this possibility.

A real delima would be if the president-elect and the vice president-elect were to die before the Oath of Office were administered. Yet, it seems to me, Madam Speaker would assume the office at noon on the 20th of January. But, the US Secret Service has seen this coming for a long time, and made protections.

This idea of a coup, by bush, is overblown.
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Well-Known Member
well said my friend these guys say some of the most laughable redicules shit and then have the nerve to act like they are not the tarts:mrgreen:

like i said if dont like bush fine vote for the new president, when i fantasize i fantasize of what these lefto cooks would have said about hitler fdr and our fight wwII

back then the boys in uniform would have wore you guys out untill they turned you into good americans again

instead if the ignorent shells of bitterness and self hate that u are today.

wish i could send you guys to Iran to live for the rest of your lives. obviously america is not the place for you, and the american voters will never agree with you guys. "the obnoxious minority" i like to label u guys

god bless america, and the fight against its enemies foriegn or domestic.
I won't call you ignorant because the facts have been posted in this and other threads ... and since you agree with zen who has proven time and time again his stupidty ... it's obvious you are stupid too ...
... nothing on the signing statements or executive orders ... why ... because you are to stupid to check it out ...

instead of seeing the truth you'd rather be one of the right wing wack jobs that think america is for freedom and democracy ...
... you are the one fantasizing ... and are a minority ... kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Many a man has speculated on creating a coup over the USA. To date, only one has ever worked. Apparently, on 22 Nov 1962, forces staged a bloodless coup, with the assassination of JFK.

Oswald was not a lone gunman, he was a conspiring patsy.
You don't talk about the executive orders and signing statements I posted and why they are lawful parts of the checks and balances you talked about during your civic lesson ...
... med speaks of a gun ... I guess that's his way of saying he going to use it during the canceled election and martial law? What are you going to do? Give the government a civic lesson? Would they listen?

In light of these orders are you still saying it can't happen?:neutral:


Well-Known Member
Heres a question for you, who helped pass these bills? Do you know anything about your own government? The president can't think of something then instantly have it made a law, it has to be voted upon. By whom you ask? Congress. Liberals.

Learn your facts man, don't conform to everyone else. If you don't like Bush then get your own reasons why.
well i know he doesn't create these bills. but he's the one that signs them into law. he should be respectful enough to the American population not to sign bills that invade our privacy.

but that's just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I disagree. I have a bulgarian SKS with the forged reciever and outside of not having the full auto mode, it is every bit the gun the AK was/is. in fact those AKs with stamped recievers are a lot more likely to fail over the long haul. The quality of the AK/SKS is entirely relevant to where they were manufactured. I have put a few hundred rounds through my SKS and never had a misfire or a jam, and it is as accurate as it was on day 1.
i will give it to you that the bulgarian sks is a good gun....but the mass produced chinese sks that are out there and the bulgarian replicas....if im not mistaken the bulgarian sks has the same reciever as the ak...its the chinese sks that went south and changed the receiver....do the bulgarians have detachable magazine or fixed


Well-Known Member
`Conspiracy theories should have there own section marked, "why bother". This thread is certainly a plausible candidate