Bush on Georgian aid....yes!


New Member
By the way, couldn't we just reroute the the surge troops, which have been extremely successful, into Poland instead of Germany on their way home..a rotating force, not a fighting force, of course. Fuck the Ruskies and their ambitions. They need to be squelched.


Well-Known Member
How in the hell can we chastise Russia for invading Georgia for oil when we invaded Iraq for oil and are still there. Talk about hypocracy. We (The US government) are the most agregious and corrupt government on the planet. Bought and paid for by the rich and powerful and corporations that need our military to protect their interests. We have troops stationed in More than 150 countries. How many countries does Russia have troops in? I believe it's no more than three or four and they are satellite countries close to Russia. We (the US government) are the evil invaders. I wouldn't be surprised if the US invaded Venezuela in the near future. They are already trash talking Hugo Chavez. Wake up people, it's us that are the bad guys, we let these things be done in our names and do nothing about them.
The rogue USA gov't/corporation.

Yep, its almost like Nazi Germany here in the USA. Drink the fluoridated tap water people, drink up! :lol:

Read the latest? Now Russian generals are warning Poland that THEY'RE open to attack for making a missile defense deal with the U.S. They are positioning themselves, and because the timing is SO fucking perfect, we (the U.S.) WILL be caught with our pants down. Next in line, the draft, bought and paid for by the Saudis and Chinese. Mark my words.
Can you blame Russia? I don't blame them one bit. (Edit- BTW, Do you have a source saying "Now Russian generals are warning Poland that THEY'RE open to attack for making a missile defense deal with the U.S.". Are you saying the Saudis and Chinese have that much influence in our military? " Next in line, the draft, bought and paid for by the Saudis and Chinese"..??)

The USA has leaders that are warmongers because they own the military industrial complex- Haliburton. And who was the "former" CEO of Haliburton? Thats right, Dick Cheney, the same guy who shot his 50+ year old hunting buddy in the FACE.

I would be scared of the USA if I were other countries like Iran, Russia, China, etc. The USA is a VERY big country, and thats why the other counties have let things go far enough. I believe these older countries are going to unite against the USA and EU in WW3. You can thank Dick Cheney and G. W. Bush for starting the conflicts in the middle east. They called it "liberating" Iraq. I call it dropping bombs, killings, genocide, putting in a puppet gov't, and rebuilding the infrastructure ALL WITH THE USA TAX PAYERS DOLLARS. Thats a BIG part of the reason why the US dollar has devalued so much.

Since money is SO tight, more poor kids will enlist (if they are not drafted) into the military for jobs. These kids will then be used as pawns in a chess game of the "elites". The kids/soldiers know not what politics they are fighting for, and what their leaders esoteric agendas really are.

The REVOLUTION has begun!




New Member
Better to be bit by a baby snake than to wait until it is a full fledged killer. And the draft MIGHT be attempted with Obama as President.(I don't think it can be brought back, at this point, too many sissies, and mommas of sissies, to let that happen; think Sheehan.) But, who is going to re-enlist with that buffoon in office. At least McCain is credentialed.
You are reprehensible. Calling Cindy Sheehan a sissy, She made the ultimate sacrifice for her country, she gave her sons life and you call her a sissy. Shameful, but I would expect no less from you.


New Member
Cindy Sheehan is a cunt. She sacrificed only her son's memory. Her son died, and she disrespected him and his country. A cunt.


New Member
Cindy Sheehan is a cunt. She sacrificed only her son's memory. Her son died, and she disrespected him and his country. A cunt.
So, By saying Bush is a butcher she disrespected her son and her country. You are demented my friend, well actually I realize you are not my friend, in fact I doubt you have many "friends". Calling the mother of a fallen soldier a cunt is about the most disrespectful thing I've heard you come up with and there have been plenty. I am beginning to realize you are one crazy son-of-a-bitch.


New Member
No, I just canceled your reprieve. I couldn't alow you to roam free, unmolested by fact, forever. I'm gonna hound you, you toothless old mechanic, son of a mother beating father. That must be the source of your woes, no?


New Member
You're too stupid to be influencing young, naive ignorants. You are 70 years old, still haven't learned the workings of the world, and are therefore, in my mind, disqualified from rational debate. Come on and fight you grandfather of a few poor little American rats. Fucking cheese lovers I bet....


New Member
You're too stupid to be influencing young, naive ignorants. You are 70 years old, still haven't learned the workings of the world, and are therefore, in my mind, are disqualified from rational debate. Come on and fight you grandfather of a few poor little American rats. Fucking cheese lovers I bet....
Geeze, it must suck to be you!


New Member
How in the hell can we chastise Russia for invading Georgia for oil when we invaded Iraq for oil and are still there. Talk about hypocracy. We (The US government) are the most agregious and corrupt government on the planet. Bought and paid for by the rich and powerful and corporations that need our military to protect their interests. We have troops stationed in More than 150 countries. How many countries does Russia have troops in? I believe it's no more than three or four and they are satellite countries close to Russia. We (the US government) are the evil invaders. I wouldn't be surprised if the US invaded Venezuela in the near future. They are already trash talking Hugo Chavez. Wake up people, it's us that are the bad guys, we let these things be done in our names and do nothing about them.
Spoken like a true [SIZE=-1] Medvedevman. [/SIZE]


New Member
Read the latest? Now Russian generals are warning Poland that THEY'RE open to attack for making a missile defense deal with the U.S. They are positioning themselves, and because the timing is SO fucking perfect, we (the U.S.) WILL be caught with our pants down. Next in line, the draft, bought and paid for by the Saudis and Chinese. Mark my words.
you mean... like if russia put a missle base in cuba??