Bushcraft Adjacent

More tarp damage from winds. Need to get some rubber tie down straps so there will be some give. Nothing got wet through. When I get the time, I'm going to take down the so called stealth camp, and make a true stealth camp nearby. I will use most of the side tarps for the walls at the pond camp. Still not 100% that this is the right spot. Will do some scouting before I put too much work into it.

I did find a half assed after shot.

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I have only read half of this thread but I really like it. I sometimes watch bushcraft uploads on youtube. I've been buying some things here and there so I can do some bushcraft/backpacking of my own sometime. Got a pretty decent hatchet, some full-tang knives, paracord, among a few other things. When I'm finished with school and have some cash saved up I think I'd like to visit somewhere cooler and do a little backpacking, maybe pull some fish outta the water and whatnot. But, again, cool thread.
I have only read half of this thread but I really like it. I sometimes watch bushcraft uploads on youtube. I've been buying some things here and there so I can do some bushcraft/backpacking of my own sometime. Got a pretty decent hatchet, some full-tang knives, paracord, among a few other things. When I'm finished with school and have some cash saved up I think I'd like to visit somewhere cooler and do a little backpacking, maybe pull some fish outta the water and whatnot. But, again, cool thread.
Cool weather makes it better, that is for sure. I have a couple of machetes, but work with a saw most of the time. I'm bad to get real high in the woods, and have a close call with a machete. Time is the biggie for me. Not enough of it to work on the projects I want to do at my camp. Pre-hurricane I did a lot of work with cob. Mainly fire reflectors and rocket stoves. No time for anything right now.

If you haven't already, check out https://www.youtube.com/user/Reallybigmonkey1 He works in a machine shop, and makes a lot of his gear.
Late yesterday afternoon I was walking to the pond camp when it started raining. I was pretty close to the stealth camp, so I ran down there to wait it out. It turned into the best {or worst} storm I had seen in a while. The side tarps were popping so I had to hold my foot on them. I couldn't reach the back tarp, and it got hung up on the chair, and my pack got wet. I only lasted about 15 minutes, and two downed trees before I headed out to open ground. This camp is in blow downs, and they have been falling of late.

I was wearing my frogg toggs poncho, so got good and soaked from the knees down. It didn't last too much longer, but it was bad enough I felt I should go home and let my wife know I was alright.

On the plus side, I did catch 10 gallons of water in about 10 minutes.

Tuesday I got down to the river camp. The plan was to do some chainsaw work, then camp down there. I forgot a ground sheet and my air mattress, plus it rained pretty good close to dark. So I went by the house and dropped all my tools, and camped at the pond camp instead.

I decided on a camp spot, and did a little work on it. Rain was too persistent {and I was too high} for ladder climbing with a chainsaw, so I have a little more cutting to do before stretching a tarp.

I gave myself some trail magic yesterday. I like to keep drinking water at my rest stops on my hiking trails. I buy the 2 1/2 gallon kegs of water and refill them. I had to drop one of those off, so I took the opportunity to drop off a melon too. It was midnight before I got that way, but it was a nice little treat.

The sleeping bags I have been using for cushioning on the cot were getting wet with blowing rain. Also had a fair amount of stink from sweat. So I took the egg crate pad from the stealth camp. Took away the worse sleeping bad and added the egg crate. It was pretty comfortable, but will move around on you during the night.
I gave myself some trail magic yesterday. I like to keep drinking water at my rest stops on my hiking trails. I buy the 2 1/2 gallon kegs of water and refill them. I had to drop one of those off, so I took the opportunity to drop off a melon too. It was midnight before I got that way, but it was a nice little treat.

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Did I tell you we met Con Con?
Crossed paths with him on the trail.
Thanks for sending the video link.
Good thing I had my pruning saw with me. The top was too long to pull over the cord, and too tangled with other tops to push it back enough to clear the paracord. Even after I cut it, I still had to wrestle a 12 foot section off the cord and out of the camp.

My tarp is pretty much screwed. I can look back, but it's only maybe six months old. Too much sun I guess. I'll replace it with a smaller one for sure. 30 bucks is a lot for 6 months of shelter. I might spend some time looking for a more shaded location before I put up another one. {one without hanging tree tops hopefully}

My tarp is pretty much screwed. I can look back, but it's only maybe six months old. Too much sun I guess. I'll replace it with a smaller one for sure. 30 bucks is a lot for 6 months of shelter. I might spend some time looking for a more shaded location before I put up another one. {one without hanging tree tops hopefully}

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I was bitching about my tarp yesterday, and the wife said, "stfu. We just spent 30 bucks on lunch. Buy another damn tarp."

Good advice. Last night I could see the full moon through the tarp, so maybe it is time for a new one.
Camp, sweet Camp. I had to tighten up the east wing. Moved the cot and everything over a couple of three feet. Big storm yesterday and the cot was soaked. Some blow in but some leaking from along the ridgeline. Will be changing it out soon. {if it had been raining last night, I would have had to put up an 8x12 medium duty I have down there}
