Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

I'm pretty jealous of your time outdoors.... Maybe if i can retire some day
It helps that I work nights and weekends. For years I have camped every Sunday and Wednesday night. Christmas is my busy season, so I'm not able to stick to that schedule right now. After the New Year I will have more time.
I forgot my hiking stash, so I had to smoke out of the camp stash, which hasn't been updated in a while. I added a little of everything to one big joint. To the best of my memory, it had Ass Cheese f1, Ass Cheese f2, Gorille de Raisin {from the 16-17 spring crop}, Mystery Plant #2, Mystery Boggle and something I'm forgetting. Not the freshest tasting thing, but I got really, really high. {tossed the roach in the fire after the picture}
