Bushing out ur plant


Active Member
If u cut the 7nth node,(pair of leaves) that grows does your plant bush out?
Have only grown twice new to growing so if anyone knows some tips would be great.


Well-Known Member
You can also super crop. There is a very good reference to super cropping on RIU if you do a search. Basically, you just pinch the stem a few nodes down from the top in one direction, then in another crunching the stem and making it week so it will bend down but not break. I have tried both methods, the one that is shown very well above, or the super cropping. Supper cropping has definitely given many more tops, so many that I am wondering if I will get nice size buds off the plant or if it has been bushed out too much. nice way to keep your plant at the same height too.


Well-Known Member
Some good info in this thread about topping, fimming, supercropping and side lighting. All these methods will promote extra branching one way or another.

Topping and fimming are pretty stressful to the plant though, so should really be done in veg, with enough time to recover before flower. In my opinion, the earlier you top/fim, the better the result, with regards to bushiness.

Supercropping also needs some recovery time, but less so, and it has the advantage of not having to chop bits off your plant. I regularly supercrop my mother plants, and as a result i have like 10+ main growth tips at a time to choose from.

One technique that is missing from this thread is LST (ie:- tying the bitch down). This can be done temporarily, by tying the main growth tip below the others, giving them a chance to catch up, or on a permanent basis, with multiple ties to keep the plants short, with no one tip being more dominant than the others. LST gives some REALLY bushy plants when done properly (sort of like ScroG, but without the net). It is also less stressful to the plant than cutting or breaking branches.


I am currently tryin the LST method and I am 3 days into it and wow, I am impressed at the plants response. I would highly recommend it to any one who is considering cutting or pinching. my plant had a shock effect of ZERO:peace: