Bushmaster: A How to Guide

Someone sure got their panties in a twist LOL . Must really burn you that you WASTED $110 on something that cost me about others in the know maybe $10. Its actually amusing to watch you squirm and come up with all these completly crazy angles to try and prove yourself right and others wrong. Pathetic truly pathetic Benny boy. I guess you really hate being called on all YOUR bullshit ....

Lets see here,

usefull thread posted in here about a product many many growers use with LOTS of success. Been proven to work over and over.

UB chimes in with his usual BS about snake oil and posts a link about PGRs trying to put them in a negative light . Link happens to show what happens with MISAPPLICATION but hey its close enough right ?

Then we get posts from you with completely irrelevent BS about my outdoor grow and trying to say it was marginal. I respond with pictures proving anything but marginal.

Then we get to see some completly pathetic pic of and really airy poorly structured low quality bud of yours you grew in a 5 gal bucket and a dime of nutes that is supposed to somehow prove something. Didnt even need a response , the pic you posted proved yourself completly wrong that a 5 gal pot and a dime of nutes will get the same results. Clear case of pot calling the kettle black by trying to top me. Most laughable post I have seen in a very long time honestly. Sad really.

Then you suddenly post that you just ordered PACLOBUTRAZOL , known carcinogenic for a rocking good price of $110 and state you judge peoples intelligence by what they choose to spend their money on :facepalm: I reply how you can simply buy the pure PACLOBUTRAZOL in powder form andf make your own for pennies on the dollar for what you spent. Any reasonable person would know to shut their mouth at this point but you reply with a brilliant "bullshit" . One big fat LOL !!! If you think your wonder company or any for that matter discloses anything and everything they use then you are as niave as you are arrogant.

We do know they have kelp in their product. If it has Paclo in it it SHOULD have to state this but it doesnt so who knows. What matters and the only real thing of importance is that it works and it works very well. It isnt that expensive either. Last time I used it at 1/2 ml per gal and got same results. Little goes a long ways. Strains that stretch 2-3 times their height stop and stretch an inch or two at MOST.

Stop posting your useless BS trying to dis products and methods of growing. Your input in this thread has been more fail then I thought possible from even you. You are truly the most negative person on this forum I have ever seen. Every thread you are in you are trying to piss off someone. Arrogance is bliss eh Benny? Its old and very pathetic.
FYI, you must be a licensed Pesticide Applicator to even buy the stuff in the States. If not, you're breaking the law and the vendor is too for knowingly selling it to you without proof of that license.

Why must you be a licensed pesticide applicator to purchase it? Seems like pretty serious stuff...
Suggest you ask those that make the laws.

My link was a statement regarding "a fool and his money are soon departed" per my last post in that thread.

Yeah and the big "FOOL" was Benny Boy paying $110 for a bottle of a PGR you can buy for pennies on the dollar .. LOL ... Dude you fail, just plain fail at this forum. Give a guy a little knowledge and watch him run right off the cliff with it. Your like watching a trainwreck, a really bad one.
7 pages later, and you tools still haven't disclosed what the active ingredient is in Bushmaster and the %.

You guys would buy shit on a stick if someone TOLD YOU to buy it and TOLD YOU "it works".

active ingredient: 1.5% Ascophyllum Nodosum (sea kelp)
information concerning the content and levels of metals in this product is available on the internet at: www.aapfco.org/metals.htm
Ascophyllum Nodosum is harvested for use in alginates, fertilisers and for the manufacture of seaweed meal for animal and human consumption.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascophyllum_nodosum#cite_note-18 It has long been used as an organic and mainstream fertilizer for many varieties of crops due to its combination of both macronutrient, (eg. N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S) and micronutrients (eg. Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn, etc). It also host to cytokinins, auxin-like gibberellins, betaines, mannitol, organic acids, polysaccharides, amino acids, and proteins which are all very beneficial and widely used in agriculture

hope your happy UB
Okay, can we get back to talking about growing pot now?
This site is not for arguing and tearing down one another.
Smoke a joint and chill out.
Just add your two cents without stating it like your words are the words of God and we will all continue to take all of this info with a grain of salt and use our common sense.
We used to be monkeys, but we have evolved. :leaf:
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wow sat here and read 14 pages of bullshit ...just when i thought i was going to read some good stuff on BM ...I had to sit here and shake my head and say wow this is like middle school all over again fucking lame ....im not a good grower (only grown 4 times) but even i know when i see a shitty plant and bud wtf...for all u guys that ruined this thread
..i..go fuck urself..i..
7 pages later, and you tools still haven't disclosed what the active ingredient is in Bushmaster and the %.

You guys would buy shit on a stick if someone TOLD YOU to buy it and TOLD YOU "it works".


Little salty Benny Boy ? Just what do you think the purpose of this forum is exactly if not to share knowledge and use others experiences to help guide us ? I read thread after thread about Bushmaster stopping verticle growth and making plant bloom much faster. So I made an educated decision to try it for myself. Low and behold that is exactly what it did !! Great shit ! Wow imagine that ... You are so completely counter productive to this forum most of the time I dont get why you come in here anymore. All you do is try and discredit any and everyone that doesnt grow exactly like you. Really love how you contantly pop into threads , bash a guy for not knowing what he asks already and attatch a link to your god like thread he should have read before asking such a dumb question. Last week alone you have crapped on a Bushmaster thread, Grams per watt thread, and a leaf removal thread. I am sure there are PLENTY of others I dont know about too. Really stand up kind of guy. Like a school yard bully. Poor salty old Benny Boy..... Sad bro just sad. :sad:

PS I still find your picture of the super airy bud the funniest retort I have ever seen lol.....

its GLYCERINE PEOPLE!!! just taste the shit! its glycerine.:wall:

im not going to search and post "the effects of glycerine on plants" 'cause its midnight.


*edit* and some highgrade alcohol...methinks from seeing results on my plants.
just cause i spent the time reading this whole deal,

its like father and son debating over their penis'. ya both do got one... yes, maybe one is older, anda bit more wrinkly... but ya both get off donchya? put your dicks away and stop hating

this thread shows how we get caught up in hatin on each other. no one seems to know the power of silence. if you see something as childish... throw some wisdomatm. if they dont catch it. shut up! dont fuckin drill it into their eyeball. ignore a child who thinks their an adult... what else can ya do? fight em? then your the fool too :dunce:

if you cant let it go.... then maybe your just lonely and your ego needs this cyber connection where you prove to your'self' that you are of value. you get some human interaction... and you convince yourself bigger and better. then it was a good day, see ya tmrw for more for more convincing

lets evolve
Hi to everybody here! This is my very first post after months of reading and learning...so first off I have to say thanks to everybody and their experience. I myself spent nearly an hour going through 14 pages which started-off interesting and hopeful but basically degenerated from page 2.5 onwards.

I'm growing in soil and would really appreciate some tips/advice on how, when, how much BM to use. I'm set-up and ready to growing (from seed) some Amnesia Haze (Soma), SSH (Mr. Nice), C99 (Joey Weed). Thanks in advance
Last year I posted…I feel like I have to tell you guys this stuff because many of you are unaware of the fact that Bushmaster is not what it sounds like and you may want to rethink using it, especially if you are producing Medical Marijuana for others....The guys selling Bush Master are calling it Sea Kelp on the ingredients label. That sounds all organic and safe but it's not! The label should read PACLOBUTRAZOL, because that's what it is. Paclobutrazol is a plant growth regulator that has been on the market for years under the trade name Bonzai. Paclobutrazol diminishes plant growth through inhibition of gibberellin. However, Paclobutrazol is not intended to be used on food products. All those PGRs have been pulled from labeling for food products. The reason that Paclobutrazol and other Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) are used for ornamentals only and not on Food Crops is because they are carcinogenic. THAT'S RIGHT THEY HAVE BEEN LINKED TO CANCER! This product being sold all over California and the country is being used on weed and then sold as Medicine. The problem is it has been linked to human health problems. I hope when the word gets out people will stop using it but I know some will not. It needs pulled from the market place. After all if the type of medicine produced in this new fledgling industry is more dangerous than the problems it's recommended for we start sounding like the other pharmaceutical industries in this country, put profits ahead of everything including human life! Now I wanted to revisit this topic regarding Bushmaster. I think it is only a matter of time until it is pulled from the market because it is PACLOBUTRAZOL. I know it says seaweed (Ascophyllum Nodosum) on the label but it is more than that! If you want an illustration of how these guys keep you in the dark how about Phosphoload? It is another product that is sounds all organic with thier rap... Dutch Master PhosphoLoad utilizes a new technology which extracts unique isolates from coal derived humates. These are powerful earth elements that unlock the floodgates for a fast & amp powerful flowering response. However these are the facts, Phosphoload is PACLOBUTRAZOL and has been pulled from the market because it can not get label registration anymore. PACLOBUTRAZOL is a suspected carcinogen and is not to be used on food products. Bushmaster is the same crap. I know you guys successfully using this stuff do not want to hear it but these are the facts. I am an authorized distributor for SunLight Supply and I know what I am talking about. Bush Master and Gravity have paclobutrazol. California Department of Pesticide Registration evaluation of paclobutrazol concluded that paclobutrazol causes adverse effects on liver function and developmental effects in rodents. DPR has further concluded that, in the absence of additional data to the contrary, paclobutrazol has the potential to cause similar effects in humans. Phosphoload and Flower Dragon have daminozide, a material that EPA has found to be carcinogenic and can cause death by taking large amounts orally, or through skin contact. The concentrations of daminozide in these products are high, as much as 3x the lethal dose for lab rats. In addition, these materials are hormones. No one has ever evaluated the long term effects of ingesting these hormones through smoke, ingestion in food, through nebulizers, or other means. The problem isn’t the pot. The problem is people who will do anything for profit. http://www.viceland.com/blogs/en/2011/03/25/weed-dealings-keep-your-paclobutrazol-off-my-nugs/