Bush's America ...


New Member
by Ann Coulter
June 11, 2008

In a conversation recently, I mentioned as an aside what a great president George Bush has been and my friend was surprised. I was surprised that he was surprised.

I generally don't write columns about the manifestly obvious, but, yes, the man responsible for keeping Americans safe from another terrorist attack on American soil for nearly seven years now will go down in history as one of America's greatest presidents.

Produce one person who believed, on Sept. 12, 2001, that there would not be another attack for seven years, and I'll consider downgrading Bush from "Great" to "Really Good."

Merely taking out Saddam Hussein and his winsome sons Uday and Qusay (Hussein family slogan: "We're the Rape Room People!") constitutes a greater humanitarian accomplishment than anything Bill Clinton ever did -- and I'm including remembering Monica's name on the sixth sexual encounter.

But unlike liberals, who are so anxious to send American troops to Rwanda or Darfur, Republicans oppose deploying U.S. troops for purely humanitarian purposes. We invaded Iraq to protect America.

It is unquestionable that Bush has made this country safe by keeping Islamic lunatics pinned down fighting our troops in Iraq. In the past few years, our brave troops have killed more than 20,000 al-Qaida and other Islamic militants in Iraq alone. That's 20,000 terrorists who will never board a plane headed for JFK -- or a landmark building, for that matter.

We are, in fact, fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them at, say, the corner of 72nd and Columbus in Manhattan -- the mere mention of which never fails to enrage liberals, which is why you should say it as often as possible.

The Iraq war has been a stunning success. The Iraqi army is "standing up" (as they say), fat Muqtada al-Sadr --the Dr. Phil of Islamofascist radicalism -- has waddled off in retreat to Iran, and Sadr City and Basra are no longer war zones. Our servicemen must be baffled by the constant nay-saying coming from their own country.

The Iraqis have a democracy -- a miracle on the order of flush toilets in that godforsaken region of the world. Despite its newness, Iraq's democracy appears to be no more dysfunctional than one that would condemn a man who has kept the nation safe for seven years while deifying a man who has accomplished absolutely nothing in his entire life except to give speeches about "change."

(Guess what Bill Clinton's campaign theme was in 1992? You are wrong if you guessed: "bringing dignity back to the White House." It was "change." In January 1992, James Carville told Steve Daley of The Chicago Tribune that it had gotten to the point that the press was complaining about Clinton's "constant talk of change.")

Monthly casualties in Iraq now come in slightly lower than a weekend with Anna Nicole Smith. According to a CNN report last week, for the entire month of May, there were only 19 troop deaths in Iraq. (Last year, five people on average were shot every day in Chicago.) With Iraqi deaths at an all-time low, Iraq is safer than Detroit -- although the Middle Eastern food is still better in Detroit.

Al-Qaida is virtually destroyed, surprising even the CIA. Two weeks ago, The Washington Post reported: "Less than a year after his agency warned of new threats from a resurgent al-Qaida, CIA Director Michael V. Hayden now portrays the terrorist movement as essentially defeated in Iraq and Saudi Arabia and on the defensive throughout much of the rest of the world, including in its presumed haven along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border."

It's almost as if there's been some sort of "surge" going on, as strange as that sounds.

Just this week, The New York Times reported that al-Qaida and other terrorist groups in Southeast Asia have all but disappeared, starved of money and support. The U.S. and Australia have been working closely with the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, sending them counterterrorism equipment and personnel.

But no one notices when 9/11 doesn't happen. Indeed, if we had somehow stopped the 9/11 attack, we'd all be watching Mohammed Atta being interviewed on MSNBC, explaining his lawsuit against the Bush administration. Maureen Dowd would be writing columns describing Khalid Sheik Mohammed as a "wannabe" terrorist being treated like Genghis Khan by an excitable Bush administration.

We begin to forget what it was like to turn on the TV, see a tornado, a car chase or another Pamela Anderson marriage and think: Good -- another day without a terrorist attack.

But liberals have only blind hatred for Bush -- and for those brute American interrogators who do not supply extra helpings of béarnaise sauce to the little darlings at Guantanamo with sufficient alacrity.

The sheer repetition of lies about Bush is wearing people down. There is not a liberal in this country worthy of kissing Bush's rear end, but the weakest members of the herd run from Bush. Compared to the lickspittles denying and attacking him, Bush is a moral giant -- if that's not damning with faint praise. John McCain should be so lucky as to be running for Bush's third term. Then he might have a chance.



Active Member
Thanks, this article was quite interesting and excellent! I'm sick of how knee-jerk anti-American so many can be here in Aus.,
One question, do you know what Anne meant when she wrote about:
72nd and Columbus in Manhattan
Is this where the Trade Towers were?
cheers ,

by Ann Coulter
June 11, 2008

In a conversation recently, I mentioned as an aside what a great president George Bush has been and my friend was surprised. I was surprised that he was surprised.

I generally don't write columns about the manifestly obvious, but, yes, the man responsible for keeping Americans safe from another terrorist attack on American soil for nearly seven years now will go down in history as one of America's greatest presidents.

Produce one person who believed, on Sept. 12, 2001, that there would not be another attack for seven years, and I'll consider downgrading Bush from "Great" to "Really Good."

Merely taking out Saddam Hussein and his winsome sons Uday and Qusay (Hussein family slogan: "We're the Rape Room People!") constitutes a greater humanitarian accomplishment than anything Bill Clinton ever did -- and I'm including remembering Monica's name on the sixth sexual encounter.

But unlike liberals, who are so anxious to send American troops to Rwanda or Darfur, Republicans oppose deploying U.S. troops for purely humanitarian purposes. We invaded Iraq to protect America.

It is unquestionable that Bush has made this country safe by keeping Islamic lunatics pinned down fighting our troops in Iraq. In the past few years, our brave troops have killed more than 20,000 al-Qaida and other Islamic militants in Iraq alone. That's 20,000 terrorists who will never board a plane headed for JFK -- or a landmark building, for that matter.

We are, in fact, fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them at, say, the corner of 72nd and Columbus in Manhattan -- the mere mention of which never fails to enrage liberals, which is why you should say it as often as possible.

The Iraq war has been a stunning success. The Iraqi army is "standing up" (as they say), fat Muqtada al-Sadr --the Dr. Phil of Islamofascist radicalism -- has waddled off in retreat to Iran, and Sadr City and Basra are no longer war zones. Our servicemen must be baffled by the constant nay-saying coming from their own country.

The Iraqis have a democracy -- a miracle on the order of flush toilets in that godforsaken region of the world. Despite its newness, Iraq's democracy appears to be no more dysfunctional than one that would condemn a man who has kept the nation safe for seven years while deifying a man who has accomplished absolutely nothing in his entire life except to give speeches about "change."

(Guess what Bill Clinton's campaign theme was in 1992? You are wrong if you guessed: "bringing dignity back to the White House." It was "change." In January 1992, James Carville told Steve Daley of The Chicago Tribune that it had gotten to the point that the press was complaining about Clinton's "constant talk of change.")

Monthly casualties in Iraq now come in slightly lower than a weekend with Anna Nicole Smith. According to a CNN report last week, for the entire month of May, there were only 19 troop deaths in Iraq. (Last year, five people on average were shot every day in Chicago.) With Iraqi deaths at an all-time low, Iraq is safer than Detroit -- although the Middle Eastern food is still better in Detroit.

Al-Qaida is virtually destroyed, surprising even the CIA. Two weeks ago, The Washington Post reported: "Less than a year after his agency warned of new threats from a resurgent al-Qaida, CIA Director Michael V. Hayden now portrays the terrorist movement as essentially defeated in Iraq and Saudi Arabia and on the defensive throughout much of the rest of the world, including in its presumed haven along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border."

It's almost as if there's been some sort of "surge" going on, as strange as that sounds.

Just this week, The New York Times reported that al-Qaida and other terrorist groups in Southeast Asia have all but disappeared, starved of money and support. The U.S. and Australia have been working closely with the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, sending them counterterrorism equipment and personnel.

But no one notices when 9/11 doesn't happen. Indeed, if we had somehow stopped the 9/11 attack, we'd all be watching Mohammed Atta being interviewed on MSNBC, explaining his lawsuit against the Bush administration. Maureen Dowd would be writing columns describing Khalid Sheik Mohammed as a "wannabe" terrorist being treated like Genghis Khan by an excitable Bush administration.

We begin to forget what it was like to turn on the TV, see a tornado, a car chase or another Pamela Anderson marriage and think: Good -- another day without a terrorist attack.

But liberals have only blind hatred for Bush -- and for those brute American interrogators who do not supply extra helpings of béarnaise sauce to the little darlings at Guantanamo with sufficient alacrity.

The sheer repetition of lies about Bush is wearing people down. There is not a liberal in this country worthy of kissing Bush's rear end, but the weakest members of the herd run from Bush. Compared to the lickspittles denying and attacking him, Bush is a moral giant -- if that's not damning with faint praise. John McCain should be so lucky as to be running for Bush's third term. Then he might have a chance.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the trade off for flushable toilets and a U.S freindly Iraqi government was worth the hundreds of thousands of lives that it cost Iraqis and U.S. combined, not to mention the trillion plus dollars it cost us.

I wonder which country we will make to our liking next, maybe austrailia.


Well-Known Member
by Ann Coulter
June 11, 2008

In a conversation recently, I mentioned as an aside what a great president George Bush has been and my friend was surprised. I was surprised that he was surprised.

I generally don't write columns about the manifestly obvious, but, yes, the man responsible for keeping Americans safe from another terrorist attack on American soil for nearly seven years now will go down in history as one of America's greatest presidents.

Produce one person who believed, on Sept. 12, 2001, that there would not be another attack for seven years, and I'll consider downgrading Bush from "Great" to "Really Good."

Merely taking out Saddam Hussein and his winsome sons Uday and Qusay (Hussein family slogan: "We're the Rape Room People!") constitutes a greater humanitarian accomplishment than anything Bill Clinton ever did -- and I'm including remembering Monica's name on the sixth sexual encounter.

But unlike liberals, who are so anxious to send American troops to Rwanda or Darfur, Republicans oppose deploying U.S. troops for purely humanitarian purposes. We invaded Iraq to protect America.

It is unquestionable that Bush has made this country safe by keeping Islamic lunatics pinned down fighting our troops in Iraq. In the past few years, our brave troops have killed more than 20,000 al-Qaida and other Islamic militants in Iraq alone. That's 20,000 terrorists who will never board a plane headed for JFK -- or a landmark building, for that matter.

We are, in fact, fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them at, say, the corner of 72nd and Columbus in Manhattan -- the mere mention of which never fails to enrage liberals, which is why you should say it as often as possible.

The Iraq war has been a stunning success. The Iraqi army is "standing up" (as they say), fat Muqtada al-Sadr --the Dr. Phil of Islamofascist radicalism -- has waddled off in retreat to Iran, and Sadr City and Basra are no longer war zones. Our servicemen must be baffled by the constant nay-saying coming from their own country.

The Iraqis have a democracy -- a miracle on the order of flush toilets in that godforsaken region of the world. Despite its newness, Iraq's democracy appears to be no more dysfunctional than one that would condemn a man who has kept the nation safe for seven years while deifying a man who has accomplished absolutely nothing in his entire life except to give speeches about "change."

(Guess what Bill Clinton's campaign theme was in 1992? You are wrong if you guessed: "bringing dignity back to the White House." It was "change." In January 1992, James Carville told Steve Daley of The Chicago Tribune that it had gotten to the point that the press was complaining about Clinton's "constant talk of change.")

Monthly casualties in Iraq now come in slightly lower than a weekend with Anna Nicole Smith. According to a CNN report last week, for the entire month of May, there were only 19 troop deaths in Iraq. (Last year, five people on average were shot every day in Chicago.) With Iraqi deaths at an all-time low, Iraq is safer than Detroit -- although the Middle Eastern food is still better in Detroit.

Al-Qaida is virtually destroyed, surprising even the CIA. Two weeks ago, The Washington Post reported: "Less than a year after his agency warned of new threats from a resurgent al-Qaida, CIA Director Michael V. Hayden now portrays the terrorist movement as essentially defeated in Iraq and Saudi Arabia and on the defensive throughout much of the rest of the world, including in its presumed haven along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border."

It's almost as if there's been some sort of "surge" going on, as strange as that sounds.

Just this week, The New York Times reported that al-Qaida and other terrorist groups in Southeast Asia have all but disappeared, starved of money and support. The U.S. and Australia have been working closely with the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, sending them counterterrorism equipment and personnel.

But no one notices when 9/11 doesn't happen. Indeed, if we had somehow stopped the 9/11 attack, we'd all be watching Mohammed Atta being interviewed on MSNBC, explaining his lawsuit against the Bush administration. Maureen Dowd would be writing columns describing Khalid Sheik Mohammed as a "wannabe" terrorist being treated like Genghis Khan by an excitable Bush administration.

We begin to forget what it was like to turn on the TV, see a tornado, a car chase or another Pamela Anderson marriage and think: Good -- another day without a terrorist attack.

But liberals have only blind hatred for Bush -- and for those brute American interrogators who do not supply extra helpings of béarnaise sauce to the little darlings at Guantanamo with sufficient alacrity.

The sheer repetition of lies about Bush is wearing people down. There is not a liberal in this country worthy of kissing Bush's rear end, but the weakest members of the herd run from Bush. Compared to the lickspittles denying and attacking him, Bush is a moral giant -- if that's not damning with faint praise. John McCain should be so lucky as to be running for Bush's third term. Then he might have a chance.

i'm a vet so, i'm a give you some facts. there was no doubt in a lot of our minds that bush was going back to iraq to finish his daddy's business before he even came into office. we all knew it was about the oil. what happened to $20 a barrel oil? what happened to iraq's repaying us for liberating them with their oil? the shit, is crazy when you think about your brothers in arms being killed for monetary gain. also, we were attacked on bush's watch, he better make sure it doesn't happen again. i'm not affiliated with any political party but, i understand warfare. yes, it was right to wage war on terrorism but, not in iraq. the type of warfare that the u.s. should have initiated is a modern cold war with intensive espionage efforts. by giving an organization such as al-qaida a front line it stretches out are intelligence capabilities and allows our enemy to adapt to our tactics. the art of war is knowing your enemy, in this case enemies. leaving saddam in power would of kept iran in check, all the while the u.n. sanctions kept iraq in check. we monitored the no fly zones regularly and we were more than strategically capable of handling any problem that iraq may have caused militarily. the fact of the matter is our government over reacted to 9/11 and now our economy is seeing the of ramifications of such i.e., oil prices, weak dollar, highest deficit ever. now, here's some news to everyone 9/11 happened on Bush's watch and we now know that he was given intelligence of such of a planned attack.


Well-Known Member
i'm a vet so, i'm a give you some facts. there was no doubt in a lot of our minds that bush was going back to iraq to finish his daddy's business before he even came into office. we all knew it was about the oil. what happened to $20 a barrel oil? what happened to iraq's repaying us for liberating them with their oil? the shit, is crazy when you think about your brothers in arms being killed for monetary gain. also, we were attacked on bush's watch, he better make sure it doesn't happen again. i'm not affiliated with any political party but, i understand warfare. yes, it was right to wage war on terrorism but, not in iraq. the type of warfare that the u.s. should have initiated is a modern cold war with intensive espionage efforts. by giving an organization such as al-qaida a front line it stretches out are intelligence capabilities and allows our enemy to adapt to our tactics. the art of war is knowing your enemy, in this case enemies. leaving saddam in power would of kept iran in check, all the while the u.n. sanctions kept iraq in check. we monitored the no fly zones regularly and we were more than strategically capable of handling any problem that iraq may have caused militarily. the fact of the matter is our government over reacted to 9/11 and now our economy is seeing the of ramifications of such i.e., oil prices, weak dollar, highest deficit ever. now, here's some news to everyone 9/11 happened on Bush's watch and we now know that he was given intelligence of such of a planned attack.
Interesting, could you provide us evidence that we are there for oil and that the U.S. has taken any? Thanks.

Iraq is safer than Detroit
That is a damn good quote.


New Member
"here's some news to everyone 9/11 happened on Bush's watch and we now know that he was given intelligence of such of a planned attack."

How long was Bush in office prior to the attack? Does Bill Clinton have any responsibility for this in your mind?



Well-Known Member
Interesting, could you provide us evidence that we are there for oil and that the U.S. has taken any? Thanks.

Iraq is safer than Detroit
That is a damn good quote.

let's not kid ourselves here. during the build up to the war there was an enormous amount of debate as to how to finance the removal of saddam. estimates of the finances for such of a war were staggering at the time but, advocates for the war in congress suggested that the iraqi government would have to repay our military for our efforts, oil being iraq's number one export how else would they repay our government. furthermore, the first military operations in iraq were mission to secure the oil reserves, in other words securing our investments. let's not be naive here. after 9/11 the game definitely changed, fuck yeah we were supposed to go to war, but like i stated in my previous post it was the wrong type of war to initiate. thirdly, it was the wrong call because, of false intelligence and we now know that president bush also had intelligence conflicting that of the wmd reports by that lying iraqi defector who said he was a scientist at one of these chemical plants where weapons were being made. when in actuality he was just a janitor or something like that. it's cool to blow up shit and flex are military muscle but, to whom much is given much is expected. our commander in chief lacked poise in a pivotal point in the history of the u.s. let alone improper planning for a war. i must stress the fact that proper planning prevents poor performance. i don't think that anyone can argue that this war has been improperly planned i.e. exit strategy, lack of troops, underestimation of our enemy, oil smuggling, civilian casualties. 80% of america now believes, bush is a fuck up. in this technological day and age it would be impossible for bush to be remembered as a good president, with the internet and historical fact keeping technology it's a shame that americans in a future far away from now will know the truth of our current predicament. it's funny to say that america is now safer when the organization that has attacked our country has been strengthened in every aspect since the war in iraq. just yesterday, it was reported that a tip lead to a safe house in baghdad being raided which lead to the normal cache of weapons but, the most interesting items that were found were documents of top secret information regarding bunker specifications and detailed blueprints of u.s. bases in iraq. these bases are u.s. only personnel. the fact of the matter is this war has not made us safer and it has compromised our depth, which has made us vulnerable to infiltration. if you have studied how al-qaida operates you would understand that they're extremely calculated and have no set time table for attacking a proposed target, i'd also like to add that there might not have been a specific attack on u.s. soil but, if you remember there have been attacks on our embassy's, and allies(spain, london). i want to make sure that my point isn't misconstrued, war was necessary just not a on the ground war against iraq. the war that should of been waged, should have been a direct engagement of al-qaida. i believe that things started in this manner during the search for osama but, our government became distracted because, of bush's ties to oil and the potential of $20 a barrel oil. iraq is safer than detroit, absolutely hilarious. i bet you wouldn't go live in iraq. plus, detroit is in the u.s. where no attacks have occurred since 9/11 but, you already knew that.


Well-Known Member
let's not kid ourselves here. during the build up to the war there was an enormous amount of debate as to how to finance the removal of saddam. estimates of the finances for such of a war were staggering at the time but, advocates for the war in congress suggested that the iraqi government would have to repay our military for our efforts, oil being iraq's number one export how else would they repay our government. furthermore, the first military operations in iraq were mission to secure the oil reserves, in other words securing our investments. let's not be naive here. after 9/11 the game definitely changed, fuck yeah we were supposed to go to war, but like i stated in my previous post it was the wrong type of war to initiate. thirdly, it was the wrong call because, of false intelligence and we now know that president bush also had intelligence conflicting that of the wmd reports by that lying iraqi defector who said he was a scientist at one of these chemical plants where weapons were being made. when in actuality he was just a janitor or something like that. it's cool to blow up shit and flex are military muscle but, to whom much is given much is expected. our commander in chief lacked poise in a pivotal point in the history of the u.s. let alone improper planning for a war. i must stress the fact that proper planning prevents poor performance. i don't think that anyone can argue that this war has been improperly planned i.e. exit strategy, lack of troops, underestimation of our enemy, oil smuggling, civilian casualties. 80% of america now believes, bush is a fuck up. in this technological day and age it would be impossible for bush to be remembered as a good president, with the internet and historical fact keeping technology it's a shame that americans in a future far away from now will know the truth of our current predicament. it's funny to say that america is now safer when the organization that has attacked our country has been strengthened in every aspect since the war in iraq. just yesterday, it was reported that a tip lead to a safe house in baghdad being raided which lead to the normal cache of weapons but, the most interesting items that were found were documents of top secret information regarding bunker specifications and detailed blueprints of u.s. bases in iraq. these bases are u.s. only personnel. the fact of the matter is this war has not made us safer and it has compromised our depth, which has made us vulnerable to infiltration. if you have studied how al-qaida operates you would understand that they're extremely calculated and have no set time table for attacking a proposed target, i'd also like to add that there might not have been a specific attack on u.s. soil but, if you remember there have been attacks on our embassy's, and allies(spain, london). i want to make sure that my point isn't misconstrued, war was necessary just not a on the ground war against iraq. the war that should of been waged, should have been a direct engagement of al-qaida. i believe that things started in this manner during the search for osama but, our government became distracted because, of bush's ties to oil and the potential of $20 a barrel oil. iraq is safer than detroit, absolutely hilarious. i bet you wouldn't go live in iraq. plus, detroit is in the u.s. where no attacks have occurred since 9/11 but, you already knew that.
I never heard of such an agreement that Iraq has to repay the U.S. in oil. The only thing that vaguely relates to that claim is we want Iraq to help pay for the reconstruction of their infrastructure, however there is no mention of them "paying" us back for the war.

We secured the oil reserves first cause you know why? Last time Saddam set fire to them all which is devastating to both Iraq's economy and ecology.

I honestly don't believe that Bush received false intelligence, what I do believe however is that Saddam buried his shit and moved whatever he couldn't do Syria. Hell we gave him 6 months warning.

The war in Iraq had nothing to do with Afganistan, it was an entire different conditions that advocated our armed response, oil not one of them. I beg for anyone to show me that we have been taking oil from Iraq and that is the only reason we are there, I have yet to see any evidence other than speculation.


Well-Known Member
"here's some news to everyone 9/11 happened on Bush's watch and we now know that he was given intelligence of such of a planned attack."

How long was Bush in office prior to the attack? Does Bill Clinton have any responsibility for this in your mind?

9 months, would you live in a dirty house for 9 months or would you try and clean it up. clinton's responsibility is irrelevant. as commander in chief i expect you to make sure our security is a top priority. politics is a dirty game and fueled by tons of propaganda. the question i pose to you is do believe everything you see on fox news or do make an honest unbiased decision about what you see and hear? it's easy to through the blame but, it takes a man to stand up and say yes, i failed but, i will correct the problems. furthermore, we live in america the land of the free and the home of the brave with justice and equality for all, at least for the most part. in my opinion being far to the right is the same as being far to the left, of course not when it comes to the issues, but in being divisive and accomplishing little when it comes to the welfare of our society. shit, is really fucked up right now and it started when the invasion began and has gone down hill since. let's be realistic.


Well-Known Member
I never heard of such an agreement that Iraq has to repay the U.S. in oil. The only thing that vaguely relates to that claim is we want Iraq to help pay for the reconstruction of their infrastructure, however there is no mention of them "paying" us back for the war.

We secured the oil reserves first cause you know why? Last time Saddam set fire to them all which is devastating to both Iraq's economy and ecology.

I honestly don't believe that Bush received false intelligence, what I do believe however is that Saddam buried his shit and moved whatever he couldn't do Syria. Hell we gave him 6 months warning.

The war in Iraq had nothing to do with Afganistan, it was an entire different conditions that advocated our armed response, oil not one of them. I beg for anyone to show me that we have been taking oil from Iraq and that is the only reason we are there, I have yet to see any evidence other than speculation.
agreement no, what i said is that congressmen who advocated for the war made a case on how the war is going to be funded with assertions that oil would become $20 a barrel, also there were congressman who suggested that a new iraq without saddam would repay us for our efforts and liberation "monetarily," the main source of iraq's wealth coming from oil exports. bush did receive false intelligence this is fact and has been reported on extensively. all intelligence agency even the white house have acknowledged this. it's cool that you seem to have missed some of these reports but, i will find these articles and try and post the links if not i'll cut and paste them. yes, you are correct that we haven't strong armed their oil but, that's not what i said, either. the situation, is still very, very, unstable in iraq but, that's not how the u.s. operates either. we just don't invade a country and commandeer what we want, that's not how we operate. make no mistake about it, this current administration went into iraq with a plan of crushing the opposition in a small amount of time and i'd bet my life that those who advocated for the oil war in the administration thought that iraq would be a stable enough of a country were we could back door the saudi's and have our own leverage in the worldwide oil trade. what bush did makes since to me he just fucked up more and more as things went along. shit, mission accomplished was almost 2,000 days ago. the is no doubt we all have been misled by this administration look at how many have resigned it's clear to see a lot of funny business has been going own for a while. i believe the term is whenever you see smoke the is fire.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the trade off for flushable toilets and a U.S freindly Iraqi government was worth the hundreds of thousands of lives that it cost Iraqis and U.S. combined, not to mention the trillion plus dollars it cost us.

I wonder which country we will make to our liking next, maybe austrailia.

How much was your freedom worth smirgen?

start counting the dead men who died and paid for yours


and dont put words in the Iraqis mouths everyone has to die and fight for thier freedoms including them and im sure they are proud for thier fallen heros.

thank god the people who died for our freedoms already accomplished it cuz if we had to do again today im not sure this generation could make it happen lets be honest they would be too busy hating thier own country to even realize what was happening



Well-Known Member
i'm a vet so, i'm a give you some facts. there was no doubt in a lot of our minds that bush was going back to iraq to finish his daddy's business before he even came into office. we all knew it was about the oil. what happened to $20 a barrel oil? what happened to iraq's repaying us for liberating them with their oil? the shit, is crazy when you think about your brothers in arms being killed for monetary gain. also, we were attacked on bush's watch, he better make sure it doesn't happen again. i'm not affiliated with any political party but, i understand warfare. yes, it was right to wage war on terrorism but, not in iraq. the type of warfare that the u.s. should have initiated is a modern cold war with intensive espionage efforts. by giving an organization such as al-qaida a front line it stretches out are intelligence capabilities and allows our enemy to adapt to our tactics. the art of war is knowing your enemy, in this case enemies. leaving saddam in power would of kept iran in check, all the while the u.n. sanctions kept iraq in check. we monitored the no fly zones regularly and we were more than strategically capable of handling any problem that iraq may have caused militarily. the fact of the matter is our government over reacted to 9/11 and now our economy is seeing the of ramifications of such i.e., oil prices, weak dollar, highest deficit ever. now, here's some news to everyone 9/11 happened on Bush's watch and we now know that he was given intelligence of such of a planned attack.
so basically your plan would have been to keep poking the tiger cub with the no fly zones untill he grows up and and becomes a huge beast, then what per say would happen if this now fully grown beast lent his teeth to a messenger with no return address, and there was nucleur fall out in your nations capitol? pls explain, explain to me why you would even think of putting your country in that kind of jepordy?

now bring iran into the picture, who everyday says publicly to the world "hey guys were are trying to build a nuke, we are going to destroy isreal." "hey everyone"

what would you do if every day I was grinding out parts in my garage telling you im building an uzi, saying that im going to kill your family with it once its built

i guess you would just pace around my house pokin me with a stick until my gun was ready go

then what would you do? ill tell you what you would do you would get shot. just like i told you i was gonna do when you had the power to stop me.

just like hitler, do you think they would have let hitler make a nuke if he had just waited for that to be done before he started WWII. I garantee the fools would have let that fucker get a nuke, and then what would have been?

unfortunatly this is the world today. we are not playing with tanks and planes anymore partner we are playing with world destroying buttons

truly a whole new ball game. thats for noticing bush
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Well-Known Member
CIA cited for 'series of failures' on Iraq - Conflict in Iraq - MSNBC.com
Report joins 10 others on intelligence failures - Security - MSNBC.com
A Spy Speaks Out , Former Top CIA Official On "Faulty" Intelligence Claims - CBS News
Curveball: The Iraqi Defector the Bush Team Used to Sell the War | War on Iraq | AlterNet

here's your proof. even bush said he had false intelligence, hilarious. oh, yes the iraqi defector who tricked bush into going into war, codename was curveball. but, heres your proof. you know what's funny, when i tried to search for any false intelligence reports on foxnews.com, nothing. the website just directed me to a john mccain press release. fair and balanced, what a bunch of bullshit. what the fuck is there agenda? journalism is getting way out of control, what happened to just reporting the facts? now you have to look at news objectively because, the media tries to force and sculpt a divisive and harmful ideology on us, this needs to stop. it's a shame that so many people have so many misconceptions about this war and various other topics reported in the liberal and conservative media outlets. i'm not affiliated with any political party, i just tend to see the facts and reality of life.


Well-Known Member
CIA cited for 'series of failures' on Iraq - Conflict in Iraq - MSNBC.com
Report joins 10 others on intelligence failures - Security - MSNBC.com
A Spy Speaks Out , Former Top CIA Official On "Faulty" Intelligence Claims - CBS News
Curveball: The Iraqi Defector the Bush Team Used to Sell the War | War on Iraq | AlterNet

here's your proof. even bush said he had false intelligence, hilarious. oh, yes the iraqi defector who tricked bush into going into war, codename was curveball. but, heres your proof. you know what's funny, when i tried to search for any false intelligence reports on foxnews.com, nothing. the website just directed me to a john mccain press release. fair and balanced, what a bunch of bullshit. what the fuck is there agenda? journalism is getting way out of control, what happened to just reporting the facts? now you have to look at news objectively because, the media tries to force and sculpt a divisive and harmful ideology on us, this needs to stop. it's a shame that so many people have so many misconceptions about this war and various other topics reported in the liberal and conservative media outlets. i'm not affiliated with any political party, i just tend to see the facts and reality of life.
Since bureaucracy hindered immediate invasion of Iraq, Saddam had a 6 month warning we were coming, that gave him ample time to hide the evidence. What he couldn't bury he moved to Syria, we have proof of this, we cannot investigate in Syria due to diplomatic stress. So, now that we finally invaded Iraq, there are no more WMDs. Bush got heat from the liberals so he had to get a scapegoat, no, the man is not perfect. He blamed CIA intelligence for false information but what is boggling is that the intelligence agencies from a dozen countries all believed Saddam had WMDs. This is not a global coincidence, the son of a bitch had been working on them.


Well-Known Member
so basically your plan would have been to keep poking the tiger cub with the no fly zones untill he grows up and and becomes a huge beast, then what per say would happen if this now fully grown beast lent his teeth to a messenger with no return address, and there was nucleur fall out in your nations capitol? pls explain, explain to me why you would even think of putting your country in that kind of jepordy?

now bring iran into the picture, who everyday says publicly to the world "hey guys were are trying to build a nuke, we are going to destroy isreal." "hey everyone"

what would you do if every day I was grinding out parts in my garage telling you im building an uzi, saying that im going to kill your family with it once its built

i guess you would just pace around my house pokin me with a stick until my gun was ready go

then what would you do? ill tell you what you would do you would get shot. just like i told you i was gonna do when you had the power to stop me.

just like hitler, do you think they would have let hitler make a nuke if he had just waited for that to be done before he started WWII. I garantee the fools would have let that fucker get a nuke, and then what would have been?

unfortunatly this is the world today. we are not playing with tanks and planes anymore partner we are playing with world destroying buttons

truly a whole new ball game. thats for noticing bush

whoa, your way out in left field bra. are you forgetting the first gulf war? the iraqi military never did and never would've of been allowed to rebuild it's military up to pre-gulf war standards. this is fact. saddam's military was a house fly at best compared to ours, gulf war or any time after. let me also be clear, no country on earth is capable of launching a successful nuclear warhead onto u.s. soil. the only option is a dirty bomb made from materials that have to be assembled. if you've followed the intelligence on iraq from the lead up until now, you would know that you were being fed bullshit and the eminence of a nuclear attack was propaganda used to fuel support for the invasion of iraq. so, that takes care of a lot of your post right there. i'm not defending iran but, you over exaggerated quite a bit about their stated nuclear ambitions, but, that's cool let's address the issue. israel is our ally and it is our duty to help our allies but, israel is more than capable of handling iran with the technological capabilities they poses thanks to the u.s. trust me, israel is going to be fine in terms of nuclear defense. i wonder if you've heard of or even read the geneva convention. it's basically rules of engagement as far as war is concerned. contrary, to public belief you can't just barge into war with a country because, they said this and they said that. there is a necessary course of action so, an all out world war doesn't brake out. this isn't the streets, where you disrespect me i lay you down. there are much greater consequences at stake and such situations require tact, instead of brash thuggery(which i do condone). like i stated previously fuck yeah we had to go to war, but, the efforts we used and are currently using should be used to get osama and al-qaida. think of how the world's perception of the u.s. would be if we had caught osama instead of saddam and hung his ass. them muthafuckas, might still plan to attack us but, i guarantee a lot of them would think twice about it that decision if not ditch the idea entirely. read the links and get back at me.


Well-Known Member
whoa, your way out in left field bra. are you forgetting the first gulf war? the iraqi military never did and never would've of been allowed to rebuild it's military up to pre-gulf war standards. this is fact. saddam's military was a house fly at best compared to ours, gulf war or any time after. let me also be clear, no country on earth is capable of launching a successful nuclear warhead onto u.s. soil. the only option is a dirty bomb made from materials that have to be assembled. if you've followed the intelligence on iraq from the lead up until now, you would know that you were being fed bullshit and the eminence of a nuclear attack was propaganda used to fuel support for the invasion of iraq. so, that takes care of a lot of your post right there. i'm not defending iran but, you over exaggerated quite a bit about their stated nuclear ambitions, but, that's cool let's address the issue. israel is our ally and it is our duty to help our allies but, israel is more than capable of handling iran with the technological capabilities they poses thanks to the u.s. trust me, israel is going to be fine in terms of nuclear defense. i wonder if you've heard of or even read the geneva convention. it's basically rules of engagement as far as war is concerned. contrary, to public belief you can't just barge into war with a country because, they said this and they said that. there is a necessary course of action so, an all out world war doesn't brake out. this isn't the streets, where you disrespect me i lay you down. there are much greater consequences at stake and such situations require tact, instead of brash thuggery(which i do condone). like i stated previously fuck yeah we had to go to war, but, the efforts we used and are currently using should be used to get osama and al-qaida. think of how the world's perception of the u.s. would be if we had caught osama instead of saddam and hung his ass. them muthafuckas, might still plan to attack us but, i guarantee a lot of them would think twice about it that decision if not ditch the idea entirely. read the links and get back at me.
House fly what? Before the Gulf War, Iraq had the 3rd largest army in the world. Not as sophisticated as ours but large nevertheless. And what is this about your claims that no country can launch nukes on the U.S.? That isn't true in the slightest, a submarine off our coast can launch a nuke and hit soil in minutes, and even ICBMs can hit us, we don't have that cutting edge anti-missile technology yet. Everyone is vulnerable to a nuclear attack.

Who do you think the Geneva Convention applies to? It doesn't mean shit to those in the region where every generation have fighting war for all of human history. So Israel has a nuclear program too, but you can't fight fire with fire with nukes. Everyone loses, so the best method is to make sure that you can't launch them at all. There is no learning curve with nuclear weapons, if they began to fly, the world is doomed.


Well-Known Member
Since bureaucracy hindered immediate invasion of Iraq, Saddam had a 6 month warning we were coming, that gave him ample time to hide the evidence. What he couldn't bury he moved to Syria, we have proof of this, we cannot investigate in Syria due to diplomatic stress. So, now that we finally invaded Iraq, there are no more WMDs. Bush got heat from the liberals so he had to get a scapegoat, no, the man is not perfect. He blamed CIA intelligence for false information but what is boggling is that the intelligence agencies from a dozen countries all believed Saddam had WMDs. This is not a global coincidence, the son of a bitch had been working on them.
correct, it's not a global coincidence. i say read all the information from the links it'll give you better insight into your statement involving other countries. most of the intelligence supporting the wmd's originated from the cia and it ended up being a follow the leader type of thing due to the frantic time after 9/11. i've heard your theory about the syria issue you brought up but, i vaguely remember it being shot down. maybe, if you can find some proof of your theory i'll find my proof that it was discredited. for the record, i'm on your side about action being taken, but, the part of this issue that erks me is the lies, and lives that have been affected by this war. the question i pose to myself is why are they lying so much, why? my intuition tells me there is an ulterior motive somewhere. saddam, was a bad guy and all that, but, so are a lot of other dictators but, then you factor in the oil and it's seems logical, coupled with all the oil rhetoric during the lead up to the invasion and it just seems logical. why wouldn't the u.s. want to have a solid role in the oil production industry, if i was president why wouldn't i want to say i got you less than a $1 dollar a gallon, it just makes sense. but, it backfired. i remember when i was in basic training and we were showed saving private ryan during the first week or so, to give us an idea of the battlefield. most people who enlist have never seen death in actuality, and that picture gave a good description of the battlefield but, at the end of the day it's fictional and the reality our soldiers are dealing with can't be duplicated.


Well-Known Member
whoa, your way out in left field bra. are you forgetting the first gulf war? the iraqi military never did and never would've of been allowed to rebuild it's military up to pre-gulf war standards. this is fact. saddam's military was a house fly at best compared to ours, gulf war or any time after. let me also be clear, no country on earth is capable of launching a successful nuclear warhead onto u.s. soil. the only option is a dirty bomb made from materials that have to be assembled. if you've followed the intelligence on iraq from the lead up until now, you would know that you were being fed bullshit and the eminence of a nuclear attack was propaganda used to fuel support for the invasion of iraq. so, that takes care of a lot of your post right there. i'm not defending iran but, you over exaggerated quite a bit about their stated nuclear ambitions, but, that's cool let's address the issue. israel is our ally and it is our duty to help our allies but, israel is more than capable of handling iran with the technological capabilities they poses thanks to the u.s. trust me, israel is going to be fine in terms of nuclear defense. i wonder if you've heard of or even read the geneva convention. it's basically rules of engagement as far as war is concerned. contrary, to public belief you can't just barge into war with a country because, they said this and they said that. there is a necessary course of action so, an all out world war doesn't brake out. this isn't the streets, where you disrespect me i lay you down. there are much greater consequences at stake and such situations require tact, instead of brash thuggery(which i do condone). like i stated previously fuck yeah we had to go to war, but, the efforts we used and are currently using should be used to get osama and al-qaida. think of how the world's perception of the u.s. would be if we had caught osama instead of saddam and hung his ass. them muthafuckas, might still plan to attack us but, i guarantee a lot of them would think twice about it that decision if not ditch the idea entirely. read the links and get back at me.

ya i see where you comming from but a nuke can easyly be placed on us soil and you dont need a missle for that, the hard part is making the nuke itself. only counties have the huge assets to do that, it just takes one enemy to hand osamas crew a nuke and then blamo u can kiss this country goodbye, i bet they would wait until everyone is in DC during the state of the union address, bam they get every american leader practiacllay with one shot.

you know how easy it is to send a nuke ill just think of a way off the top of my head, how about this, a ship drops the nuke with a GPS tracker on it 3 miles from the coast line in international waters. then your terroist rents a boat on american shore and boats three miles out and triggers the ballast release and bam you nuke floats to the surface, they pop it on the boat and go back to shore

thats how they been smuggling cocaine and drugs in to the USA for years, you know ho many fly over drops they do from mexico for drugs

guys in cannada will walk in the woods and cross to the american side and hide their goods then they drive through the border crossing and go to the place they hid the shit. now they got thier shit in america

all im saying is with this knowedge you cant let any country who is your enemy aquire a nukes because it is not mutually assured destruction if they give the nuke a third party because there is no return address

that was the deal clencher on why they decided to war with iraq because his son was taking over and eventually they would have a nuke and they hate us they even tried to assasinate george bush senior for a revenge type kill, now these people would revenge nuke, trust me
