Bush's America ...


Well-Known Member
House fly what? Before the Gulf War, Iraq had the 3rd largest army in the world. Not as sophisticated as ours but large nevertheless. And what is this about your claims that no country can launch nukes on the U.S.? That isn't true in the slightest, a submarine off our coast can launch a nuke and hit soil in minutes, and even ICBMs can hit us, we don't have that cutting edge anti-missile technology yet. Everyone is vulnerable to a nuclear attack.

Who do you think the Geneva Convention applies to? It doesn't mean shit to those in the region where every generation have fighting war for all of human history. So Israel has a nuclear program too, but you can't fight fire with fire with nukes. Everyone loses, so the best method is to make sure that you can't launch them at all. There is no learning curve with nuclear weapons, if they began to fly, the world is doomed.
i would hope by now you would take me at my word. but, i see you are a skeptic. who do you think could get close enough to fire a nuclear missile from a submarine? we don't have cutting edge anti-missile technology,false.
we are called a super power for a reason. the geneva convention means a lot, scenario, a country is found guilty of war crimes the leader will be removed and put death. not by one country, by a host of multinational forces if necessary. i really don't feel i have to prove the validity of my statements but, i will if necessary for the sake of my integrity. a lot of this information is readily available. what do you think the department of defense and the pentagon do all day long? what do you think spy's and espionage are for?


Well-Known Member
zen and panda, i just want to say i'm really enjoying this debate, i find it quite constructive. my one question i pose to you both is who told you a nuclear war head was capable of being launched onto u.s. soil? also, what country has the capability to accomplish such a feet. i'm not saying we're omnipotent or anything but, i'm quite sure i'm right on this topic at least last time i checked. and i've seen numerous political analyst examine this topic. i believe our anti-nuclear defense system is called phoenix our something don't quote me on the name but, we do have nuclear defenses specifically for nuclear war heads or any other missiles for the record. i know that the defense uses lasers to disable the gps of the missile as soon as the course of that missile is plotted by our defenses. i'm not going to go any further because, i'm pulling it out of memory but, i'm quite sure i can back up my statements.


Well-Known Member
zen and panda, i just want to say i'm really enjoying this debate, i find it quite constructive. my one question i pose to you both is who told you a nuclear war head was capable of being launched onto u.s. soil? also, what country has the capability to accomplish such a feet. i'm not saying we're omnipotent or anything but, i'm quite sure i'm right on this topic at least last time i checked. and i've seen numerous political analyst examine this topic. i believe our anti-nuclear defense system is called phoenix our something don't quote me on the name but, we do have nuclear defenses specifically for nuclear war heads or any other missiles for the record. i know that the defense uses lasers to disable the gps of the missile as soon as the course of that missile is plotted by our defenses. i'm not going to go any further because, i'm pulling it out of memory but, i'm quite sure i can back up my statements.
if you read my above post, i said u can smuggle in a fully functional nuclear bomb into the country just like they ship drugs in here by the truckload

so im just saying its not gonna come on a missle and there is not going to be a return address or any information on where that bomb came from like from which country, therefore no specific location to deploy a retaliatory nuclear strike, therefore no deturrent, therefore someone will do it to us, someone who hates us,

unless we never let these hostile countries get that bomb in the first place.

and there you have it, thats exaclty the reason bush went ahead and we went to war. he had no choice


New Member
if you read my above post, i said u can smuggle in a fully functional nuclear bomb into the country just like they ship drugs in here by the truckload

so im just saying its not gonna come on a missle and there is not going to be a return address or any information on where that bomb came from like from which country, therefore no specific location to deploy a retaliatory nuclear strike, therefore no deturrent, therefore someone will do it to us, someone who hates us,

unless we never let these hostile countries get that bomb in the first place.

and there you have it, thats exaclty the reason bush went ahead and we went to war. he had no choice
Uhhh, what about Pakistan? They have many people that hate us and they have Nukes. Hey, even the French arent that fond of our government. Russia and China are both capable of sending those surprise packages our way, and I wouldn't really call them allies. We have to find a way to talk to these people. We have to get off their land. I mean, what if the tables were turned? Don't you think there would be some pisseed off folk in America? Every country knows our ultimate attack capabilities, even sans Nukes. BTW, Bush just opened a can of worms in Pakistan, killed a bunch of Pakistani army.


Well-Known Member
Uhhh, what about Pakistan? They have many people that hate us and they have Nukes. Hey, even the French arent that fond of our government. Russia and China are both capable of sending those surprise packages our way, and I wouldn't really call them allies. We have to find a way to talk to these people. We have to get off their land. I mean, what if the tables were turned? Don't you think there would be some pisseed off folk in America? Every country knows our ultimate attack capabilities, even sans Nukes. BTW, Bush just opened a can of worms in Pakistan, killed a bunch of Pakistani army.

well i would say the leadership in pakistan is freindly enough,

but your right the other option would be to abandon isreal compleatly and let iran try to destroy them, then we would have nothing to fight about and we would become friends

but im assuming this is not an option


New Member
well i would say the leadership in pakistan is freindly enough,

but your right the other option would be to abandon isreal compleatly and let iran try to destroy them, then we would have nothing to fight about and we would become friends

but im assuming this is not an option
Hey, it works for me. Why should we support them? What are our benefits? They are the ones stirring the shit. They are the ones pushing the US to Bomb Iran. Iran knows Israel has Nukes, and is itching to use them. If I were Iran, I'd damn well be trying to get Nukes, can you say stalemate. That asshole Ahmajinadad will be gone soon enough, and maybe then the Iranian people will stand up to the extremests. He is just posturing anyway, trying to look tough. Just like Sadam.


Well-Known Member
Hey, it works for me. Why should we support them? What are our benefits? They are the ones stirring the shit. They are the ones pushing the US to Bomb Iran. Iran knows Israel has Nukes, and is itching to use them. If I were Iran, I'd damn well be trying to get Nukes, can you say stalemate. That asshole Ahmajinadad will be gone soon enough, and maybe then the Iranian people will stand up to the extremests. He is just posturing anyway, trying to look tough. Just like Sadam.

yea your right, hopfully iraq will end up nice vacation spot, i just heard today they have a huge develompent going on in kurdistan part of iraq worth several billions of dollars is gonna be a boom for the region plus think about it once they fix stuff up they will be like all the other oil rich countries with lavish stuff everywhere


New Member
yea your right, hopfully iraq will end up nice vacation spot, i just heard today they have a huge develompent going on in kurdistan part of iraq worth several billions of dollars is gonna be a boom for the region plus think about it once they fix stuff up they will be like all the other oil rich countries with lavish stuff everywhere
I've watched some documentaries on Iran. In the Big cities, they are cosmopolitan just like the US. They dress like us and try and do everything we do. It is the radical extremests that are the problem, Sharia law and all that. I wonder if we just couldn't put all those extremests in one country and close the border. Put them all if Afghanistan, send them arms and tell half the other half wants to kill them and rape their daughters, stir the shit. Then the people that just want to live and be left alone can live in peace. Yeah Right!

Allan Watts

Well-Known Member
McSame and the Chimp say you should never talk to your enemies- just Bomb them. Wise men say- keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Obama got the third degree for daring to say he would talk to some of our less than friendly companions on life ship earth. It just goes to show you how detached from reality these War Pigs really are.


Well-Known Member
McSame and the Chimp say you should never talk to your enemies- just Bomb them. Wise men say- keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Obama got the third degree for daring to say he would talk to some of our less than friendly companions on life ship earth. It just goes to show you how detached from reality these War Pigs really are.

it actually shows how misinformed you are cuz you dont even know what was really said.

obama says he will go sit with the leader of iran with no preconditions, dont be nieve ofcoarse we would talk with our enemies but if you just go over there with a public spectical without some sort of preconditions then they will just be like see!! see!! look i have brought the big tough americans to thier knees its a huge propiganda win for them that would give more power and boose up the an enemy


Well-Known Member
if al qaeda was gonna get a nuclear bomb from someone, wouldnt it most likely be from Pakistan? Al qaeda is linked to the taliban, and the taliban was supported by pakistan and was trained by pakistans ISI...I would imagine the taliban still has some pretty powerful friends in Pakistan.


Active Member
But there has been much talking, or communitcation between the USA and Iran, N Korea, Shavez, etc., The issue is not 'ignore or not to ignore', it is whether or not it is beneficial to potentially legitimize a foreign leader (who is more akin to a mass murderer) by having our President meet with him personally on the world stage. It is a privaledge for that dictator to have that show put on in front of the world, with him and the President. Yet, one cannot reason with fools, or plead with monsters. Chamberlain tried this with Hitler and it was a disaster. We should learn from history in this matter.

McSame and the Chimp say you should never talk to your enemies- just Bomb them. Wise men say- keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Obama got the third degree for daring to say he would talk to some of our less than friendly companions on life ship earth. It just goes to show you how detached from reality these War Pigs really are.


Well-Known Member
i would hope by now you would take me at my word. but, i see you are a skeptic. who do you think could get close enough to fire a nuclear missile from a submarine? we don't have cutting edge anti-missile technology,false.
we are called a super power for a reason. the geneva convention means a lot, scenario, a country is found guilty of war crimes the leader will be removed and put death. not by one country, by a host of multinational forces if necessary. i really don't feel i have to prove the validity of my statements but, i will if necessary for the sake of my integrity. a lot of this information is readily available. what do you think the department of defense and the pentagon do all day long? what do you think spy's and espionage are for?
I think it was last October, a Chinese submarine surfaced within 8 kilometers of the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk undetected. This is big news because carriers have to have a radius of protection at all times and this foreign submarine got close undetected. It probably just lay at the bottom of the sea. Point being, it is possible for a submarine to get close enough to our homeland to fire missiles, not likely, but possible.

What do our pentagon and CIA do all day, I don't know. We know their mistakes, but we never know their successes :)


Well-Known Member
if you read my above post, i said u can smuggle in a fully functional nuclear bomb into the country just like they ship drugs in here by the truckload

so im just saying its not gonna come on a missle and there is not going to be a return address or any information on where that bomb came from like from which country, therefore no specific location to deploy a retaliatory nuclear strike, therefore no deturrent, therefore someone will do it to us, someone who hates us,

unless we never let these hostile countries get that bomb in the first place.

and there you have it, thats exaclty the reason bush went ahead and we went to war. he had no choice
fa sho, i basically said the same thing on page two, that the only option our enemies would have is to make a dirty bomb. i think that smuggling a nuclear bomb is damn near impossible because, of the radioactivity of the uranium and plutonium. i know we have safety measures in place to detect them so, that's a hard sell about a nuclear bomb being smuggled in. now a dirty would be devastating but, realistically the kill zone isn't nearly as large as people think. a dirty couldn't take out a large city or anything like that contrary to popular belief. there is a lot urban legend going around about this topic. but, on a realistic note if a dirty bomb were set off the physical damage would be very similar to that of the 24 episode when they set one off.


Well-Known Member
I think it was last October, a Chinese submarine surfaced within 8 kilometers of the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk undetected. This is big news because carriers have to have a radius of protection at all times and this foreign submarine got close undetected. It probably just lay at the bottom of the sea. Point being, it is possible for a submarine to get close enough to our homeland to fire missiles, not likely, but possible.

What do our pentagon and CIA do all day, I don't know. We know their mistakes, but we never know their successes :)
ah yes, i do remember that. now china i do think about. those muthafuckas are going to be the next super power. good point, but, open sea and our homeland are two extremely different things. you know why an attack like an air strike or submarine launched missile wouldn't work now? i'll tell you why, the day before my birthday(december 8th) that's why. ever since pearl harbor our government has been at work to combat such bold offenses. we have technology that makes james bond look like a caveman. but, china has slowly but, surely made their mark in todays world and in twenty years could be the most powerful by some estimates. with it's growing economy, well trained and very very large military, couple with their highly sophisticated espionage they will definitely be a force in the very near future.