Bushs' Folly


New Member
good points Vi, i must admit that when i heard "6 terrorists planning attack on military base" on the news, it was tuned out as a laughable troll for headlines. the real issue is the immigration problem.

i watched a guy on TV last night try to defend illegals as "12 million people who improve our daily lives" and i wished i could reach in there and smack him. 12 million leeches sucking our already dreadfully precarious public resources dry while the anti-U.S. left hides them under their cloak of "compassion"...

I agree the left is wrong on Immigration, In fact they are wrong on a few issues, but that doesn't automatically make the right, right. The radical right is just as wrong as the radical left. They need to find some common ground.



New Member
Both the Left and the Right are selling the country down the tubes when it comes to spending and illegal immigration. On this we all agree ... except for Med on the spending issue. *lol*

I saw some clips of the Kieth Obermann show where he was commenting on the six Ft. Dix terrorists. He, like other Leftist news commentators poo-pood the situation and made the FBI out as incompetent. He said: "The FBI captured six fools." It was said with disgust in his voice toward the FBI. It's guys like Obermann, and the rest of the main-stream news lackys who will have shit all over their faces when the next terrorist attack hits us on our own soil with hundreds slaughterd. What will these in-denile assholes have to say for themselves then, other than crying out: "But ... but ... but, we didn't mean THIS!!!!"

These six guys may have been stupid to have gotten caught. Perhaps, as Med said, the guards at the gate may have blown them away before they did any damage on the military base ... but my question is; is there another six plotting to blow up a shopping mall in your town while its crowded with shoppers next Christmas? How about the bleachers at your local high school football game next season? How hard would it be to carry a body bomb into DisneyLand?



New Member
Both the Left and the Right are selling the country down the tubes when it comes to spending and illegal immigration. On this we all agree ... except for Med on the spending issue. *lol*

I saw some clips of the Kieth Obermann show where he was commenting on the six Ft. Dix terrorists. He, like other Leftist news commentators poo-pood the situation and made the FBI out as incompetent. He said: "The FBI captured six fools." It was said with disgust in his voice toward the FBI. It's guys like Obermann, and the rest of the main-stream news lackys who will have shit all over their faces when the next terrorist attack hits us on our own soil with hundreds slaughterd. What will these in-denile assholes have to say for themselves then, other than crying out: "But ... but ... but, we didn't mean THIS!!!!"

These six guys may have been stupid to have gotten caught. Perhaps, as Med said, the guards at the gate may have blown them away before they did any damage on the military base ... but my question is; is there another six plotting to blow up a shopping mall in your town while its crowded with shoppers next Christmas? How about the bleachers at your local high school football game next season? How hard would it be to carry a body bomb into DisneyLand?

And the fear mongering reaches new heights of absurdity, 6 idiots that had their vcr tapes transfered to disc by a public photoshop, I'm real fucking scaird now. and they hadn't even purchased any weapons yet. Be afraid, be very afraid of fearmongering assholes!


New Member
You don't get it, Med. Yes, they were stupid. Yes, they got caught. And YES, there are more of them. And YES, we've had a number of past attempts that were portrayed on the MSM as insignificant. And YES, they will eventually be successful in their efforts. And YES, folks like Obermann and YOU (based upon your last post) will have shit all over your faces when it happens. Get it now?

If those six Ft. Dix Dicks had been from some right-wing hate group militia, the news media would have been all over the story like a cheap suit. Obermann and the entire MSM would have been going ballistic blaming "hate radio." We would be hearing continuous clamoring for more controls to be put into place, including more gun control laws.

Remember this post when the next attack is successful, Med.



New Member
You don't get it, Med. Yes, they were stupid. Yes, they got caught. And YES, there are more of them. And YES, we've had a number of past attempts that were portrayed on the MSM as insignificant. And YES, they will eventually be successful in their efforts. And YES, folks like Obermann and YOU (based upon your last post) will have shit all over your faces when it happens. Get it now?

If those six Ft. Dix Dicks had been from some right-wing hate group militia, the news media would have been all over the story like a cheap suit. Obermann and the entire MSM would have been going ballistic blaming "hate radio." We would be hearing continuous clamoring for more controls to be put into place, including more gun control laws.

Remember this post when the next attack is successful, Med.

Are you afraid you pussie? why don't you go hide in a fucking hole or under a rock where you belong. This fearmongering does far more damage to this country than 6 Idiots, or 12 idiots with boxcutters. Pushing panic on the citizens is what keeps the neocons in power. It's such bullshit. So, maybe we'll have another attack, it's not like we don't deserve it. I mean it's allright to go to other countries and blow the shit out of them, but no-one better come here and try it, what a bunch of fucking hypocrites you guys are. If this is really a war like the neocons keep telling us, we must expect some collateral damage here at home.


New Member
You're hopless, Med!

"If this is really a war like the neocons keep telling us, we must expect some collateral damage here at home."

Is this "collateral damage?"



New Member
Is this a NeoCon fomenting fear, Med?

More NeoCons ...

Here's another NeoCon. Look into his eyes, Med ... what do you see?



New Member
Here's some rich, evil NeoCon assholes leaving their offices for the day:

Here's some NeoCon bastards enjoying their day, Med.



New Member
Here's a NeoCon couple strolling home after work just taking in the sights:

Here's that evil Bush again ... probably plotting more evil deeds.



Well-Known Member
Now, I usually avoid any topic having to do with politics, democrats vs. repuplicans, religion and the war in Iraq because they always degenerate into pointless bickering, but I thought I may as well chime in with my two cents....In a way I agree with both of you, Vi and Med, because you have your points....I don't think this is so much as a democrats want to 'cut and run' or 'republicans are evil' type thing. What I think this thing boils down to is that Americans arne't stupid, despite some of their best attempts to prove me wrong (think rush hour traffic). They realize that this war is wrong....let me explain. The fact of the matter is, we were attacked by Al Quaida...not Iraq. That's not to say there aren't any Iraqi terrorists...there are, but we were not attacked by Iraq. Al Quaida doesn't have a nationality...they are a confederation of people who've taken a twisted view of their religion and used it as an excuse to commit murder. I have no problem with Islam, and I realize it is a peaceful religion at it's core, but we are at war with fundamentalists. What we should have done in the moths after 9/11 was build up and gather intelligence, find out when where and how these guys go about their crimes then busted them, and gone to war if required. However, Bush LIED to get us into Iraq, and that speaks volumes about his failure as a leader and his morals or lack thereof.

As far as the American people, think about all the wars we've been in and the leaders we've had during them. Washington during the revolution, Lincoln during the civil war, Roosevelt during WWII, the point is these are people who put their country first. Whatever the reason may be, Bush has subverted the will of the American people for the gain of his personal agenda whatever it may be. He will go down in history accordingly.

Forgive me I'm fairly drunk right now, so this rambling nonsense probably wasn't coherent, but if you don't want to read it all, here's the summary:

The american people don't support this war 'cause we shouldn't have gotten into it in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Now, I usually avoid any topic having to do with politics, democrats vs. repuplicans, religion and the war in Iraq because they always degenerate into pointless bickering, but I thought I may as well chime in with my two cents....In a way I agree with both of you, Vi and Med, because you have your points....I don't think this is so much as a democrats want to 'cut and run' or 'republicans are evil' type thing. What I think this thing boils down to is that Americans arne't stupid, despite some of their best attempts to prove me wrong (think rush hour traffic). They realize that this war is wrong....let me explain. The fact of the matter is, we were attacked by Al Quaida...not Iraq. That's not to say there aren't any Iraqi terrorists...there are, but we were not attacked by Iraq. Al Quaida doesn't have a nationality...they are a confederation of people who've taken a twisted view of their religion and used it as an excuse to commit murder. I have no problem with Islam, and I realize it is a peaceful religion at it's core, but we are at war with fundamentalists. What we should have done in the moths after 9/11 was build up and gather intelligence, find out when where and how these guys go about their crimes then busted them, and gone to war if required. However, Bush LIED to get us into Iraq, and that speaks volumes about his failure as a leader and his morals or lack thereof.

As far as the American people, think about all the wars we've been in and the leaders we've had during them. Washington during the revolution, Lincoln during the civil war, Roosevelt during WWII, the point is these are people who put their country first. Whatever the reason may be, Bush has subverted the will of the American people for the gain of his personal agenda whatever it may be. He will go down in history accordingly.

Forgive me I'm fairly drunk right now, so this rambling nonsense probably wasn't coherent, but if you don't want to read it all, here's the summary:

The american people don't support this war 'cause we shouldn't have gotten into it in the first place.



New Member
I see you caught ViRedd in his easy chair, probably has wavels and 7X on the way over to watch Fox News............


New Member
The Pretender sez ...

"let me explain. The fact of the matter is, we were attacked by Al Quaida...not Iraq."

Here's an interesting article re: al Qaida terrorists in Iraq:

[FONT=Palatino,][SIZE=+2]Iran supporting
al-Qaida terror
[FONT=Palatino,][SIZE=+1]U.S. military, intelligence services now certain Tehran backing Iraq Islamists tied to bin Laden[/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=-1]Posted: November 8, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

[/SIZE]Editor's note: Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin is an online, subscription intelligence news service from the creator of WorldNetDaily.com – a journalist who has been developing sources around the world for almost 30 years.

[SIZE=-1]© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com [/SIZE]

Iran is covertly supporting al-Qaida-aligned terrorists in Iraq, not just anti-American Shiite insurgents, U.S. defense and intelligence sources say with certainty.
The acknowledgment of the long-held suspicion as certainty raises the stakes in Iraq and the Persian Gulf as President Bush begins his second term and Iran, with its nuclear aspirations, moves to the front burner as an international crisis in the making.
According to Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, al-Qaida-linked terrorists have been observed moving supplies and new recruits from Iran to Iraq, say the sources. While it has long been known Iran was backing the uprising led by Moqtada al-Sadr in the southern Shiite region of Iraq, the Iranian ties to Sunni Islamist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a terrorist leader who has pledged his allegiance to Osama bin Laden, has not been certain.

The development is potentially explosive given the standoff between Iran and the West over its nuclear program and the mullah regime's desire to build nuclear weapons. It was Iraq's flirtation with weapons of mass destruction and support of terrorism that provided the impetus for the U.S.-led invasion and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime.
Iran no longer even denies that elements of Ansar al-Islam, an affiliate of al-Qaida, entered the country from Afghanistan following the U.S.-led invasion of that nation in 2001. Iran claims it offered no assistance to the group.
But some senior al-Qaida operatives who were among those fleeing to Iran after the Afghanistan war may have developed a working relationship with the Revolutionary Guards, a special military unit in Iran linked to Tehran's mullah government, say U.S. military and intelligence sources.
The 9-11 commission also found contacts between Iranian security officials and senior al-Qaida figures and found evidence that eight to 10 of the Sept. 11 hijackers passed through Iranian territory.
Iraq and Iran share an 800-mile border. U.S. officials say terrorists who cross over into Iraq from Iran most often head for Mosul, the largest Arab Sunni Muslim city in the north and an area where Islamic extremist groups are powerful. Others have been tracked going to Fallujah, now surrounded and sealed off by U.S. Marines who are expected to storm the city at any moment.
Links between Iran and al-Qaida are nothing new, however, the fact that the connections are now being taken seriously by U.S. senior officials who recognize the impact they are having on the ground in Iraq is explosive.
Back in June, former CIA analyst Douglas MacEachin, a member of the 9-11 commission staff, said Iran and its terrorist group ally Hezbollah were linked to the al-Qaida terrorist group.
Other U.S. intelligence officials said there is also evidence Iran is linked to the Sept. 11 attacks. According to the officials, two of the hijackers, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, who were aboard the aircraft that hit the Pentagon, had stayed at the Iranian ambassador's residence in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, before entering the United States in January 2001.
MacEachin disclosed that the Iran-al-Qaida ties were revealed in the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers residence complex that housed U.S. military personnel in Saudi Arabia. The bombing killed 19 Americans.
U.S. intelligence agencies mistakenly assumed then that, since a Shiite group was involved, rival Sunnis were not, he said. That's a mistake senior defense and intelligence officials are no longer making.
Iran's links with al-Qaida go back to at least 1995 when an Egyptian members of bin Laden's group, Mustafa Hamid, visited Tehran. He is believed to have met with representatives of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to discuss cooperation – cooperation that now appears to be a matter of fact.
Between the middle of 1996 and the end of 1998, 10 percent of all of bin Laden's outgoing satellite phone calls were to Iran, say U.S. sources.
In October 2000, Ali Muhammad, in testimony before the Southern District for New York federal court, described setting up meetings in the early 1990s between bin Laden and Imad Mughniyeh of Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed terrorist group.
Bin Laden's No. 2 in al-Qaida, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was the long-time leader of Egypt's Islamic Jihad, which had extensive ties to Iran. Al-Zawahiri traveled frequently to Iran in the 1990s, and he is believed to have been one of the masterminds of the Sept. 11 attacks.
According to a European intelligence official, Mughniyeh, who reports directly to Iranian intelligence, met in Mashad, Iran, with a senior Iranian intelligence official and a "top deputy to Saddam Hussein in charge of intelligence matters," to discuss cooperation with bin Laden. This meeting reportedly took place the month after the Sept. 11 terror attacks on the U.S.
President Bush warned that any nation cooperating with al-Qaida would become an enemy of the U.S. In fact, in 2002, he singled out Iran for special attention.
"(Iran) must be with us or against us in the war against terrorism and make no attempt to destabilize the interim Afghan government," he said. "Iran must be a contributor in the war against terror; our nation and our fight against terror will uphold the doctrine, either you're with us or against us; and any nation that thwarts our ability to rout terror out where it exists will be held to account, one way or the other. ... If they (Iranians) are trying – if they in any way, shape or form – try to destabilize the government (of Afghanistan), the coalition ... we'll deal with them, in diplomatic ways, initially." U.S. officials in the Pentagon and intelligence services are now convinced Iran is actively undermining the occupation of Iraq – and doing so through direct collaboration with al-Qaida forces.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

I am sooo scared to be at home alone without my shot gun...

I am so scared..... scared scared.......


I am supper scared that Al QAIDA dudes are gonna blow up my local wal mart.. I am sooo scared of people with beards and turbenzzzzzzzz....

I dare you to try and take my gun from me.. Over my dead body... I need that gun to protect myself from terrorists.

and if you burn this piece of red cloth with stripes on it, I am going to kill your kids...

God bless america... ajaahahahahhahahahhahhaha


New Member
Other than trying to make the most ridiculous statement of the day, with success I might add, was there a message in that post, GK?

And by the way, China isn't taking our oil, they're buying their own with the profits they're reaping from the goods you buy.




Well-Known Member
The Pretender sez ...

"let me explain. The fact of the matter is, we were attacked by Al Quaida...not Iraq."

Here's an interesting article re: al Qaida terrorists in Iraq:

[FONT=Palatino,][SIZE=+2]Iran supporting [/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=+2][FONT=Palatino,]al-Qaida terror[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Palatino,][SIZE=+1]U.S. military, intelligence services now certain Tehran backing Iraq Islamists tied to bin Laden[/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=-1]Posted: November 8, 2004[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]1:00 a.m. Eastern[/SIZE]

Editor's note: Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin is an online, subscription intelligence news service from the creator of WorldNetDaily.com – a journalist who has been developing sources around the world for almost 30 years.

[SIZE=-1]© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com [/SIZE]

Iran is covertly supporting al-Qaida-aligned terrorists in Iraq, not just anti-American Shiite insurgents, U.S. defense and intelligence sources say with certainty.
The acknowledgment of the long-held suspicion as certainty raises the stakes in Iraq and the Persian Gulf as President Bush begins his second term and Iran, with its nuclear aspirations, moves to the front burner as an international crisis in the making.
According to Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, al-Qaida-linked terrorists have been observed moving supplies and new recruits from Iran to Iraq, say the sources. While it has long been known Iran was backing the uprising led by Moqtada al-Sadr in the southern Shiite region of Iraq, the Iranian ties to Sunni Islamist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a terrorist leader who has pledged his allegiance to Osama bin Laden, has not been certain.

The development is potentially explosive given the standoff between Iran and the West over its nuclear program and the mullah regime's desire to build nuclear weapons. It was Iraq's flirtation with weapons of mass destruction and support of terrorism that provided the impetus for the U.S.-led invasion and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime.
Iran no longer even denies that elements of Ansar al-Islam, an affiliate of al-Qaida, entered the country from Afghanistan following the U.S.-led invasion of that nation in 2001. Iran claims it offered no assistance to the group.
But some senior al-Qaida operatives who were among those fleeing to Iran after the Afghanistan war may have developed a working relationship with the Revolutionary Guards, a special military unit in Iran linked to Tehran's mullah government, say U.S. military and intelligence sources.
The 9-11 commission also found contacts between Iranian security officials and senior al-Qaida figures and found evidence that eight to 10 of the Sept. 11 hijackers passed through Iranian territory.
Iraq and Iran share an 800-mile border. U.S. officials say terrorists who cross over into Iraq from Iran most often head for Mosul, the largest Arab Sunni Muslim city in the north and an area where Islamic extremist groups are powerful. Others have been tracked going to Fallujah, now surrounded and sealed off by U.S. Marines who are expected to storm the city at any moment.
Links between Iran and al-Qaida are nothing new, however, the fact that the connections are now being taken seriously by U.S. senior officials who recognize the impact they are having on the ground in Iraq is explosive.
Back in June, former CIA analyst Douglas MacEachin, a member of the 9-11 commission staff, said Iran and its terrorist group ally Hezbollah were linked to the al-Qaida terrorist group.
Other U.S. intelligence officials said there is also evidence Iran is linked to the Sept. 11 attacks. According to the officials, two of the hijackers, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, who were aboard the aircraft that hit the Pentagon, had stayed at the Iranian ambassador's residence in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, before entering the United States in January 2001.
MacEachin disclosed that the Iran-al-Qaida ties were revealed in the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers residence complex that housed U.S. military personnel in Saudi Arabia. The bombing killed 19 Americans.
U.S. intelligence agencies mistakenly assumed then that, since a Shiite group was involved, rival Sunnis were not, he said. That's a mistake senior defense and intelligence officials are no longer making.
Iran's links with al-Qaida go back to at least 1995 when an Egyptian members of bin Laden's group, Mustafa Hamid, visited Tehran. He is believed to have met with representatives of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to discuss cooperation – cooperation that now appears to be a matter of fact.
Between the middle of 1996 and the end of 1998, 10 percent of all of bin Laden's outgoing satellite phone calls were to Iran, say U.S. sources.
In October 2000, Ali Muhammad, in testimony before the Southern District for New York federal court, described setting up meetings in the early 1990s between bin Laden and Imad Mughniyeh of Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed terrorist group.
Bin Laden's No. 2 in al-Qaida, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was the long-time leader of Egypt's Islamic Jihad, which had extensive ties to Iran. Al-Zawahiri traveled frequently to Iran in the 1990s, and he is believed to have been one of the masterminds of the Sept. 11 attacks.
According to a European intelligence official, Mughniyeh, who reports directly to Iranian intelligence, met in Mashad, Iran, with a senior Iranian intelligence official and a "top deputy to Saddam Hussein in charge of intelligence matters," to discuss cooperation with bin Laden. This meeting reportedly took place the month after the Sept. 11 terror attacks on the U.S.
President Bush warned that any nation cooperating with al-Qaida would become an enemy of the U.S. In fact, in 2002, he singled out Iran for special attention.
"(Iran) must be with us or against us in the war against terrorism and make no attempt to destabilize the interim Afghan government," he said. "Iran must be a contributor in the war against terror; our nation and our fight against terror will uphold the doctrine, either you're with us or against us; and any nation that thwarts our ability to rout terror out where it exists will be held to account, one way or the other. ... If they (Iranians) are trying – if they in any way, shape or form – try to destabilize the government (of Afghanistan), the coalition ... we'll deal with them, in diplomatic ways, initially." U.S. officials in the Pentagon and intelligence services are now convinced Iran is actively undermining the occupation of Iraq – and doing so through direct collaboration with al-Qaida forces.
Vi, I don't even have to read all of this to disagree with you. In fact I think a few of the sentences even negate your point in my view. You're right that Iran is fueling the insurgency, but that still didn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place because IRAQ DIDN'T ATTACK US. AL QUAIDA DID. Bush's original basis for going into Iraq was "Saddam has WMDs and is a threat to us" Remember he even felt so confident about it he put it in the state of the union address.


Well-Known Member
Other than trying to make the most ridiculous statement of the day, with success I might add, was there a message in that post, GK?

And by the way, China isn't taking our oil, they're buying their own with the profits they're reaping from the goods you buy.

that was sarcasm vi.....


Well-Known Member
You're right that Iran is fueling the insurgency, but that still didn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place because IRAQ DIDN'T ATTACK US. AL QUAIDA DID. Bush's original basis for going into Iraq was "Saddam has WMDs and is a threat to us" Remember he even felt so confident about it he put it in the state of the union address.
I agree with your statements. However the simplicity of the WMD/terrorist involvement was the PR sell. I'll give you one solid reason why the U.S. should have taken down Hussein; we made him. I truly doubt that even the many Democrats in congress that now claim that Bush lied about WMDs, were ever concerned about that in the first place. Call it a conspiracy theory if you will, but if you think the smoke and mirrors game is just a Bush administration agenda, then I have to disagree. In my view, if you are just looking at media topics as the point of discussion, you have all ready been fooled.