Bushs' Folly


New Member
I agree with your statements. However the simplicity of the WMD/terrorist involvement was the PR sell. I'll give you one solid reason why the U.S. should have taken down Hussein; we made him. I truly doubt that even the many Democrats in congress that now claim that Bush lied about WMDs, were ever concerned about that in the first place. Call it a conspiracy theory if you will, but if you think the smoke and mirrors game is just a Bush administration agenda, then I have to disagree. In my view, if you are just looking at media topics as the point of discussion, you have all ready been fooled.
We've all been fooled. It's just that some of us know it and some of us don't.


Well-Known Member
I agree with your statements. However the simplicity of the WMD/terrorist involvement was the PR sell. I'll give you one solid reason why the U.S. should have taken down Hussein; we made him. I truly doubt that even the many Democrats in congress that now claim that Bush lied about WMDs, were ever concerned about that in the first place. Call it a conspiracy theory if you will, but if you think the smoke and mirrors game is just a Bush administration agenda, then I have to disagree. In my view, if you are just looking at media topics as the point of discussion, you have all ready been fooled.
I'm agreeing with you more or less....what bothers me the most is that Bush lied to get us into Iraq, and continues to lie...Honestly though, I could have even swallowed that. What convinced me that the man is dangerous is the whole NSA eavesdropping thing....that a president would so callously circumvent the whole judicial process to wage his own private wars for whatever reason means he's a madman....literally a threat to this country.


Well-Known Member
i don't think he lied, if he was going to lie it would have been no problem to stage some WMD labs, throw some anthrax around.. he could have not only lied but Fooled everyone if that was the intention.

it's obvious enough, Saddam destroyed the stuff.

the only people who are fooled are those who believe the leftists telling them they are fooled....therefor, they are fooled - but not by whom they think they are fooled. :)



New Member
the only people who are fooled are those who believe the leftists telling them they are fooled....therefor, they are fooled - but not by whom they think they are fooled. :smile:

What utter nonsense, I thought you a man of substance, I guess I was wrong. I'll repeat, the assholes didn't fool me. I knew from page one that Dubya wanted to avenge the threat on his fathers life and capture the oil. the rest was smoke and mirrors from the gates. The fact that Cheney had privatized the military (Except the dying of course) was an added bonus.


Well-Known Member
i don't think he lied, if he was going to lie it would have been no problem to stage some WMD labs, throw some anthrax around.. he could have not only lied but Fooled everyone if that was the intention.

it's obvious enough, Saddam destroyed the stuff.

the only people who are fooled are those who believe the leftists telling them they are fooled....therefor, they are fooled - but not by whom they think they are fooled. :)

Hahahaha! I think you lost me, I'm such a fool! ;)
I'm inclined to believe some of the more wild conspiracy theories I have heard, mainly the Illuminati connection. The question I wanted answered by the U.S. goverment, and not you fine Rollitupers is: Why didn't we take down Saddam in 1991? I was just a kid back then and I think I still have my desert storm trading cards! But come on!


Well-Known Member
haha, i have those cards somewhere too!

your question has been answered, it was answered back then. HW Bush knew there would be a power vacuum and chaos in Iraq if there was 1) too much force used against Iraq. 2) a removal of Saddam.

Saddam was part of the top echelon, he was practically running the black market for oil, he was safely protected by the U.N. and his people held him in high regard for "surviving" Desert Storm (even though he wasn't a target). he had it made but he got greedy. that's how the tide turned against him. he was trying to make the fascist rule of Iraq a tidy present for his psycho son, to do that he had to prepare some WMD to stamp out the insurrection that would occur at his death... the psycho son could chem the disorderly population just like dad had done a couple decades ago and become the new president... :)



New Member
haha, i have those cards somewhere too!

your question has been answered, it was answered back then. HW Bush knew there would be a power vacuum and chaos in Iraq if there was 1) too much force used against Iraq. 2) a removal of Saddam.

Saddam was part of the top echelon, he was practically running the black market for oil, he was safely protected by the U.N. and his people held him in high regard for "surviving" Desert Storm (even though he wasn't a target). he had it made but he got greedy. that's how the tide turned against him. he was trying to make the fascist rule of Iraq a tidy present for his psycho son, to do that he had to prepare some WMD to stamp out the insurrection that would occur at his death... the psycho son could chem the disorderly population just like dad had done a couple decades ago and become the new president... :)

You've got it all figured out, eh. Then why did we invade, to save a few thousand iraqi lives, yeah I'll buy that. Not!


New Member
it disgust me that most of these post involve the U.S bending over and letting any country that wants to stick it to us do it. just like every other great civilization we will fall if we dont fight. turning the other cheek does not work in world politics. taking it to others before they take it to you does. we would already be done in iraq if you cowards would stand behind your country and your troops. you can also bet your ass that before this great country falls, the only birds you will see in the sky are the nukes that are falling on your head.


New Member
and now for the wmds and terrorist.1. they had wmds, we know they had them, we gave it to them and the knowledge to make more during the 80s. 2. the terrorist. saddams ppl had ties to al queda, that is fact. so what you all need to do is stop believing every fucking thing you hear on tv. learn how to think for yourself and to form your own opinions rather than letting others do them for you


New Member
Hempie >>>>>> A Voice of Reason in the room. :)

Here's another thought: The Left has constantly harped about Afganistan being the right place and Iraq being the wrong place because al-Qaeda is in Afganistan. Well, here we have three of our military kidnapped in Iraq, and the MSM is now exposing the kidnappers as being members of al-Qaeda. Go figure!



New Member
and now for the wmds and terrorist.1. they had wmds, we know they had them, we gave it to them and the knowledge to make more during the 80s. 2. the terrorist. saddams ppl had ties to al queda, that is fact. so what you all need to do is stop believing every fucking thing you hear on tv. learn how to think for yourself and to form your own opinions rather than letting others do them for you
So you just formed your opinions right off the top of your head. Yeah I'll be sure to take your word for it. As far as calling me a coward, I served my country during Viet Nam, what's you claim to fame. I do think for my self. I read and watch every news channel, peruse the internet and I've come to the conclusion that people like you that go along with Bush are fucking insane. He is insane and it you agree with him, so are you. Definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" the Bush doctrine.


New Member
are you kidding me? what i have stated is fact and not mere speculation like you have displayed. u tell me u search the net and do research but your blatant ignorance tells me another story. u served in vietnam my ass. you're probably my age if not younger. your mind is mush and is absorbing the filth you hear on tv daily. no educated vet that i have come across would agree with you. my claim to fame is having a high enough iq to make informed opinions and not base them upon foolish rhetoric which is more than i can say for you


New Member
are you kidding me? what i have stated is fact and not mere speculation like you have displayed. u tell me u search the net and do research but your blatant ignorance tells me another story. u served in vietnam my ass. you're probably my age if not younger. your mind is mush and is absorbing the filth you hear on tv daily. no educated vet that i have come across would agree with you. my claim to fame is having a high enough iq to make informed opinions and not base them upon foolish rhetoric which is more than i can say for you
Ok, Ok, I'm just 16, how old are you?