Bushy Bush Art Thread (Drawing Under the Influence)


Art/Man shed I had at an ex ex ex girlfriends house. The ONLY thing I miss bout that one! Oh, and her 22 year old chihuahua. Kind of.
Thank ya Dr! I think I might be getting my paint mojo back. In HUGE part to the awesome folks at RIU. Needed to step away from my "jaded-cool-guy-tortured-soul-everyone-sucks-im-an-artist" friends and remember why I create in the first place! You guys are Great! :)
Well that would sure be nice Doc! For now, I'll have to settle for the occasional burrito. (will trade for burritos).

Girlfriend......Ex-Girlfriend. HAHAHAH
UUUUT. OHHHH.......It's looking like the current GF is about to be immortalized in a mutilated painting! HAHAHA. Bushybush isn't feeling too appreciated at home........Time to keep it movin......... LOOOORD I WAS BORN A RAMBLIN' MAN! Death painting coming soon.
man i cant wait for another mutilation painting!!! and where do you usually end up getting your "found" art objects that you paint on? hmmmmmm LOL
I imagine you must have a pretty decent arsenal of weapons about your pad.....lmfao... you know for CREATive purposes... of course...hahahahah
I'm Back.......Back in Black In fact. I find a lot of my found findings in the alleys behind my house when I walk the dogfaces. Dumpster Diving Extraordinaire......................WAHHHHH!!!!!!! Feeling Bushy as all hell again> Bushier than a 70's Porno muff..........Bushier than a Tom Selleck Mustache.........Hi!golden marmaduke.jpg
that is bad ass!
Thanks guys! Just got a bunch of new things to paint on.....Painty day!.....Oh gotta go grab my boy's bubble bags too. I have 103 grams of popcorn nugs and sweet sweet sugar leaf......painty AND hashy day!
6371_1034272117602_1849432515_71006_5154194_n.jpgSometimes I get drunk and draw pervy things. Sue me. Actually, i was just highlighting the fact that most women have slightly different sized breasts. It's a fact. Look itr up. :)

DSCF0624.jpgOther times, bushybush makes hashyhash.