YES YES YES BUSHY!!!! You know how it is all to well hahaha! Damn dude some car fucking flipped right under you? That shit is fucking gnarly, glad it didnt spook any of you guy's into slipping and falling.
Bushy really i can relate to almost everything you said, fuck man. "bathroom" writters... you know what i mean, the kids that think they are graff head's and talk a big game on the internet but have never actually taken the time to get their name up. Those kid's have no idea what you see and the exilleration you feel.. Punch lines, YES! I used to alway's come up with the funniest shit.
Thing's like
Aliens Exist
I came on Sarah Palin
I shot the sheriff
I saw Bigfoot
To name a few hahah.
Yes bushy how could i forget the smell of old Krylon, hmmm how i miss it!
Drunk shitty bombing hahaha..
Freeway status
The night i got rolled on by that tweaker.... Fuck that's ugly hahaha
Downtown Status
Drunk and crawling through bushes haha