

This is day 33 of veg from when they sprouted and considering getting these into 12/12. they have been fimmed and lsted. I have 4 but only 3 fit in my bathub the 4th is just like these. there are alternating nodes on all the secondary branches but no signs of sex yet. Considering they will double or more in size I am thinking it is a good idea to get these into flower. What do you all think???



Active Member
If you don't have the room to veg longer and/or are worried about running out of room in flower then go 12/12.
Its not going to hurt anything to go 12/12.

They look good, nice work!


Its not so much a height worry as it is a width worry, those pots are 15 inches across and they are starting to go over the edge so do they double in width also? i could end up with more room depending on if a male shows up


Well-Known Member
if limited on size then I would cut them and for one they will show sex and size will be deduced, good job they all look very healthy , Strain??


lol, peacegrow... thx yeah I will cut them to 12/12 not literally cut them... These are the ol mystery bagseed for this first go around then it is on to WW... just wanted to get all the kinks out before that. they are healthy looking and they are skunky just being in veg. I was suprised by the skunk smell being in veg but it is nice. These have been vegged with just CFL 6500k and just a couple 2700k to have a good spectrum of light. Kept at a steady 3 inches away and some pointing in from the side. Has been fun and really am excited for this next stage...