Busted 4 days after 420


Here it goes....

Sorry to say this dude, but you're really gay...

Its amazing that you even know how to use a computer considering your age.

Are you fucking stupid or something...????

This website means nothing....

Unlike you... I don't hang out here to "meet people to smoke with"

I just need some tips and shit for doing my first grow.


Do you think i give a fuck if all these Canadians see my grow journal??? hell naw

If your comparing telling somebody in real life, to telling somebody behind a computer screen..

You have to be one dumb ass mother fucker.

So that's what happens when your parents drop you on your head.....
They probably threw him.....
And from all us CANADIANS....You are one sorry ass dude. Being your friend must be very trying.....How much did you pay them ???
Some people you wouldn't piss on, even if they were on fire...........

To loose a mind is such a sad thing
you want a piece of me? :twisted::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Ill settle for being able to use your washing machine:mrgreen:
I know they are expensive but ill hook ya up with a repair if youll let me use it, and it ever breaks down in the future.
(repairing appliances was my first career choice :()

see many things can be accomplished by being friendly with people.
Ive met MANY people on this site that are near me. Thats why Im open about being in the state of North CArolina. People often pm me saying "Nc? really, me too!". Ive went and met someone from here before and found that she was a pretty swell person. I get pm's from users less than 600 miles away that have told me they were worried about growing in their area until They saw i was in nc and talked to me, now they dont have to buy weed on a black market anymore.
If people learn to pull the stick out of the dark place, more can be accomplished:hump:
wow. the anger. haha. im feelin a bit better about everything . but everytime im alone doing yardwork, dishes in the shower i have flashbacks of my grow and i think oh man i could be smokin n de-stressing but NO i had to tell my friends to i guess boost my ego, my friends of 4-9 years. pisses me off.
wow. the anger. haha. im feelin a bit better about everything . but everytime im alone doing yardwork, dishes in the shower i have flashbacks of my grow and i think oh man i could be smokin n de-stressing but NO i had to tell my friends to i guess boost my ego, my friends of 4-9 years. pisses me off.

in time ....... you will grow again. :blsmoke:
Randy Reynolds
407 Birch
Richland, WA 99352

thanks to the 2 of you who sent me the visas. my daughters tummy is full thanks to yall. anything helps, sucks livin back at mommys like im a lil kid again. they fucked my life up over a plant!!! guaranteed most of the cops out there get loaded and/or spun out of their mind!
thats address is legit as the med card in yalls pockets.(wish i had one)
I was doing that so I could subscribed to this thread...I need to go back and read the whole thing..
I just saw this, and what makes me the most sad is the comments about them having a baby, like it was strange that their own baby was in the house. So their own baby shouldn't have been in their house or something? What the fuck?
I know , i just didnt think the could be possibilities of having her taken away from me over growin a lil herb, i mean its not like i was cookin up kris or something. Should i have let my mom watch her for 4 months just so i could grow herb and have no worry of anyone (news , cps, cops ) saying about a baby being in the house if i was to get caught. its like you have to know the risk your taking and the risks risk behind that risk your taking. i love the fuckin media. i will grow again, if not now, than sometime in future. cant hold me the fuck down. when my kid moves out for sure.
LOL @ Larry!

Damn man, read most of this. Sounds like a load of shit bro...I can't believe how they think growing pot is so "bad".

I've seen several real documentaries done about pot and all the bs that comes with it. I can't believe how dumb the government thinks we really are AND how fucking stupid they are.
especially when a dude enough starts to keep my nugg jugg full till im 50 . coulda went all out and had em outdoor and indoor near 150 starts. but i opted to take 3 diff kinds and make some purse. watch someday they will call me and ask for some help like in the movies and want me to grow shit and slang to catch people dealin. ill be like fuck you all