hell no . i made 2 carbon filters, u coudlnt smell it unless you were in the room, and trust me with the 400 bucks worth of nutes i had they were def dank. im an hvac/electrician by trade. so duct work and electrical is cake walk for me. dont be nervous man just dont show or tell anyone. pay your bill on time and your golden. larry is the town bum like i said , in the police report it was CI-69 ,confidential informant. and it said the person called the local police departmnet and wanted to know if there was any reward money offered for info leading to a narcotics arrest. it also said it was someone i told that i switched all my bulbs in my house to energy efficient. i remember telling 3 people that and i can only remember one of the people. not many people knew i did that to my house lights.