Busted 4 days after 420

keep your head up man...in a couple years this will all be behind you....trust me.....as for larry...im not a violent guy....but that cocksucker needs hid fuckin head split open....fuckin hypocrite drunk asshole....that guy really needs his ass handed to him......stay up man..its all passes in time....
From the article:
>>Police seized $25,000 worth of weed at the Hills Park home, drugs that would have ended up in schools, says Richland Police Captain Mike Cobb.<<

WTF is THAT bullshit statement about? Pahhhleeezzzz mommy's prescription meds and/or booze from daddy's liquor cabinet are WAY more likely to make it into the schools then the harvest of 27 plants growing in some guys bathroom!

So now this poor guy's life is ruined over ..... GROWING A PLANT! How incredibly WRONG is that!

This bullshit needs to stop!

P.S..... That douchebag Larry needs a serious ass beating!
"you gotta look after the plant." that's the line. he says it like he knows it.

Lol, my thoughts too. I think Larry has tried, but failed to grow a little herb himself. He would have been successful too if it weren't for those plants being a pain and "needing shit".
Every point in that video is wrong. Juveniles are where the money is at, $25,000 worth of dope, plants are a nuisance because you have to look after them, sophisticated operation, EVERY damn point is wrong.
hell no . i made 2 carbon filters, u coudlnt smell it unless you were in the room, and trust me with the 400 bucks worth of nutes i had they were def dank. im an hvac/electrician by trade. so duct work and electrical is cake walk for me. dont be nervous man just dont show or tell anyone. pay your bill on time and your golden. larry is the town bum like i said , in the police report it was CI-69 ,confidential informant. and it said the person called the local police departmnet and wanted to know if there was any reward money offered for info leading to a narcotics arrest. it also said it was someone i told that i switched all my bulbs in my house to energy efficient. i remember telling 3 people that and i can only remember one of the people. not many people knew i did that to my house lights.


Cops generally are fuck-ups when it comes to details. Not their fault really, it is just a shitty job to most of them and when you don't care mistakes happen. He needs to keep reading everything you or your attorney can get from the city, I can't tell you how many times I've seen them screw up and forget to change the snitches name to CI27 and they leave the person's identity in some paperwork somewhere. Keep asking for everything.
no... i was questioning like wtf?

i didnt know its suspicious to want to save electricity.....

if that is the case, why not arrest every person who buys up cfls at walmart
Another thing to keep in mind is that a secondary search warrant also happens based on what they saw in the first search. Coming back for your computer, etc. things they couldn't take due to limited scope of the first warrant.
no... i was questioning like wtf?

i didnt know its suspicious to want to save electricity.....

if that is the case, why not arrest every person who buys up cfls at walmart

I think along with saying the dude was growing dope, the informant mentioned that he bought some cfls too.
Damn dude, Keep your head up!! Before you know it this will all be over but now your along for the ride in the system....

Stay up DUDE!!!
Sorry things went down like they did. By the way that Larry guy looks and sounds like he used his last working brain cell to call the cops on ya :confused:
yea a long ride in the system . not to mention a probation violation from years back which could hitme with 90 days on top of whatever ill get for this. im glad my granny bailed me out, i ddint ask to get out id rather sit in their and have time served later on but its good to get back to work n make some cash. i told 3 of my friends i switched bulbs in my house to save electricity and whoever it was just had to mention it to the cop. im out of that house now, got everything out, even my scale that was under the carpet hehe , at least i dont have to worry about paying 325 lot rent on top of the 300 rent for the house anymore, which i could barely make that on top of my other bills.
Un-fucking-believable... That is one of the BIGGEST crocks of shit I have ever read and seen in my life. I am so sorry to hear this has happened to you and your family. Those cops have absolutely no idea what they are talking about either. $25,000.00 Damn.. My buddy got busted here a couple of years ago and the cops said it was well over $100,000.00 worth of weed and grow equipment... the poor bastard MIGHT have made $10,000.00 total and that with reselling all his equipment AND the weed. They are so fucked up. Anyway, best of luck to you man... everything will work out and as for Larry... maybe one day we will be sitting around smoking a blunt, watching The First 48 and low and behold who do we see...? Poor old drunken fat ass Larry.. laid out one last time cause he didn't know how to shut the fuck up. What goes around, comes around - all in good time.