Busted by the wife


Active Member
Well, looks like I picked a good UserName. This was the nick-name my military buddies (heads, everyone of them) gave me because of how I looked when stoned. My appearance gave it away. Anyway, the title above will be written on it.

My wife found my two-plant growth. I couldn't deny it. I cut it down and she took hold of it. Don't know where the relationship goes from here. I'll keep my hydroponic equipment for now. Meanwhile, I just got an oz at the same time, and now I gotta puff it away quickly.




Well-Known Member
that really really sucks,tell us what happened with your realtionship with her?
my girlfrient is mad when i smoke weed,cos im kinda addict,but not so bad.im not craving for now
but i smoke much less cos of her,its a hard situation.it will take some time for her to realise that there is nothing bad there


Well-Known Member
Roll her a fat joint, tell her to enjoy, and restart your grow, just let her know about the next one.



Active Member
bang her out sick then just tell her with your man voice that your growing and thats final if she disagrees give her then dick again and make it so she has trouble walking!


Well-Known Member
People that are open-minded to everything should understand that there is nothing bad there,if its only about weed and nothing harder.


Active Member
I love it when MEN let the woman Run Their Lives!!!

Good Luck Mr. PUSSY WHIPPED!!!!:bigjoint::bigjoint:[/QUOTE]

Sorry but you must not have a life. My pot habit ruined two marriages, and I don't want to lose another. I want to have a life and try to enjoy a little weed when I can. It ran my life before, now I want to control it.

It is what it is!


Active Member
I love it when MEN let the woman Run Their Lives!!!

Good Luck Mr. PUSSY WHIPPED!!!!:bigjoint::bigjoint:
Sorry but you must not have a life. My pot habit ruined two marriages, and I don't want to lose another. I want to have a life and try to enjoy a little weed when I can. It ran my life before, now I want to control it.

It is what it is![/QUOTE]

One other thing, I'm 60 now. Maybe time to settle down.


Well-Known Member
im not gonna type in caps and call you pussy whipped because that does no good. but what i will say is that if you want pot/growing to be such a big part of your life then you need to find a partner who accepts that.


Well-Known Member
Man is made for woman,and woman for a man.And herb is also for humans.EVERYTHING in controlled amounts,its really like that