Busted upstate NY for growing 1 plant indoor

Yeah I will go and plead not guilty to all.... A family member is pretty good friends with the DA so really not worried... NOw I am on "the list" and I am moving away.

uhhh that is not advisable. If you plead not guilty you will go to trial. You will need a lawyer. You will most likely lose and the consequences are usually alot steeper.
uhhh that is not advisable. If you plead not guilty you will go to trial. You will need a lawyer. You will most likely lose and the consequences are usually alot steeper.

Won't the assistant da be there and probally a public defender... THis is a hick town anyways.
Won't the assistant da be there and probally a public defender... THis is a hick town anyways.

Not at pretrial there won't be a public defender for you unless you get one before hand.

Even if you don't have priors man, you got a whole lot of charges levied against you.Like thousands of dollars worth of tickets and possible jail time.
I think you think this isn't a big deal. This is a big deal man. Like your personal freedom is at stake.
It is a big deal but I don't think it is in the way that I'm pretty sure I won't be going to jail..... Also can I get a police report before the 1st court date.
If I may ask how did you get caught>?​
