Busted what the fuck is gonna happen


Well-Known Member
Sucks dude, best thing you can do now is get your own place and don't let ANYONE know you grow. Either that or just stop growing, too many people knew about the op and its to dangerous to start it back up at your current location and housing situation (roomates).


Well-Known Member
what state are you in ? where i am you can get off with a ticket for 25gs or less.
any cultivation is misdemeanor here.
and if they say under 100g cultivation ... that could mean the weight of the plant it self .. not actuall buds. so 1 plant youd be over 100gs.
I'm in a Midwestern state. I know our laws very well and you're right, 100g is the weight of the plant, but even if I'm caught with under 500g, it's a misdemeanor. Ohio recently became 'decriminalized' as to it's stance on weed and the town I'm in is the most liberal in the state. it's a lot different from Indy, where the laws are much more strict.