

Active Member
Man whats with all these kids saying they are 17?? You can seriously be banned for that, this site is strictly 18+....

If your under age on a site thats 18+ have some common sense and dont say your 17.

And to all the people that grow in their parents house without their parents knowing...You deserve to get busted. If I had kids and you were my kid and you tried growing without telling me I would get mad too....So would you if you ever went through the process of getting a bloody Mortgage...which isnt fucking easy...then theres the whole issue of insurance, or if your renting then theres the issue of your landlord freaking out.

And who gets blamed in all these situations...Not You...Nope. Its Your Parents that take the blame. It doesnt matter if your 17 or 19, if the house is in your parents name, and they dont know, then you have absolutely No business trying to grow weed.

Go get a job and get your own place and see how hard it is to maintain and then try growing weed...Trust me, Its not easy growing weed in rental aparmtents, I've been doing it for a couple years and its stressful as fuck.

Dont grow in you parents house. PERIOD.

You dont get blamed....they do. If there was ever a fire, 1 stupid little plant in your closet could completely void your insurance....Where does that leave you?

Get a job, Move out, Get your own place, Then try growing weed.

Im not mad...Its just fucking common sense....These kids try growing weed at mommy and daddy's house then wonder WTF they got busted for and wonder WTF weed is Illegal for......grow up....Its not like your saving any money growing 1-4 plants in a closet. Anyone growing 1-4 plants is growing them for a hobby, or to be cool and show it off to their little friends...

I didnt say stop growing. I said No one has any business growing in their parents house without their parents knowing.

If a 15 year old or a 17 year old wants to do a guerrilla grow, or get a job and get his own place to grow, More power to him!! I think that is Great! I would actually be impressed if a kid went out of his way to Not grow at his mommy's house.

I just think its ridiculous when kids are trying to grow plants in their parents house for "grow and tell" to impress their friends.

major +rep for ya man.

ok timsatx1...
last time i heard the word daddy yo bitch is screaming it at me.

second ima tell u lyke i tell every dirt old bitch/Parents in this fuccin website

dont even talk bout me lyke u no me u fuccin grandpa. i got nothing but the uterly most repsect in the world for my mom... all im doin is keepin 1 lil Mama plant in my closet no big deal. wut mama doesnt no doesnt hurt her ya feel me? we all cant be good lil bitch boys lyke u k? so shut that fuccin mouth. i didnt join the site 2 get bitched at buy 30year olds n shyt if u dont aprove dont read my shyt. i joined 4 help on growin so if u aint gunna tell me something helpfull then "SHUT THAT FUCCIN MOUTH" n mind ya own fuccin problems, just cuz u gota kid or wut ever the fuccin reason u think u gota put ur 2cents in, i dont give a fuccin that u 100years old or 17years old stfu n mind ur self. actin lyke growin in my parents house is the worst thing on the face of this earth, n how im super disrespectfull.

o n dicchead u wanna no who helps pay rent n my house?
n u wanna no were everything in my room came from??? Me
wow. you're intelligent. please, don't do anything else, ever again. Even breathing is debatable.


Well-Known Member
ok timsatx1...
last time i heard the word daddy yo bitch is screaming it at me.

second ima tell u lyke i tell every dirt old bitch/Parents in this fuccin website

dont even talk bout me lyke u no me u fuccin grandpa. i got nothing but the uterly most repsect in the world for my mom... all im doin is keepin 1 lil Mama plant in my closet no big deal. wut mama doesnt no doesnt hurt her ya feel me? we all cant be good lil bitch boys lyke u k? so shut that fuccin mouth. i didnt join the site 2 get bitched at buy 30year olds n shyt if u dont aprove dont read my shyt. i joined 4 help on growin so if u aint gunna tell me something helpfull then "SHUT THAT FUCCIN MOUTH" n mind ya own fuccin problems, just cuz u gota kid or wut ever the fuccin reason u think u gota put ur 2cents in, i dont give a fuccin that u 100years old or 17years old stfu n mind ur self. actin lyke growin in my parents house is the worst thing on the face of this earth, n how im super disrespectfull.

o n dicchead u wanna no who helps pay rent n my house?
n u wanna no were everything in my room came from??? Me
Wow....Your an idiot. Grow the fuck up, Get a job, Move out, Get your own damn place, Then try growing weed.

wut mama doesnt no doesnt hurt her ya feel me?
No we dont "feel ya" you moron. The fact that your mom doesnt know does Not mean it cant affect her. In fact, She's the only one who will get affected by your stupid, dumb shit, little behavior.

You wanna be cool and have grow and tell in your closet...Yeah, Your a real big man because you paid for stuff in your house...:roll:

If you were a real man, you would step up, get a Real fucking job, move out, get your own damn place to grow weed so you dont have to get your mother involved, and Still help her pay her fucking rent.

Arrogant kids like yourself, doing dumb shit like this, make things worse for everyone else who wants to Responsibly enjoy Marijuana.

I want to be very clear. Im not saying dont grow weed, You can grow all you want, but go find a place out doors, or get your own damn place. Just because its easier to grow at mommy's house doesnt mean you should be.

dont even talk bout me lyke u no me u fuccin grandpa. i got nothing but the uterly most repsect in the world for my mom... all im doin is keepin 1 lil Mama plant in my closet no big deal.
How the fuck can you claim to have nothing but respect for your mother, while you Lie to her face and take advantage of her by going behind her back and growing weed? It doesnt matter if its 1 plant or 1000 to her insurance company or the police. She's in control of the house, she gets blamed for the plant in Your closet...

....Wheres the Fucking respect in that?? Seriously?

Then you go off telling everyone to fuck off calling them grandpas and shit....?? What are you 12? How do you expect anyone to want to help you with an attitude like that?

You can get mad or call me whatever you want. But I understand how it is. Im only 22. But when I was 17 I got a job, and moved out and got my own damn place. I struggled for a couple years, then got a good place to grow at....Then I started growing when I was like 19. Still took a long time to get things going but now, 5 years later, Im about 4 months away from a mortgage. I know its not easy, But god Damn.. growing at your parents house without them knowing? Seriously? Grow up....

You need to Seriously rethink your priorities in life.



Well-Known Member
BCtrippin have a heart bro. :lol:
Man I've been through too much bullshit to have some kid come here and defend growing at home without their parents permission.

If I would have tried growing at home my stepdad would have literally beat the shit out of me. Thats why I got a job and moved out when I was 17.

I would have nothing but respect for any kid that would go out of his way to grow outdoors, or get a job and get his own place to grow, or do anything to not get his parents involved in some stupid shit.

Then these kids come here and post about how they got busted...then go on to say they are 17 and it was their dad and they expect sympathy or something...:confused:

Im really not an asshole, Im a nice guy...Im just allergic to BS. :razz::lol:



HEY HEY HEY NOW lets not put down all the under age Cannabis User, im 17 n use 2 smoke 3-4blunts a day atlest
n my homie Mark smokes lyke fuccin 8-10. but i aint tryin 2 say i smoke more then u. im just sayin i smoke just as much as the
next dude. And ya i live n my parents house n of course ima grow my shyt behind they bacc cuz they dont lyke that i smoke,
but tell me this if u were 17 and started smokin at 13 lyke me and wanted 2 grow wut u gunna do? be a good lil bitch boy n
follow yo parents every wish or have a lil secret plant 4 ur self.

Dont get me wrong this kid is dumb 2 say BUSTED!!! on the title. i thought dude was bout 2 get jail time 4 a huge ass stash

just had 2 throw that out there 4 all u old timers that think that growin should be left 2 the old people

It's just the fact you should be in school, looking at potential career's, not hiding stuff from your parents and smoking dope..

Even worse, bringing that shit into your parents house without them knowing. What happens if the cops kick in the door and bust your parents? Yeah, that's real cool.

Sometime in your life you gotta grow up and be real with your parents, or you can always act like a child and lie through your whole life. It's your choice. Just don't get mad when someone tells you it's a stupid choice ;)

edit: I'm sure with your illiterate typing though that my post wont change your ways.


Well-Known Member
its people like you {thread starter} that get people busted.{by the cops, not mommy and daddy} by braggin to all yur little friends about yor "garden" on riu. this is a site for adults. not underage kids. i dont care what state your in if yur seventeen yur under age in which means tat your parents assume responcibility for you. which means that if you get busted your parents will get at least a heafty fine. just grow up before yo try and enter an adult sport


Active Member
ok timsatx1...
last time i heard the word daddy yo bitch is screaming it at me.

second ima tell u lyke i tell every dirt old bitch/Parents in this fuccin website

dont even talk bout me lyke u no me u fuccin grandpa. i got nothing but the uterly most repsect in the world for my mom... all im doin is keepin 1 lil Mama plant in my closet no big deal. wut mama doesnt no doesnt hurt her ya feel me? we all cant be good lil bitch boys lyke u k? so shut that fuccin mouth. i didnt join the site 2 get bitched at buy 30year olds n shyt if u dont aprove dont read my shyt. i joined 4 help on growin so if u aint gunna tell me something helpfull then "SHUT THAT FUCCIN MOUTH" n mind ya own fuccin problems, just cuz u gota kid or wut ever the fuccin reason u think u gota put ur 2cents in, i dont give a fuccin that u 100years old or 17years old stfu n mind ur self. actin lyke growin in my parents house is the worst thing on the face of this earth, n how im super disrespectfull.

o n dicchead u wanna no who helps pay rent n my house?
n u wanna no were everything in my room came from??? Me

if you want help on your grow.
go pick up a fuckin book...
you can afford to pay the rent at your house? you can afford a couple grow books.

and christ, go to school.. Stop making yourself look like a fool.


Active Member
yeah i just ripped up both my bud plants today after a helicopter was circling around my backyard for nearly 20 minutes..

I have quite a few plants that look similar to weed as well, and that might attract them too.


yea dude you definetly need to grow the hell up. first on all your making yourself sound like an idiot on a site you shouldnt be on in the first place by talking shit to everyone in here, and " what mommy dont know dont hurt her" is rediculous theres a million things that can go wrong if your growing and if your doing it in your parents house they are going to take all the heat for YOUR fuckup. ok cool you help them out with some money, well they let you live in their house rite? you should be helping out. you think that makes you a man or somthing? hell no if you were you wouldn't be doing that shit in your parents house and you definetly shouldnt be lying to them, i've done more shit then your going to do in the next ten years of your life and i've never lied about it to my parents no matter how bad. I'm 21 bro, definetly no grandpa, i've sold thousands and thousands of pounds and have never done it out of my parents house. thats just flat out disrespectful even if they do know about it and dont care you need to realize that you are putting your family in serious jeopardy. you should be happy your still a kid and your parents caught you, not the fucking cops this shit isn't a fucking joke and you seem to think it is. take it from me YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE THE INSIDE OF A JAIL CELL. you need to smarten up if you dont your just going to get busted again when you get your own place. you could start by taking the advice of the people in this thread their not trying to bash you their giving you advice and it'd be really fucking ignorant to just ignore what everyone has said. you said you came here looking for advice well here it is, every page of this thread, listen to it.


Active Member
yea dude you definetly need to grow the hell up. first on all your making yourself sound like an idiot on a site you shouldnt be on in the first place by talking shit to everyone in here, and " what mommy dont know dont hurt her" is rediculous theres a million things that can go wrong if your growing and if your doing it in your parents house they are going to take all the heat for YOUR fuckup. ok cool you help them out with some money, well they let you live in their house rite? you should be helping out. you think that makes you a man or somthing? hell no if you were you wouldn't be doing that shit in your parents house and you definetly shouldnt be lying to them, i've done more shit then your going to do in the next ten years of your life and i've never lied about it to my parents no matter how bad. I'm 21 bro, definetly no grandpa, i've sold thousands and thousands of pounds and have never done it out of my parents house. thats just flat out disrespectful even if they do know about it and dont care you need to realize that you are putting your family in serious jeopardy. you should be happy your still a kid and your parents caught you, not the fucking cops this shit isn't a fucking joke and you seem to think it is. take it from me YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE THE INSIDE OF A JAIL CELL. you need to smarten up if you dont your just going to get busted again when you get your own place. you could start by taking the advice of the people in this thread their not trying to bash you their giving you advice and it'd be really fucking ignorant to just ignore what everyone has said. you said you came here looking for advice well here it is, every page of this thread, listen to it.

lol @ this guy as well... I didn't read anything after I saw the quote about mommy, yadda yadda yadda.

Ever heard of a joke?


Active Member
yea dude you definetly need to grow the hell up. first on all your making yourself sound like an idiot on a site you shouldnt be on in the first place by talking shit to everyone in here, and " what mommy dont know dont hurt her" is rediculous theres a million things that can go wrong if your growing and if your doing it in your parents house they are going to take all the heat for YOUR fuckup. ok cool you help them out with some money, well they let you live in their house rite? you should be helping out. you think that makes you a man or somthing? hell no if you were you wouldn't be doing that shit in your parents house and you definetly shouldnt be lying to them, i've done more shit then your going to do in the next ten years of your life and i've never lied about it to my parents no matter how bad. I'm 21 bro, definetly no grandpa, i've sold thousands and thousands of pounds and have never done it out of my parents house. thats just flat out disrespectful even if they do know about it and dont care you need to realize that you are putting your family in serious jeopardy. you should be happy your still a kid and your parents caught you, not the fucking cops this shit isn't a fucking joke and you seem to think it is. take it from me YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE THE INSIDE OF A JAIL CELL. you need to smarten up if you dont your just going to get busted again when you get your own place. you could start by taking the advice of the people in this thread their not trying to bash you their giving you advice and it'd be really fucking ignorant to just ignore what everyone has said. you said you came here looking for advice well here it is, every page of this thread, listen to it.

LOL LOL LOL, don't even listen to this guy, he had a bad day. Thousands and thousands of pounds huh? Is that what makes you a man?

I don't think anybody cares about your over exaggerated regular life.

Bro, If your mom n' pops let you grow, grow. And while I can't tell you not to grow, don't grow indoors if your parents don't know. Actually if you are going to grow in your parents home, just grow one single plant outdoors, and don't make it obvious as hell, and don't let it get any bigger than 2-4 feet! OR grow in the woods or something.

and bordum man, telling him not to grow is like telling kids not to have sex. they are going to do it anyways, just make sure they do it the safe way ;)


LOL LOL LOL, don't even listen to this guy, he had a bad day. Thousands and thousands of pounds huh? Is that what makes you a man?

I don't think anybody cares about your over exaggerated regular life.

Bro, If your mom n' pops let you grow, grow. And while I can't tell you not to grow, don't grow indoors if your parents don't know. Actually if you are going to grow in your parents home, just grow one single plant outdoors, and don't make it obvious as hell, and don't let it get any bigger than 2-4 feet! OR grow in the woods or something.

and bordum man, telling him not to grow is like telling kids not to have sex. they are going to do it anyways, just make sure they do it the safe way ;)
When did i tell him Not to grow? i said it's wrong to do it inside of his parents house and if i'm not mistaken you just told him the same thing except you also told him to grow it outtside of his parents house as if thats any better or his parents won't get in trouble for that ha!

Clearly he's going to keep growing, he just has to be smarter about the way he does things thats what i'm trying to say. ( i said that pretty bluntly in my last post if you missed it) Everybody has their own way of giving out advice. and i never said i've GROWN thousands of pounds or made a huge profit from them, and i dont think i even came close to incinuating that this made me a man. (idk where you came up with that)

And thats not in any way exagerated, over a lifetime i've definetly sold that many. i wouldn't doubt it if you have either, think about it. if you move 10 pounds a week ( i dont know where your from but that isn't shit around here) it's going to take you only 4 years to sell over 2000 pounds. And nobody has to care i'm not talking about to show of, I mentioned it in passing as an example. and their is about ten other people in this thread who used examples from their own life. Are your calling them all liars? or do you think that they posted their stories to make them sound like men to a 17 year old ?

We're all trying to tell this kid the same thing we just say it differently. I know that my advice mite be a little rude or Blunt ( however you wana look at it) but it's not a figment of my imagination. so you gota stop comin after me acting like i'm on here over exaggerating my life because you don't know the first thing about me or my lifestyle.:peace:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Must be 18 to be on the forums so i assume your 18 but living with your parents for some reason? A brown bag dries is 3-4 days