

Active Member
Well last friday that thing happened 2 me what every grower dreads,the police kicked me door in,the funny thing is no 1 new,just 1 girl suspected an guess what ? She was nicked 3 days b4 the bust it can only be her there was a grower busted on the following monday aswell an she also had been in his house it,s not some 1 i no i have just heard about it,the only way she could of known is when we have let her go the toilet an me dog has jumped up an opened the bedroom door where me grow was an she has seen it all in it's glory,they took 2 400 watt hps light a greenroom grow tent 2 4inch rvk out take fans a 10 pot hydroponic drip system p.h meter 2 fans a heat cable over £100 of nutes a soil p.h meter a water heater a warter pump a cool tube witch was not in use all me books an dvd's,2 thermoneters 4 flouresent lights heat mat air pump co2 tabs,p.h up light spreader an me mother plant witch was almost ready it was a matter of days b4 harvest 11 clones just cut no roots on em an another plant witch was gonna be a mother aswell.the police knew where it was they went straight to the grow an that was the only room searched so the defo had good info on the grow itself.bad bitch she is all 4 her own ends an she was ment to be my wifes best m8............ment to be,.............so growers be carefull who sees an hears things that u don,t no they have seen or heard.....just rember walls have ears an eyes cause u never know who watching an listen...........let no 1 in your home an tell no 1 u could fall out with ur best m8 in a week or so an they could go bitter an grass u up......tell no fucker


Active Member
Sorry man sucks real bad. Never telling anyone is a great rule. Remember loose lips sink ships is the golden rule because while what we do isn't wrong its illegal.


Well-Known Member
thats a real bummer man you should try breaking up your sentences with tabs/paragraphs/sentences/proper english.


Well-Known Member
Wow, sorry to hear that.
They say that every person who knows makes the risk go up ten times. If nobody knows and all things like escaping light and odors are dealt with properly, the chance of getting busted drop to almost nothing.
Just remember folks, telling people should be on a need to know basis. If they dont absolutely, positively have to know then they shouldn't. I have one person besides my wife who knows what I do, and where I live, but he and I trade clones and equipment and have known each other since kindergarden AND we are both legal medical growers. Even so I am taking some risk with him knowing.

I am a medical grower, but that is no reason for me to be complacent. Around here there are groups of people who kick down doors on medical grows and steal their crop. I know a few people in the local medical growing comminity who have had it happen to them, some of them more than once. The cops here are like, "We dont agree with the law so we wont investigate it," so going to them for help is futile. Any grow, legal or otherwise, should be approached with tight security.

NEVER let your teenage kids know what is going on and if they figure it out sit them down and explain the concequences should they brag about it.


New Member
Damn I just read that, what a bitch. she probably got picked up on a dui or some shit and was like "NONONO I'll give up a pot grower!" or some shit for a shitty plea bargain they dropped it to negligent driving or something. Check the local jail roster to see if she was booked recently then you will 100% know it was her. Otherwise maybe she went and reported it herself in which case she needs a brain check from the good dr.


Well-Known Member
good luck man .... major crap ..... her negative energy will follow that bitch ... you can Walk On!~~~~~~


Well-Known Member

What a bunch of fucking dushe bags! I watched that video from the 500 plant bust: So they poor gas all over the plants then light them on fire, and all the bitchs of the world want to talk about hurting the earth! Fuck… This is the type of shit people are going to scoff about in a 100 years and say how dumb people were back then! Well that’s why I don’t live in Ohio. Now you know.

Sorry you got busted dude


Oh man, that is awful, I'm so sorry. But at least it sounds as if you are/were very vigilant about your grow - knowing exactly who knew what - so that's something. :cry:

I'm sorry, just trying to look for the silver lining. Don't let any shady person into your house is the lesson learned I guess. :neutral:

I'm guessing the only reason she would give up two growers is she got in trouble herself and offered up this information as a trade-off. I'd hate to think anyone would rat for the hell of it.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
weird thing is in the uk they don't offer deals generally, she must have been into something heavy to even offer you n the other guy up to the law or she panicked?! or there's something missing form this story...

hope it works out for you n lets face it the jails are full of real criminals. you'll be ok probably a fine n suspended sentence.

hold up i just re read your post you had a 10 pot hydro system, thats not personal consumption man unless you eat bowls of green 3 times a day lol are you sure it was her n not a punter or a rival?


Bummer. I can't even remember what it was like to have to hide this stuff. bongsmilie How rude having to go to court for growing a plant. Happened to me when I was a kid. :shock: But now I live in NorCal and in my County I can have 6 mature plants or 12 immature or some combination and up to a 1/2 lb. :weed:
William Randolph Hearst and Pierre Dupont really screwed this cannabis thing up because of their dopey textiles and petroleum! :fire:

Even Henry Ford's automobile was intended to run off a hemp based fuel. :leaf: And these lobbyist are still allowed to screw things up? kiss-assWTF?
I must be stoned, I'm getting philosophical :sleep:


that bitch dimed you out. people will sell out there own mothers to get out of trouble. she needs to be made an example out of. but wait untill the times right