
JJ Bones

Before I begin to explain my situation, I just want to say two things:
1) I shouldn't have had it in the car

2) I shouldn't have been smoking while driving

I know if I did at least rule 1 this can be avoided, but the fact is it happened so I'm looking for guidance, I don't mean to say all this to sound obnoxious or rude I just want posts that apply to the present.

I was driving home from work around 6:05pm and I was smoking a bowl out of one of my real small bongs. GF just had her gall bladder removed an hour prior so I wanted to get stoney and visit her. Came up to a red light in which I had to turn right. I must have rolled through the red light, I didn't really notice to be honest. Twenty seconds later I see a motocycle cop flashing his lights, I pull over.

I stayed calm and didn't panic terribly. I wasn't sure what to do with my bong so I put it under the passenger seat (water was new but probably leaked all over). I had only taken one hit so I was still sober (not legally, but I have a high tolerance).

Cop tells me I ran the light, I gave him my info then he says, "Why do I smell marijuana in here," I blank, and say, "I don't know," he just repeats what I say. Then I said, "I use it as medicine," and he asked for my legals, so I handed him my Medicann physician note.
"What is the reason for this?" he said.
*Now I do have a personal reason that I'd rather not tell but I will say it has something to do with between my legs, honestly.
I pointed at that region and said its pretty personal, and he asked me to get out of the car. I rolled up my window, locked my door, and began to roll up the passenger window and he told me to stop.

He calls another officer who is a fucking prick. He looks at the recommendation and asks what do I need it for. I went into detail with him. He made a comment about marijuana killing sperm...

Then the original officer begins to search my car. He finds my stash (like 2 grams), my bong, grinder, and a illegal firework I forgot I even had. He begins to write my ticket up and the other prick looks at the firework and says, "Does it feel better down there when you light this off too?" smiling. I was pissed, but just looked at him and didn't say anything.

Hands me ticket and all my paperwork, tells me when the court date is and where; I go on about my day...frustrated. I was charged for the firework, running a red light, and possession of marijuana. Any suggestions?

JJ Bones

I truly appreciate if anyone reads my entire post to know the entire situation and takes the time to give me advice. Thank you to you folks.


Active Member
Before I begin to explain my situation, I just want to say two things:
1) I shouldn't have had it in the car

2) I shouldn't have been smoking while driving

I know if I did at least rule 1 this can be avoided, but the fact is it happened so I'm looking for guidance, I don't mean to say all this to sound obnoxious or rude I just want posts that apply to the present.

I was driving home from work around 6:05pm and I was smoking a bowl out of one of my real small bongs. GF just had her gall bladder removed an hour prior so I wanted to get stoney and visit her. Came up to a red light in which I had to turn right. I must have rolled through the red light, I didn't really notice to be honest. Twenty seconds later I see a motocycle cop flashing his lights, I pull over.

I stayed calm and didn't panic terribly. I wasn't sure what to do with my bong so I put it under the passenger seat (water was new but probably leaked all over). I had only taken one hit so I was still sober (not legally, but I have a high tolerance).

Cop tells me I ran the light, I gave him my info then he says, "Why do I smell marijuana in here," I blank, and say, "I don't know," he just repeats what I say. Then I said, "I use it as medicine," and he asked for my legals, so I handed him my Medicann physician note.
"What is the reason for this?" he said.
*Now I do have a personal reason that I'd rather not tell but I will say it has something to do with between my legs, honestly.
I pointed at that region and said its pretty personal, and he asked me to get out of the car. I rolled up my window, locked my door, and began to roll up the passenger window and he told me to stop.

He calls another officer who is a fucking prick. He looks at the recommendation and asks what do I need it for. I went into detail with him. He made a comment about marijuana killing sperm...

Then the original officer begins to search my car. He finds my stash (like 2 grams), my bong, grinder, and a illegal firework I forgot I even had. He begins to write my ticket up and the other prick looks at the firework and says, "Does it feel better down there when you light this off too?" smiling. I was pissed, but just looked at him and didn't say anything.

Hands me ticket and all my paperwork, tells me when the court date is and where; I go on about my day...frustrated. I was charged for the firework, running a red light, and possession of marijuana. Any suggestions?
bad news man.

the only thing you can fight in court is the weed as its your meds and you have papers.

running a red light is running a red light (take that one like a man)

an illegal firework is a illegal firework (lets hope they let you off this 1)

good luck peace


Well-Known Member
yo dude!!! that is totally bullshit! No offense ppl but FUCK da police. There supposed to be helping people in need or stopping someone who is going to inflict or create damage... now someone remind me when a toker decided to hurt someone under the persuasion of marijuanna? We would probably help someone out before we did anything or atleast thats just me coming to terms the importance of good karma and respecting individuals anyways im getting off topic..
i Have a few questions 1st were you blazing with your windows down? 2nd. Did they arrest you or did they let you drive away lol? 3rd. is your court hearing have a possibility to have you jailed or is it a fine and if you don't mind how much you have to pay? Reason i ask is because one time me and some friends were in a mc dicks parking lot smoking a bigg J in a buddies car when two squad cars rolled up, and rushed us i panic'd. and by chance had the joint in my hand so i quickly ate it roach whole actually there was still a bit left anyways they pulled us all out twist tied us and sat us alone asking each of us questions like where the weed was, what we were doing whos weed it was etc.. so about 1 hr later after not finding anything thanks to me we were all let go except for the driver he got screwed for having his car on while under the influence and someshit like they towed his car because it reaked like weed and he admitted being high but said he had no weed.. yea so sorry to add another story but i wanna figure out if they have a policy for this or is it anything goes based on how the police feel that morning
hit me back


Well-Known Member
oh and they lied to us each telling us that we snitched on each other and that we had the weed which we knew was a lie cause when they got out of the car an walked over i let them know i ate the roach the thing burned my tongue... oh well high times right:)


New Member
They'll dismiss u on the mj and likely give it back the light will be t®affic court big fine. The firework will prolly get ya a fine and maybe 10 hours community service. If its ur firs offense it will likely just be a fine


Well-Known Member
Does Oregon throw folks out of the program for breaking the rules?
I know that's the threat in Montana, and what I'd be most concerned with, personally.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
depends on the state you're in, the weed charge will probably only be an infraction. less serious than a misdemeanor.