
445 plants in rotation would supply my whole town. Thats a great effort dude. I had the cops show up on my doorstep with a search warrant for a drug dealer that leased the house before me. I told them that random junkies had been showing up looking for him constantly and that he'd moved out over a year ago and didn't want to have to keep dealing with that drug s#!t. I shut the door on them and they just walked away. Which was good because I had three plants in the closet. Which funnily enough was enough to supply me, my house-mate and 4-5 of my friends. 445 plants is an awesome effort dude. I think that they will be more pissed off about the fact that your crop is UN-taxed and that you and your buddies would have been making a fortune off it. There is a big difference between personal use and mass production. If you can get away with it good luck.
havent been on here in quite some time.good to see the stupidty hasnt waned.hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
well they had a search warrant looking for someone that used to live here months ago. your not going to believe this but they took 17 lights and ballasts. 14 1000 and 3 600. i know its quite a bit of electricity but the electric company didnt turn me in. it was just really bad dumb luck!
I don't think luck had anything to do with it, honestly. I always take a look whenever I see these types of threads on the forum. You aren't the first one to be busted because the cops had a warrent for someone else that lived there, someone they thought lived there, a next door neighbor, etc. Realistically, this is a fucking excuse they are using because they had suspicion, for some reason, but not enough evidence for you. Look deeper for the cause, my friend. Hope it all works out.
wow im sorry to hear about ur luck bro im in AK but ill say a prayer for u.
on a side note this november ballat im hearing about is that for all states. i read something about 49.99 and oz with a 9% tax?
Man.. I cant tell you how messed up this whole deal is.

Feds need to go after crack/meth/heroin dealers selling openly on street corners- every big city has them. This kind of stuff boils my blood.

Your in my prayers- please let us know how things go.

All this bullshit for a natural plant. Im realy hoping legalization occurs in my life time, and without funny contingincies as we are seeing with your case.


Thats a bit harsh isn't it? Way to kick a guy when he's down? bongsmilie Its not greedy to deal or grow mass quantities of reefer. Its a job like any other. Just ask my mom.
hey BongAndABlence you can take your opinion and shove it where the sun doesnt shine. nothing greedy about what im doing! and how do you know what the 10 people i was growing for didnt need to have their medicine. what if two of the people are cancer survivors that have been on kemo and radiation! pot is the only thing that keeps them from losing a lot of weight and manages their pain and nausea! you dont know a thing about me and what i do! there is always one that thinks they know everything and just wants to slam a guy. im not a hater. it must be terrible being so negative all the time. i recomend you smoke a doobie and mellow out.

out of everything they took there were 60 that were to come down a week after they took them. doesnt matter if they had a greenhouse, they cut them off at the stalks. i just want the dry shit back and all my equipt!

for everyone that has made a positive comment i would like to thank you for your sympathy and understanding. for the rest of you i wish compassion and growth!

i go see my lawyer tomorrow. i will let you know how that goes!

thanks again!
just look at the smiley at the bottom of his thread, he just bangs his head on the wall! what do you expect? some people!
First off dipshit if you think of cultivating pot as a living your as dumb as the guy who posted this thread. Maybe you two should be grow buddies. Medical pot is for people who really need it wheather it be cancer or ADD. Little fuckin punks like yourselfs make it dam near impossible for a patient in serious need to supply them self with medicine without running the risk of getting there front door kicked in for 6 plants. Just because you have a 100 bucks to get yourself a medical licence does not mean you need it. One word comes to mind poser. Every guy i have known that grew pot for a living first off did it legit within his numbers and for every $1 of revinue he donated a $1 and paid his taxes on it and only supplyed clubs not husstlin trees to high schoolers for 300 a zip. Anyone who wants to get rich and lets be real this guy was not about to donate anything to anyone. He should have just grown like a man and not hid behind his medical licence. I was a care taker in the late 90's and got busted w more pot then i was able to have instead of pulling my card out i took the wrap like a man and learned my lesson i was not about to make my buddie or the rest of the canabis community suffer for my ignorance! Grow up!

and the show has reached a new low.
where to start with this post.
Is he growing for himself or medical patients? thats right for the 10 people who use it for midicinal purposes.
Little punks like you"? hes 40 something who are you calling a little punk???
who said anything about donations?? he pays his taxes, he does not street sell the shit to highschoolers for 300 a oz, you my friend need to watch you p's and q's, maybe read the thread in which you are replying to so you dont come off as an ASSHOLE talking about shit you are misinformed about. maybe you should go back to being a caretaker, because under different cases the supreme court has ruled otherwise about medicinal cultivation.
The only person here with Ignorance is you pal. the fucking end.
What the hell is wrong with you BongandaBlence?? Read the thread and read the laws.

I would be there to support you man, but I live in NC. We are fighting over here to get the same rights as you guys on the west coast. We've got a medical bill that will be ruled on in May.

BTW, did you tend to your crop by yourself?? If so you deserve to get paid for that kind of work with 400+ plants. You must have had an awesome setup. Hope you get your shit back soon and they leave you the hell alone.
thanks bro! good luck getting your laws changed. soon it will be legal in all the states! as far as taking care of everything myself the answer is yes for the most part. it is a lot of work but very theriputic for me! its a labor of love! keep fighting for your rights! thanks for the support!
Man you don't seem to get me 400 divided by 10 or even 11 if you have your card = 36 plants per person thats still 6 over the hightest grow alowence that i know of and thats in sonoma ca. Dont know what kinda of 10 smoker's you know but i grow 6 at a time and smoke like 5-6 blunts a day and still have more then i need so i still call it greed. You can paint a terd gold but its still a terd!
come on read the thread from the beginning! there are NO LIMITS! here is a link for your reading enjoyment. i am also going to paste something from the local news paper!

Shasta Marijuana Case Dropped
Fri, 03/05/2010 - 16:57
It was a surprising end to a medical marijuana case in Shasta County Friday. A Redding man was facing felony charges for growing medicinal marijuana.

But now, officials say they are dismissing the case because the law he was breaking has changed.

When James Hall was in court Friday morning, protesters were outside protesting the case. Hall has a Prop 215 card (a recommendation for medical marijuana).

According to the District Attorney, at the time, Hall was breaking the law by growing too many plants. But the California Supreme Court has just changed that law, so Hall can grow as many plants as he would like.

D.A. Jerry Benito says they did not have any choice but to dismiss the charges after the law changed. Hall was notified that this case will be dismissed Friday afternoon.

now heres a link http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/opinions/documents/S164830.PDF

whatever i cant use myself or for the people i take care of gets sold to a medical dispenery! at least that was the plan! over half of the 400 were in rockwool. 2" tall. I am not a drug dealer. they found no money and no guns! i just do my thing and dont bother anybody! thats all i want in return!
Well in the beg of this thread you said you were a patient so i thought you were solo. And didnt know you were supplying a club So i apoligize for jumpin the gun. But you should go by what your county allows. Every County has a Health and Human Services Dept. that can tell you what is allowed in that county.

a gut 50 miles away had 40 mature plants on one 215 card. his case was dismissed two weeks later! all i had was 60 mature with ten 215's! i would never had gone as big as i did if i thought i was breaking the law. that is the single reason i moved to n. cali from boise idaho. i am way to old to be going to prison! i was breaking no laws. the problem is the cops dont even know the laws! or they know them and just want to be dicks!
the law says he can grow as many plants as he wants.

FillaKinex, I understand what you're taking about with the therapeutic values of growing. I love it.
i know some of you understand, i just dont get all the negative threads from all the uniformed ignorant people! anyway thanks again for those of you that do understand. i have got many personal messages and i thank you all!
Good luck, I only hope President Obama meant what he said about the Fed not getting involved in "small" grows like this one.
Fight the good fight.