I don't think I'm going to have my homie pull my babys. I wasn't really that worried I just wanted to get a little reassurance.
Knowm, I was pulled over because I was speeding about 4-5 over the posted speed. It was my bad but I didn't think they would pull us over for the low over, besides it was christmas eve day. My buddy had just smoked a joint in my car and it still kind of smelled I guess because he came to my friends window and just looked in and radioed "strong smell of burnt marijuana, passanger step out of the car" and it just went downhill from there.
Vote 2, I could not believe they let us just walk, I thought for sure that we were going to have to call our familys on christmas eve and tell them we were in jail in Nebraska. We had so much bad looking things but we just told them that, even though it looked really bad, that everything was for personal and that we were just plaining for a long 2 weeks with the family and wanted to be ready for that. He just laughed. Then told us we should cut that weed shit out for new years.