

Active Member
ha, thursday i got popped for a lousy three plants!!! what a crock, they had police all over my house what kinda shit? so check it, i wasn't there when it went down, my dad was though. he told me he asked them for a search warrant multiple times and the officers refused, they said they had a canine, what the hell does have to do with the price of tea in china, they eventually made their way into my house by forcing a drunk man aside. now check it out, i live in ohio. the charge, 100 dollar fine for cultivation under 100g's. the verdict, well i haven't been to court yet, and well i figured i would save the best for last, i thank god have a video camera inside my house, and the day after it happened i decided to have a look-see to see went on, whie looking over it, i heard a knock on the door, it kept up for a bit, and then i saw the door knob wiggle and then open, the door was locked, and who shows up on my screen...my land lord!!!! I see this nosey bitch walk through the apartment not missing my grow room and take fucking pictures, bitch please she's done, and i called the police department and asked what the fuck you know, this bitch starts apologizing to me for violating my rights, the best part is i have it on tape recorder!!!! needless to say i don't think that ill be paying no fuckin fine. oh, and by the way can't i just say that the plants were hemp plants, they look alike and everyaspect, mind you the plants were only 22 days old so no flowers just yet, oh on more question if it gets thrown out or i get a not guilty plea, don't they have to give me my light back seeing as how they only confiscated it because they thought it was being used in the commision of a crime???


Well-Known Member
you should really not say anything to the police. it can be used against you. i also dont think you can record people without their knowledge....

get a lawyer stat!


you should really not say anything to the police. it can be used against you. i also dont think you can record people without their knowledge....

get a lawyer stat!

i would think that it would be a different case here; he was not home, and the OP came in uninvited; had she been an invited guest and he was recording while he was at home.... then he may be obligated to tell her. i'll look it up, but i believe you only have to notify them if you are recording video W/audio; or if it is something clearly invasive such as a camera in your bathroom... i'll be back


Active Member
well i live in a big apartment complex and thers alot of trouble out here, i believe i could tell them that i used the camera as a security device to help protect my belongings. back to one important question, could i tell them that they were hemp plants, is it a viable defense???


Well-Known Member
If it's only 3 plants don't sweat it. You'll probaly have to pay a fine and do some community service.



Well-Known Member
lol cool bro n yes you should be able to get you're light back it doesnt matter about the tape because lots of people have cctv in there house so good on you bro you could do them for breakin and entering get compo or sum shit phone a lawyer that punk would know....


Well-Known Member
well i live in a big apartment complex and thers alot of trouble out here, i believe i could tell them that i used the camera as a security device to help protect my belongings. back to one important question, could i tell them that they were hemp plants, is it a viable defense???
im referring to the audio you have....the video is great evidence....i'd be more worried about the audio bro


Active Member
well, sounds like it wont be bad for you. Im really glad that you can provide a defense. Good luck bro! I really hope everything works out for you, sounds like it wont be much of a problem. A moral victory if nothin else!


Well-Known Member
The recording laws vary by state. In Washington you only need one party to agree to taping. You gotta love these nazi gestapo tactics they use now a days.lol

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i would think that it would be a different case here; he was not home, and the OP came in uninvited; had she been an invited guest and he was recording while he was at home.... then he may be obligated to tell her. i'll look it up, but i believe you only have to notify them if you are recording video W/audio; or if it is something clearly invasive such as a camera in your bathroom... i'll be back

I agree! People use nanny cams to bust nanny's beating their kids all the time... and the tapes HAVE been used in court.

I think the cops not presenting a search warrant is a HUGE issue as well.

I think a good lawyer should have NO PROBLEM getting the charges dropped on this one. 3 plants....clear violations by police and landlord...... almost seems like a no-brainer. CASE DISMISSED!


okay i cant really find anything too specific; seems to vary state to state. but generally it looks like you can video in your own home legally w/o audio, w/audio requires notification... but some states are different i presume


Well-Known Member
Dude fuck your land lord and the police...you'll be fine...any good lawyer will get you cleared of any charges...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
uhh .. well i dont believe you could pass it off as hemp since you WERE secretly growing it and w.e .. but i think you should be fine .. and i wish the charges werent as harsh as they are in your neighboring state WV ... its like guaranteed jail time and huge fine .. so gay ..


Active Member
hey guys i appreciate all of your help. it's places like these that make dealing with things like this just that much easier. yeah my girlfriends dad came out to the house at the request of his daughter to figure this out, i guess he was in the house when it the searched and he said he was laughing his ass off saying three plants blah that aint shit that aint shit, i guess the cops were getting pissed when he started asking if he could take them home with him...he said he just smiled and kept bullshitin' em' hahaha. i saw the dvr on that and i couldn't stop laughin cause they didn't even look in the attic, 23 plants still thriving guys, oh god im happy!!!


Active Member
hey best of luck am new to this advice a high price lawyer that sll works for me and my be they caould smell it from out side you know like a car then get the dogg just dont get on probation then piss tests tell my po am go smoke when am ready ohio hu say whats up i did another usa system fucking people up know any good seed banks just kiding do you?


Active Member
yeah my boy he pollinates plants for em. and i buy em when i need em, i bought 30 seeds of ny diesel, 26 females. greatest 60 bucks i ever spent..buy the way charcol filters work great, couldn't have been the smell cause they would have found the other 23