'(...)but once you get locked into a serious drug-collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.'


New Member
By the time I was likely 18 or 19 years old, I was eager to feel whatever sensation on my own. I used to try everything about uppers, downers. Let me tell you a bit about myself before. I used to smoke marijuana as much as I could (Actually, I do smoke as well, I like it but little less than some moths ago). I used to spend good money on marijuana and everything. Dammn! What a good time! those were such an awesome pleasure... you know, I remember, 3 pm, smoking a blunt. Every time the same, I was with a couple of fellas doing nothing but the night brought every time something interesting, didn't it? Guess what lots of joints and cocaine lines on the notebooks passing by my eyes, dozens of LSD's squares, and every kind of stuff, lots of people, women, oh! what a gorgeous women, by the way my favorite drug... pussy... anyway, nothing special or fucking mental.
However, it was not enough I thought, I needed to know the deepest, darkest and toughest streets in my city, Bogotá.
Have you heard about 'El Cartucho', 'La Letra'? Such a dangerous, tough, and toxic place but what a pleasure, huh? All in all, whatever you want '¿Qué quiere mechudo? ¡pepas, marihuana, cocaine, ácidos, chute! Buena JohnLennon, what are you looking for? and also '¡Chicas, chicas! Hey, are you looking for a bitch? or a gun? No man, it's all right. The first time I got there I freaked out and impressed. Let's imagine you probably could saw countless of those containers of 1000 L which you use to keep rainwater full of whatever drug you wanted, WHATEVER! EVERYTHING ON THE STREET, IN FRONT OF A MILITAR BASE, WHAT A FUCKING MENTAL, ISN'T IT?
Well, I'm going to tell you more later, I'm bored now. By the way, I am from Colombia.

(Tell me a bit about your country, could you get such an insane place in your country?)
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By the time I was likely 18 or 19 years old, I was eager to feel whatever sensation on my own. I used to try everything about uppers, downers. Let me tell you a bit about myself before. I used to smoke marijuana as much as I could (Actually, I do smoke as well, I like it but little less than some moths ago). I used to spend good money on marijuana and everything. Dammn! What a good time! those were such an awesome pleasure... you know, I remember, 3 pm, smoking a blunt. Every time the same, I was with a couple of fellas doing nothing but the night brought every time something interesting, didn't it? Guess what lots of joints and cocaine lines on the notebooks passing by my eyes, dozens of LSD's squares, and every kind of stuff, lots of people, women, oh! what a gorgeous women, by the way my favorite drug... pussy... anyway, nothing special or fucking mental.
However, it was not enough I thought, I needed to know the deepest, darkest and toughest streets in my city, Bogotá.
Have you heard about 'El Cartucho', 'La Letra'? Such a dangerous, tough, and toxic place but what a pleasure, huh? All in all, whatever you want '¿Qué quiere mechudo? ¡pepas, marihuana, cocaine, ácidos, chute! Buena JohnLennon, what are you looking for? and also '¡Chicas, chicas! Hey, are you looking for a bitch? or a gun? No man, it's all right. The first time I got there I freaked out and impressed. Let's imagine you probably could saw countless of those containers of 1000 L which you use to keep rainwater full of whatever drug you wanted, WHATEVER! EVERYTHING ON THE STREET, IN FRONT OF A MILITAR BASE, WHAT A FUCKING MENTAL, ISN'T IT?
Well, I'm going to tell you more later, I'm bored now. By the way, I am from Colombia.

(Tell me a bit about your country, could you get such an insane place in your country?)
Ever try that drug that makes you susceptible to suggestions?. I’d have to google the name believe it starts with an S. Apparently people use it In Columbia to coerce people Into giving away whatever is asked.
I’m in Canada and we have streets in Vancouver and Toronto that you can’t walk 20’feet without getting offered most drugs. If you name the drug we prob have it somewhere. Perhaps not as rampant as 1000 L rain barrels on the street full, but no shortage that’s for sure.