But you cant answer this question.

If cbd has no psychoactive effect what accounts for strains having different effects? CBD is said to have no psychoactive effect whatsoever except for reducing your thc high. So are you telling me the extreme difference between indica and sativa is that indica has more cbd therefore reducing the level of thc? hence indica just has less thc compared to sativa, making you sleepy and couch locked? That wouldn't make sense. Because taking one hit of a pure sativa joint wouldn't have that effect. What is the difference here because I am sick to fucking death of hearing the same elementary stoner bullshit over cbd and thc when through the same sources I'm hearing cbd has no psychoactive effect whatsoever.
CBD Is one of many cannabanoids elements that are in MJ. CBN is another.
Strains designed with higher CBD percentages are more for strategic MEDICAL use and have a lower THC profile by design. The psychoactive properties would not be the best choice for recreation , but it still would get a little buzz. CBD can be best used as oil , tinctures , or vaping. There are edibles and pills.

The genetic combinations that breeders can do now with seeds / strains are practically limitless. Certain " runs " or " generations " of grows ( when they see stable and unstable ) generations are available , so certain characteristics can change. For more "serious" medical needs are wanted , heavy CBD strains are the way to go.
There is even concentrates that run 64% CBD.
Cannabis has over 400 compounds including the few you mentioned. They all work together in different ways and probably interact with each other on occasion as well as affecting different processes in your body and mind together and separately. CBD is not psychoactive by itself but it MIGHT play a role in how THC is processed in your nervous system. Some more scientific research would be awesome, might actually happen if the Fed govment gets off its ass and legalizes it.
Cannabis has over 400 compounds including the few you mentioned. They all work together in different ways and probably interact with each other on occasion as well as affecting different processes in your body and mind together and separately. CBD is not psychoactive by itself but it MIGHT play a role in how THC is processed in your nervous system. Some more scientific research would be awesome, might actually happen if the Fed govment gets off its ass and legalizes it.
I agree. It's coming now that gay marriage is out of the way. before obamas out we should have another four states atleast
QUOTE="Quincey J Chapman, post: 11710154, member: 906231"]If cbd has no psychoactive effect what accounts for strains having different effects? CBD is said to have no psychoactive effect whatsoever except for reducing your thc high. So are you telling me the extreme difference between indica and sativa is that indica has more cbd therefore reducing the level of thc? hence indica just has less thc compared to sativa, making you sleepy and couch locked? That wouldn't make sense. Because taking one hit of a pure sativa joint wouldn't have that effect. What is the difference here because I am sick to fucking death of hearing the same elementary stoner bullshit over cbd and thc when through the same sources I'm hearing cbd has no psychoactive effect whatsoever.[ QUOTE]

Buy Robert Connel Clarks new book. Sativa and indica is all bullshit their is narrow leaf drug cannabis and broad leaf drug cannabis. CBD gives you milder high but has other medical benefits. One of the biggest things for the high are terpines then we got all kinds of cannabinoids but I personally don't notice much difference except for the mild high with CBD. I've done Haze hybrids and skunk hybrids and all kinds of others the highs are not much off imo that's why I'm with Clarke on the Sativa/Indica, sure Morrocan Hash is said to have a more clear high than Afghan but come to find out Morrocan hash has more CBD just found that out from the Resin Seeds girls. Sayings like Sativa more up high and indica more couch lock will die off but the science ain't their yet on what cannabinoids do what exactly and terpines some have an idea some science work has been done but without federal legalization we can't study it and their is also the fact weed effects people differently.

Try it you need to grow your own cause you know they use bullshit genetics/names in the market like that Durban Poison that won a cup in like CO I doubt she was pure Dutch Passion Durban Poison they probably hybridized it with an OG, SD, ETC. it's all about what you like best not what you are told will be best some even like high CBD for recreational while I think it's a good daytime smoke for a pussy.:bigjoint:Some even like cat piss or dog shit scented weed sounds like shit to me but whatever. :bigjoint:

Also anything in a breeders description of a strain take with a bucket of salt they do not breed true like tomatoes the way they jumble genetics with no personal care other than some dank weeds come out of it not like they are breeding for something like DJ's Blueberry just crosses of crosses of crosses of crosses is what we get for the most part.
... because I am sick to fucking death of hearing the same elementary stoner bullshit over cbd and thc...

So you come on a MJ growing forum and ask a bunch of stoners thinking you'll get an accurate answer, rather than go look up some scientific journals and get some factual information...?? I'm sick to death of people looking to be spoon fed on these forums..
I agree. It's coming now that gay marriage is out of the way. before obamas out we should have another four states atleast
Congrats on being able to marry
