Butter Bong?


I was baked the other day and i began thinking, couldnt you make a butter bong? Like a bong with butter instead of water, that would actually collect all of the THC/other cannaboids? Is this a good idea or am i just on the good shit?


Wtf do people always want wierd ways to extract THC when you can perfectly from cooking and crocking.


Well-Known Member
If you wanna drink the bong water.... I mean, butter after....

All the thc would be stuck in the butter.


i think that is a rather interesting idea, and would love to know if it would work that way, seems like it should in theory.... but i damn sure would not want to be the one to test out THOSE edibles:-P:spew:


i swear these threads have really gone down hill.
very annoying...
they really have . . . . glad I'm not the only one that noticed.
or maybe it is people's attitudes to the threads that have gotten annoying.... i dont see what makes this a stupid thread, unless you can answer for sure whether or not it works that way.... i think it is an interesting question, and a chance to learn a little something more about the herb we all grow and love and how it works... let me explain....

from what i know of edibles, the thc must be first activated by heat in order to take effect via oral injestion, or maybe it is so it will bind with fat; or maybe both.... which makes me wonder, would the initial burning of the pot make it able to bind with the fat, making majoriy of the thc stay in the butter, or would it work just as smoking out of a bong with water?????

not a dumb question; people just dont care to think outside the box anymore.... everyone here wants to smoke good weed, look at pretty pictures in threads, and bicker.... we need to go back to the way it was, when people wanted to learn, and took ideas like this as an interesting topic, rather than a chance to complain about how much "the site has went downhill"..... fucking leave then, shit:cuss:

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
This thread interests me. It's possible in theory, but I wouldn't want to be smoking that nasty shit, I would hold a vacuum a little ways away and smoke the weed as slowly as possible, making the bubbles quite small and not very fast, then use your butter to cook. It's worth a half gram to find out if this works.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
or maybe it is people's attitudes to the threads that have gotten annoying.... i dont see what makes this a stupid thread, unless you can answer for sure whether or not it works that way.... i think it is an interesting question, and a chance to learn a little something more about the herb we all grow and love and how it works... let me explain....

from what i know of edibles, the thc must be first activated by heat in order to take effect via oral injestion, or maybe it is so it will bind with fat; or maybe both.... which makes me wonder, would the initial burning of the pot make it able to bind with the fat, making majoriy of the thc stay in the butter, or would it work just as smoking out of a bong with water?????

not a dumb question; people just dont care to think outside the box anymore.... everyone here wants to smoke good weed, look at pretty pictures in threads, and bicker.... we need to go back to the way it was, when people wanted to learn, and took ideas like this as an interesting topic, rather than a chance to complain about how much "the site has went downhill"..... fucking leave then, shit:cuss:
Damn you have been posting the most sensible response to each thread today huh. I can't rep you again :sad:


Well-Known Member
I would think the butter would harden again before you could collect enough to notice the effects. You should try it and post what you find out though. That would be awesome.