Buy prescriptions online without prescription? +rep for replies


Well-Known Member
You're crazy!! I think I'll just stick with good old mary jane. She almost never lets me down. I trust her way more than pills that could have been made by butt fuck jo in mexico who mixed just a giant pile of shit together to pass off as a drug. Ha ha +rep for trying though!

Well.....the cannabis high is completely different than any other high I have had. For that, it holds a special place with me.

Cannabis is not my drug of choice. The experience seems to be lacking something to me. I have been smoking cannabis (different strains and various grades every other week mind you) every single day for the last 2 years. It isn't as though it gets boring it just feels empty....hard to explain. I typically mix a downer (opium normally) with my cannabis. Makes the high 10x better to me.

Now downers put me in a state of mind where nothing could go wrong. I love nodding off, sitting happily outside enjoying life as it is. Cannabis can't do this for me. There are certain aspects of both the drugs I love and hate.