buy weed candy in GR?


Active Member
Mine's fishy because I was high when I registered and spelled it wrong. I always take great care with spelling and grammar, but once in a while, one slips through the cracks..... :)


Active Member
I wouldn't categorize this site as neutral or non bias. This site is heavy towards pro marijuana initiatives, research, and legal interpretations. Not that that's a bad thing. I like The Compassion Chronicles,, they have tons of Michigan news as well as national and international. Another nice feature is they provide links to important court cases and rulings in Michigan. They are also pro marijuana. Again not that that's a bad thing.


New Member
I wouldn't categorize this site as neutral or non bias. This site is heavy towards pro marijuana initiatives, research, and legal interpretations. Not that that's a bad thing. I like The Compassion Chronicles,, they have tons of Michigan news as well as national and international. Another nice feature is they provide links to important court cases and rulings in Michigan. They are also pro marijuana. Again not that that's a bad thing.
I agree and was referring to myself ;p as being neutral and non biased towards all of the oppositions within our own side .. Infrastructure failure in a sense ..

Myself , I am a Misfit simply put lol

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't categorize this site as neutral or non bias. This site is heavy towards pro marijuana initiatives, research, and legal interpretations. Not that that's a bad thing. I like The Compassion Chronicles,, they have tons of Michigan news as well as national and international. Another nice feature is they provide links to important court cases and rulings in Michigan. They are also pro marijuana. Again not that that's a bad thing.
Ah, somehow my email was leaked to whomever acquired it at this chronicles site you speak so highly of. believe that the 3ma is responsible for jacking my email and probably has some connection to this new site you're advertising for here. enlighten us

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
Ok so last one.
What's the best site(s) for keeping current on the MI MM issues?

ganja girl:joint:

3ma --for rules and getting beaten with them:cry:
RIU-----pts growers:joint:
mmmp----pts growers:leaf:
national medical marijuana coalition:leaf:pts growers

michigan cannabis patients --very small:neutral:
cannabis patients united..lawyers and stakeholders to our law:evil:
up hemp and industrial cannabis:blsmoke:

mmmr magazine online--medical mmj:shock:

compassion chronicles--dispensarie$:roll:

hope those help-bongsmilie

i always just google "latest Michigan medical marijuana news" you'd b surprised what comes up!

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
It's all good, bonzai. I don't know many people in GR and only 1 that smokes. :) My CG and I don't chat much. I should get more in touch, since being green is a huge part of my life.....and before, all I could find was expensive low-grade and now what I get is amazing.

I always mean to spend more time researching. :)


if you went to
or Ypsilanti
or flint
or even 8mile in Detroit you will find huge selection of candies and medibles at pot stores there that are still all open...:eyesmoke:

it's legal to "acquire" anywhere....
most of these stores have never stopped operating....I don't know about GR-

the best candies I have found period bar none that are the best IMO are around A2 the "gummies"....they are killer!
it is like smoking a joint w/o the joint...

i have tried candy fom prolly 20-30 stores in the last yr or so and the gummies around A2 ypsi r the best IMO -:joint:

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
was dr bob connected to purple meds dispensary?

[h=1]Medical marijuana: Additional arrest made, warrants issued in connection to police raids on Grand Rapids dispensaries[/h]By Aaron Aupperlee | [email][email protected][/email]
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on April 10, 2013 at 3:50 PM, updated April 10, 2013 at 9:30 PM
An additional arrest was made and two more warrants issued in connection to March 6 Grand Rapids police raids on Grand Rapids medical marijuana dispensaries. File Photo
GRAND RAPIDS, MI — A series of raids on medical marijuana dispensaries in Grand Rapids have resulted in an additional arrest and more warrants issued.

A person affiliated with Purple Med, a dispensary at 1365 Plainfield Ave. NE, was arrested Wednesday, April 10, said Lt. Richard Nawrocki, head of the police department's vice unit.

The Kent County Prosecutor's Office also issued two additional warrants for people affiliated with Grand Rapids dispensaries. One warrant was issued for a person connected to Purple Med. Another was issued for a person affiliated with Natural Wellness Associates, 1240 N. Taylor Ave., Nawrocki said.

The additional arrest and warrants come after David Overholt, the owner of the Mid-Michigan Compassion Club, turned himself in to police April 5. Overholt, 55, was charged with two counts of drug possession and maintaining a drug house.

Nawrocki said the most recent arrest and warrants were for the same charges. The arrests and warrants stem from a March 6 raid on three Grand Rapids medical marijuana dispensaries, Nawrocki said. Police raided Overholt's compassion club, Purple Med and Natural Wellness Associates seizing marijuana, baked goods containing processed marijuana, equipment and documents.

Police made the most recent arrest Wednesday afternoon, Nawrocki said. He would not provide further information on who was arrested as the person had not yet been formally charged. Nawrocki expected an arraignment Thursday.

No further information about the warrants was made available.


New Member
GRPD & Kent County Sheriffs at it again , I do believe that there city attorney has a little hand in stirring the pot , no pun intended ! I referenced a place outside of the jurisdiction if you know what is best for you, stay away from Gr and the Dutch Boobie Traps ..


Active Member
Seriously, what??
I probably should have made that into separate paragraphs. First thought being I don't consider this site to be neutral or non bias in response to the idea that this site was. Which Potsnob explained was not what he ment.

Second thought for Mi MMJ news I like to read the compassion chronicles.

I'm not really sure what you would like me to elaborate on in regards to the chronicles. I visit the site to read some news on marijuana. I also like the fact they have links for important MMJ related cases and opinions in Michigan.

I've never received an email from them. It's not a site that you log into, so they don't have any information on their users as far as I know.


Active Member

the best candies I have found period bar none that are the best IMO are around A2 the "gummies"....they are killer!
it is like smoking a joint w/o the joint...

i have tried candy fom prolly 20-30 stores in the last yr or so and the gummies around A2 ypsi r the best IMO -:joint:
This is what I'm looking for. I suppose ideally I'd like to learn to make them. But that's a long ways off unless because it's not as easy as making budder and cookies. Gonna see what a few local shops have to say and then start a radius from there.

And thanks again for the info. Will be doing some reading.


Active Member
Today is a perfect day for a drive to A2. Dogs aren't going to the park because of the WTFSNOW! and wind.
I'm on vacation for along weekend soon and really want to find some candies to take with me. :eyesmoke:

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member

looks like the Dutch reformists are on the war path and out to round up sick people....and drain their blood

remember Eric king and the whole "black water " gang are from right around there.......nWo

I think Ann arbor is worth the couple hr ride from GR to be safe.....:leaf:

Ann arbor health collective has the candies you seek Ggurl--gud luCk bE saFe

also most pot stores in A2 and Ypsilanti have those gummy candies...:-P


Medical marijuana: Authorities target dispensaries after Michigan Supreme Court ruling

on April 13, 2013 at 7:09 AM, updated April 13, 2013 at 8:13 AM

The message from the Grand Rapids Police Department and the Kent County Prosecutor's Office is clear: Medical marijuana dispensaries are illegal.

GRAND RAPIDS, MI — Medical marijuana dispensaries in Grand Rapids have come under fire after a state Supreme Court ruling appears to have outlawed the businesses.

Two people associated with dispensaries have been arrested and face three drug-related charges. Warrants have been issued for two more people affiliated with dispensaries operating in the city.

The message from the Grand Rapids Police Department and the Kent County Prosecutor's Office is clear.

"I cannot think of a way legally you can operate a dispensary now," said Chris Becker, Kent County's chief assistant prosecutor .

The latest legal blockade to medical marijuana dispensaries in Michigan is a February ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court in a Mt. Pleasant case. In a case against Brandon McQueen and Matthew Taylor, owners of the CA dispensary, the court ruled Michigan's 2008 medical marijuana law "does not contemplate patient-to-patient sales of marijuana for medical use."

Becker said the ruling is clear, dispensaries are banned.

Legal or not, advocates of Michigan's medical marijuana law and the patients who use the federally prohibited drug as medicine say police and prosecutors should back off.

"I think it's wrong. I don't think it should have been dealt with this way. I don't think they should have arrested them," said Bruce Block, a Grand Rapids attorney who has handled several medical marijuana-related cased. "There is no reason to make them felons."

Block called the state Supreme Court's ruling in the McQueen case a "death nail" to dispensaries and the "knock-out punch." He would have advised any dispensaries operating in the state to shut down, agreeing with Becker that the ruling clarified the law in that regard.

The Grand Rapids attorney, however, questioned whether police and prosecutors were right to enforce the ruling and if lawmakers should stand back and let it happen. Shutting down dispensaries will cut off access to marijuana for many patients. The state should have found a way to keep dispensaries open, Block said.

"If the intent is help real people, we should not try to restrict where they can get it. We should make it easier," Block said. "Is it a compliance problem? Yes...that's not an excuse to completely disregard the will of the people, which is happening.

"Maybe those who oppose it should meet with some patients. Maybe they should meet with some real people who are being helped, and then we can work together to help make it available."

Grand Rapids police used the ruling to finalize their investigations into three dispensaries operating in the city, Mid-Michigan Compassion Club, Natural Wellness and Associates and Purple Med. In March, police raided the shops, confiscating marijuana, baked goods, equipment and paperwork.

Lt. Richard Nawrocki, head of the Grand Rapids Police Department's vice division, said the three dispensaries were under investigation even before the state Supreme Court handed down its ruling.

"Once they made the ruling, it certainly cleared up things," Nawrocki said.

David Overholt, founder of the Mid-Michigan Compassion Club, turned himself in to police on April 5. He faces charges of delivering or manufacturing narcotics, delivering or manufacturing marijuana and frequenting a drug house, according to jail records. The delivering or manufacturing narcotics charge is from the cannabis oil Overholt extracts from marijuana and bakes into candy.

RELATED: David Overholt keeps dispensary open while fighting recent arrest, drug charges

A person affiliated with Purple Med was arrested Wednesday on similar charges, but police have not identified the suspect in that case. Additional warrants were issued for a people connected to Purple Med and Natural Wellness Associates, authorities said. Arrangements are being made for the others to turn themselves in to authorities.

In March, the Kent County Sheriff's Office sent letters asking dispensaries in the county to close, Undersheriff Jon Hess wrote in an email. There have been no recent raids or arrests by deputies; however at least one grow operation is under investigation. Hess would not comment on the ongoing investigation.

The Grand Rapids arrests and raids are the only recent police actions in the state that have come to the attention of Thomas Lavigne, a Detroit-based attorney with Cannabis Counsel, a group of attorneys representing clients with medical marijuana-related cases across the state.

The Supreme Court's ruling in McQueen did not outlaw all dispensaries, Lavigne contended. He said each time a court rules, opponents of the state's medical marijuana law predict the end of dispensaries. Each time, the opponents are wrong, Lavigne said.

"They are wrong again this time," Lavigne said about the McQueen ruling. "The ruling was restricted to the facts of that case and that particular business model, and that was a very particular business model."

The dispensary model challenged in McQueen was a patient-to-patient system. Medical marijuana patients would provide marijuana to other patients.

Overholt, the Mid-Michigan Compassion Club founder facing drug charges, claimed his caregiver-to-caregiver model was legal and not affected by the McQueen ruling. But Block, the Grand Rapids attorney, felt the ruling also made caregiver-to-caregiver dispensaries illegal.

Lavigne said the McQueen ruling left the door open for other dispensary models. A dispensary could be a place where a cargiver meets with his or her assigned patients to provide medicine, Lavigne said.

Or, a dispensary could be a place where the marijuana is exchanged under a barter system. Lavigne said that a selling agreement where both the buyer and the seller are treating their medical needs — exchanging marijuana — would be legal. The seller who receives only $200 for a bag of marijuana is in violation of the law. The seller who receives $200 plus a joint is not, Lavigne said.

Lavigne also felt the crackdown under the McQueen ruling hurt patients relying on marijuana for medicine. Closing dispensaries opens a black market.

"It's forcing them into back alleys to find access," Lavigne said.

Jacob Regan, a former director for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws in Grand Rapids, said the black market is already starting to regain its footing in the city. Regan left NORML and will soon start a new non-profit group advocating for the rights of medical marijuana patients and the decriminalization of the drug.

Regan said many dispensary owners care about the health of their patients and are pained by seeing them go without medicine. He called Overholt a "martyr," a man willing to serve a prison sentence to fight for the law.

"I almost feel they are being forced underground," Regan said of dispensary owners. "They don't want to hide anything. They have nothing to hide."

In Grand Rapids, police will continue to work with the prosecutor's office to enforce the court's ruling. Nawrocki said if raided dispensaries continue to operate, police will visit until they close.


Well-Known Member

  • remember Eric king and the whole "black water " gang are from right around there.......nWo

The prince is fo real....I know him through the grapevine..they got the $ printed. gold threaded right in peeps.


Well-Known Member
LOLZ I have live there and they are still on the "beer is good, weed makes you dumb" kick. met one friendly down there and guess where he was from... MICHIGAN:bigjoint:

I could talk blackwater all day if anyone's ever game:lol:


Active Member a bad cold, went on vacation, still have a cold, procrastinated to just before vacation to try and go to Ann Arbor...not enough time. Not this weekend either.
So I spent 4 days sober in Las Vegas. Bummer. :(