Buying 18mm Dome from RIU Artist


Active Member
I am looking for a unique cool looking 18mm dome piece.
My personal favorite is tumblr_lwe7trtmI91qii0oao1_500.jpg although it looks like a regular slide and not a dome.
I also enjoy salt pieces with the Eye. If you are an artist looking to sell some of your unique dome pieces or someone tired of there current dome piece I'd love to see what ya got!
dang Domes or as I like to call em' bells are HARD to come by seems like, im down in the Mac503 and are nearly impossible to find in a store,, Do people not do the knife hit thing or what?


New Member
Sorry about that, I should've posted a price along with the pic. These retail for 100.00 ,but i'll offer them up for 80.00 for any RIU members and i'll cover the shipping.