Buying a Dealzer grow box (help :/)


Ok so here is the link to the box I wanna buy:

I wanted the 3 feet so its $470 USD... Is this box worth the money?

Wayyyyy to lazy to do this myself and getting the parts ugggh....

What do you guys think its my first grow

Man I'd recommend doing it yourself, I'm currently in the middle of doing the same exact thing...


Well-Known Member
I think you should build your own also.for that price you could build the box, and then get a h.i.d light set~up,probably get bored of those cfl pretty fast.and 3 feet aint much to work with might be happier with a grow tent maybe if your to lazy to build one


Well-Known Member
This is actually what you are getting other than a plywood box.
$45.00 Which could still be cut in half if you just go to the store and buy the stuff yourself.

There is no way you'd fit more than 1 decent plant in that box regardless of how many grow sites there are.
You would be better off growing 1 plant that won't have to compete for light. If you have a small space, then grow one or two good plants.
That's what I would do anyway.

If you REALLY don't want to buy anything try a couple bubble buckets.

If you are serious about growing your own medicine on a small stealth scale without being disappointed I'd look into the links I put below.

$360.00 for everything you need to grow enough of your own shit to never have to pay a dealer again.

Bubble Bucket
Grow Tent
Grow Light
EC/PPM Meter
PH Meter

Hit me up if you need anything.