Buying All my Grow Equipment. Need Help.


Well-Known Member
Get 1000w HPS and get going with the heat shedding problem. Unless you plan CFL, you may as well get used to the idea. All these grow lamps are hot
and that's your main problem in a tent.

I'm running water cooled and was worth it. (see my journal) But it depends on your situation and location.

It's not really that hard. But, soil or soil-less, it's an every day job.


Active Member
that setup is the top of my budget and IMO thats one of the cheapest setup with a 400w and i should be able to grow some bomb bud with this setup.


I personaly would use Because I have ordered form them in the past, and have not had 1 problem getting my order or getting it ceased!! And foir the equipment I myself would either use,, or they have any and everything you would ever need to get up and going, and there prices are great if I may add...Well bro,, good luck with it all. And when you get it up and going stop in on my journal and post me a few pictures!! Later bro, D..


Active Member
I always liked to piece together my own set up, seem to be a little cheaper that way. I have a 400w and it's awesome, but there are days where I think I would love a 600w. Like dude said, heat is always an issue so make sure to get a exhaust fan. Seed company looks good, I love Greenhouse seeds and Sagarmatha seeds. I've had good results with both. What ever you do don't stress out, just do what you feel comfortable with and get growing.:weed::weed::weed:


Active Member
What scale are talking here and how many plants you want to grow?

Or simply just how much do you want to pull out of the grow?

Give us this info and we can help you better :)
if your going to use 400 watts, you would do much better with a 400 watt ceramic metal halide bulb. Runs very cool and has the best spectrum of any bulb. do a search on them.