Buying from UK vs Canada for US?


Well-Known Member
dont buy from bcbuddepot. Rip off site. Buy from
this is probably good advice. i would also add kindseed to the list of shady seeds banks i used. even though i got my orders from both within a reasonable amount of time, that seems to be the exception, not the rule. google either of them and youll find loads of terrible experiences mixed in with a few good experiences like mine. im guessing i just got lucky and dont want to push my luck with either company. on the other hand, the other 3 banks i listed (and did reviews of) were all great.


Active Member
Even if you do get by chance get the seeds you ordered from bcbuddepot, The quality and genetics will be horrible. Chances are they wont germ, sprout. or get sick and die. In the RARE case they make it to harvest the buds will be light leafy and well just shitty. The best thing i ever hear from bcbuddepot was they got 1 alright mother plant out of 30 seeds. Its not just me hundreds of people are pissed at that site. By from They have the best prices and genetics i have come across. Highly recommend


Well-Known Member
Even if you do get by chance get the seeds you ordered from bcbuddepot, The quality and genetics will be horrible. Chances are they wont germ, sprout. or get sick and die. In the RARE case they make it to harvest the buds will be light leafy and well just shitty. The best thing i ever hear from bcbuddepot was they got 1 alright mother plant out of 30 seeds. Its not just me hundreds of people are pissed at that site. By from They have the best prices and genetics i have come across. Highly recommend
wow, thats depressing. i havent cracked any of the purps that i got from them yet. id be happy if i got one female and one male to survive, but now im afraid i wont even get that. hopefully it wasnt a complete waste of $90.


Active Member
yah ive heard alot of bad things about bcseedking too. Good luck steelhead hope you get something outta ure 90 bucks. Yah dude those are all good sites happyface