Buying our first seeds, tips, tricks and simple grow tek, cheap organic grow...

Jo Pachamama

New Member
So decided to grow a couple of plants for personal. Loving as we do the mystical, magical herb and it being a nonsense that two keen gardeners aren't cultivating such a beautiful, useful plant. So we thought fuck it and with little to spend, a few pounds really we began our search for suitable seeds. I knew due to our northern hemisphere location we needed some auto-flowering varieties, as we planned on using no lights. No kit, no gear, just sun and wind and air.

So with about £6.50 poond fifty to spend we had a nose around the net for good suppliers at rock bottom prices. The cheapest I personally found and perhaps could find cheaper at a push but as a general geek I tend to check thoroughly. The one I settled on was they had a bright but highly functional site. Imagine ebay that changes each seed variety, live as you as you click your filter buttons.

So quickly found a couple of seeds within our meagre range with auto-flowering properties, feminzed, sold as single seeds etc. So they were sent out and we planted them in coir pots, just dibbed them right in and watered. The coir pot, was filled with coir as well which is coconut husk and is lovely starting medium. It gets lots of air, moisture and when it grows it's roots are too long they simply grow through the pot and into your compost, soil mix, no need for re-potting. Plants love it.

Anyway we were probably stoned and didn't think to germinate them on moist tissue paper, as you would usually. So I think to this oversight our first little seeds didn't pop, but it could just as easily have been faulty seeds anyway. Seed city had messaged us to see how we were going and we thought we'd send them a sexy message back explaining we had no joy for whatever reason but really we were just having some fun with them, we think either we embarrassed the first guy or he couldn't make the decision about what to do with us and our lude offers, so he put us onto some other guy why kindly offered a tenner refund. Well we only spent just over five initially, so who could refuse?

Used it right away and got some Auto haze, Auto Kush and Kush, one seed of each. Seeds were on the door in days, germinated two of the little beauties and then when they burst forth, we put them right back in the coir pot and coir mix but topped it with a tiny sprinkle of compost (maybe). They loved the pot, the medium and the window sill site. We held them in glass candle lanterns and took them outside, which kept wind, insects and cold from them on our cliff top home. This was after they were more established. Basically we used two cheap glass panelled candle lanterns as portable green-houses.

We kept in touch with the people at seed city and got even more offers, we thought we would do them a kindness in return as they were such lovely peeps, you see I think weed makes people care, it makes them into sweeter people. The fact that this plant is criminalised and demonised is a travesty against every, cancer patient, every old women with arthritis, or sufferer of MS. The world is upside down and this plant can help turn it the right way up, amongst other plants. Our return to nature if not done by choice will be done by necessity.

So I say grow, all of us grow, this beautiful, amazing, powerful plant, that heals and soothes, that can build homes, generate oil and fuel, order a seed, order two plant it, watch it grow and then stick it somewhere beautiful and wild and visit often on walks and let it give its gifts to you.

Our beautiful sexy lasses are on our windy, sun trap patio in 5 litre pots of multi-grow compost, mixed with a portion (about a quarter) of perlite for aeration and moisture retention. We made portable greenhouses for these pots, by getting used office drinking water barrels and cutting the bottoms off. Keeps in the moisture, heats up, keeps the insects out and stops the plants being damaged in the wind. They are currently thriving, green and very happy. As are we. Anyway we hope you liked this review and hope our tips and such like give newbies a quick way to grow cheap and well. Do visit because without being biased, having been a web designer, it is a brilliantly made site, amazing range of stock and prices and lovely people behind the scenes.