buying seeds safely?


Well-Known Member
Im also looking into ordering some seeds &| kinda skeptical on tha matter too ...can n e wun recommend n e good wedsites that you've actually ordered from &| like SWAT shows up at you door


Active Member
read the link in my previous post, it has 3-5 sites that people have had luck with myself included.


Well-Known Member
EVERY one has thir own thoughts about seed banks,

these are the ones i use, i always use a money order.
i have order from seed 5 times and got my order 5times they send seeds in the breeder pack,
the bay i order 2 times and got them both..

dr chronic-alittle iffy on him. i order from him 2 times and i got one order and the other one i got my money back becaouse it got lost in the mail. if takes seeds out of the breeder packs,

attitude i hear just good news but havent order from them, but soon ill try them out.

the next seedbank im going to order just to see if i get it is from the- single seed centre, i saw them advertise on high times im going to order one seed and see how it goes.. if you want ill keep you posted.


Active Member
ok since it is to hard to follow the other link, since this question was asked like 30 minutes before this post the other link was at 3-4 pages of experiences. I have gotten seeds from the single seed centre seeds showed up in 7 days or so in a white bubble envelope. I have done it twice! No problems. The only companies that really don't have issues sending to the US are in the UK. Amsterdam and Canada are very iffy sending to the US. You'll have to take a risk sometime. It's not like growing is exactly kosher. The attitude sends free seeds with most orders but the last person I saw mention what they got it was an autoflower. Puke :spew:
Although the more you spend the better free seeds they supposedly give you. I was able to order from single seeds and get 2-3 of the seeds I wanted. It was great!


New Member
Nirvana is a good cheap place to get beaners sent to the US.. i have ordered too times from them n they even sent me 10 freebies.. dont know what they are but its all good, normally they dont do that, i guess i lucked out there.. mystery seeds, YEAH...