Buying seeds

Looking for seedbanks preferably in the United states or that will ship to U.S. without any crazy bitcoin craps or spending a million dollars for just a few seeds

If you're not looking for anything too exotic, I like marijuana-seeds.NL . They have inexpensive value packs and 2-for-1 deals. I think these are great for new growers who might stress about making mistakes with $10 seeds.

They take credit card, last I used them. Their stealth is extremely stealthy. You'll probably be ready to contact them to tell them they forgot to include the seeds. Before you do, look again. It's really there, just hard to find. I get them in 9-12 days.
Herbies is awesome. You get roughly 10 seeds free if you spend about a $100. I used to order from world wide seeds and they also give free seeds but not as many. Herbies gives better free seeds and more of them . World wide is legit also.
They ship north south west and east :bigjoint:. I'm waiting on my package now and I can't wait. They have some awesome freebies right now also.
yeah herbies ftw theyre awesome and have a great selection plus you can get individual seeds from their pick'n'mix thing if you want to be cheap but want more than 1 strain
I've ordered from Nirvana and Attitude, 2/2 success. Nirvana had the best stealth, i don't know how it could get better. Attitude had tracking though, which i loved. Both very trustful, i sent cash which they easily could have just taken.
Another vote for the Dank Team/Nature's Green Remidies. When I lived on the east coast I could have my seeds in 2 days.
Bonza Seeds worked for me, but take I was seemingly accidentally (I confronted them about it) sent an advertisement in the mail a couple of weeks after my order. You know, a brochure with prices on it. All feminized seeds were the strains I ordered and non-hermy feminized. It seems like Herbies is beloved here, but if for some reason you're thrown off, Bonza's discrete shipping was excellent.
Here are some US-based companies that will ship to legal states:

Southern Oregon Seeds
Rocky Mountain Seed Bank
The Dank Team
James Bean Co.

I had good results with the first four on this list, haven't used the last.
Midweek Song is currently the best, with great customer service and quick shipping- AND easily the cheapest prices. Use roll20 for your 20% discount too.