Buying seeds

this is my exact point, Not only that, but the worst thing that could happen is they keep the package. ( i think they mail you some official looking letter saying they took it) you have done nothing wrong by someone sending you something. if you are sending stuff out, then there would be trouble.
Right! My thoughts exactly. Worst case I'll be out like 60 bucks.
If you guys haven't heard of it is located in UK and they're reputable. Compare prices because from what I've seen they're the cheapest.

P.S. I can't post a link just yet. But there's supposedly and impostor site w/o the hyphen so watch out.
ok, but if you want the largest stocked bank in the world with a proven track record then attitudeseedbank is the deal, trying to find the cheapest can sometimes lead you to those 'grey area' seedbanks
Ive never ordered from OES yet
if you do order order with them man way better than overseas if you live in the US. you dont have to deal with customs or any of that shit no 2 week wait package is at door in a few days.

and to the op even if they do find your seeds they'll just take take them and send you a letter but you can avoid it and order from a american seed company assuming you're in the states
if you do order order with them man way better than overseas if you live in the US. you dont have to deal with customs or any of that shit no 2 week wait package is at door in a few days.

and to the op even if they do find your seeds they'll just take take them and send you a letter but you can avoid it and order from a american seed company assuming you're in the states

I heard that...
Ive orderd from us TDT and was so stoked when the package arrived in 3or 4 days in my box :)

But i do love hitting the tudes promos lol they get me !
But now i want to try some shorline gear and he only deals with OES
Fair but there's nothing wrong with a bargain. And reviews are reviews.
all depends where you read the reviews? eg some sites offer seedbank reviews which are written by their own staff!, if you take your time here on RIU & search the seedbank reviews you will end up with a more accurate picture of who the real deal banks are
I heard that...
Ive orderd from us TDT and was so stoked when the package arrived in 3or 4 days in my box :)

But i do love hitting the tudes promos lol they get me !
But now i want to try some shorline gear and he only deals with OES
check out greenpoint seeds they have a reward system instead of freebies you get 50cents for every dollar spent. turns into lots of freebies quick
U can avoid any paranoia from ordering from a usa bank no customs and your gauranteed your beans cheapest babks out there right now is dcseed exchange humble harvest on IG cannabeanery and bakedbeans check those out also fatmanseeds usa and greenpoint when he does sales
My new favorite seedbank/breeder. Awesome looking crosses and getting 50 cents on the dollar toward you next purchase (and dollar for dollar matched when you spend over $150) is way better than any freebies I've ever heard of. Unbeatable coupon codes and sales during holidays (55% off black friday and 50% off new years) what other bank has those deals? Daily reverse actions where you can pick up $100+ packs for under $30 sometimes ain't bad either..

I checked them out and i liked what i saw!
I checked them out and i liked what i saw!
I've currently 4 purple mountain majesty sprouted, its a now discontinued "extinct" stain, as well as their Butch cassidy(waiting for room to run) if you look at the discontinued section and see something you like grab it quick. No sooner did I get my orders(2seperate) then both pmm and BC were sold out never to be for sale again.
Yeah I've read that you wouldn't be in too much trouble even IF you got caught up. I guess really what's on my mind is for some reason being visited by law enforcement down the line once I've started. But now that I type that out it seems like more of a paranoid thought.
Bro, if you can't order the seeds to your unit, you shouldn't have some ladies in there, seven weeks into flower, pouring out that stank.