Buzz Killz


Active Member
Ok, so weed makes you happy, REALLY happy. I love being high! Its an amazing experience. But, I hate smokers with really paranoid people, (i know its a side effect but i also know it varies with the person), and i also hate smoking with dickheads. I like to sit back and chill and talk about random stuff, anything and everything, smoke a cigarette, and play video games or anything at all really. I just hate the guys that ruin my high. For a while thats the only people that i could smoke around and they ruined it everytime and i started getting down on myself everytime i was high. Almost made me stop..until recently where i am happily smoking with my girlfriend and some extra friends. Anyone else have any times where they felt like thier high was ruined?:peace::weed:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
LoL, the only ppl that ruin my high are police :) They even take ya weed, even worse!



Well-Known Member
a surprise visit from the boss... always a good buzzkill if your job is the kind where you have to hide it :lol:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i know exactly what you mean man.

i have a mate with one of the most annoying habbits, we'll be smoking it up, then he;lkl turn to you and make a statement that cannot and does not need to be answered, and as such, would then press and press until he got the answer he wanted, and if i don't, and give him a sensible "why the fuck would you do that" kind of answer after 5 minutes of him asking and asking, he'd turn around and tell me not to get defensive, you don't have to explain yourself, calm down!

that pissed me off to the point where i would not smoke with him anymore, id just get really angry and frustrated with him, it killed my high BIIIIG time


Well-Known Member
haha, this is pretty funny.

i find its always the worst when everyones well up for doing something that i couldnt be less bothered about! pisses me off a bit, prob me just being selfish though!!

mates do fuck you off sometimes whether your high or not, just have to get on with it really


Active Member
But i mean, if your all smoking together, it should be chill you know. If you both(or however many in the situation) enjoy being annoying dicks to eachother while be it. But when others like to chill(like myself) they need to chill out and be cool. Not ruin your high for their pleasure....kinda self centered.


Well-Known Member
you could say that your the self centered one though cos THEY are having fun and your you wish them to stop


Well-Known Member
You know what really kills my high? When people seem to be making a step by step report of how fucking good you feel, if I say I'm high as hell the first time, chances are I'm still gonna be high 10 mins later!

Also, if my extremely religious, Sheriff mother gives me flack about being a smoker while I'm high there's nothing that makes me crash like that.


my best friends arent smokers and get on my case all the time for smoking but odly enuf tht doesnt kill my high.. what does tho, is the fucking weather. hate smokin outside wen its too cold and frucking eyedrops kill it too so i never use it unless i really have too cuz my eyes get really red buh the drops suck. =/

grow space

Well-Known Member
i also feel killers are the worst..sometimes they come to your place, smoke the shit up and then run...fucking smoke and run...its not normal..!!!


Well-Known Member
The Sun always would kill my high, especially when i was in middle school and i would walk from one friends house to another. I'd be high as a kite, but then sun would feel as if it was slowly but steadily lower my high. Maybe its just me but i dont enjoy walking around on a sunny day.


Active Member
you could say that your the self centered one though cos THEY are having fun and your you wish them to stop
Ok i see where your getting that...but how am i being self centered by sitting back chillin..IM not going out of my way to piss people off...THEY ARE, which is how they like their high to be..i just dont like smoking with them.


Active Member
I dont like walking around in hot weather either blows..and dont read this thread while your high then lol...i have nothing to worry bout its been a while since ive been high seein as tho im in college dorms haha

welfare train

Active Member
I hate little fuckers who complain about the quality or marijuana when you are smoking them up for free.

I kicked a guy out of my house during a party once because he just started bitching about some shwag that i picked up for $10 dollars an eighth and said how I don't know what quality bud is. I hope he isn't alive anymore.


Well-Known Member
OMG dude I see this shit around all the time in college. Kids come into my room, and roll a big J of SKUNK smelling stuff, then just leave, and dont even smoke me out because it is for their special *friend*

So I end up with a dank smelling room and no weed to smoke.

Other examples are people smoking in my dorm, then just leaving, me with all the pipes and stuff of course.

Not to mention kids giving random shit weed names like "blueberry razzle fizzle" and "brazilian kush monster" to make you think their weed is better than yours.


Active Member
Oh wow...i would get sooo pissed if someone came in MY room with dank and left without smoking me out. IM the one who could get in trouble for it you And since when is getting stoned a competition of how high you are or how good your weed it....ridiciulous man.


Well-Known Member
It depends for me. Somtimes thered a knock at the door while the whole house is smoked out and my heart will drop. Even if I know who it is. Other times I won't bother to look and awnser the door with a hit still in my lungs. lol Its kinda wierd. I've kinda grown acustom to smoking alone. I somtimes find myself concealing my pipe in my fist, and hitting it on the DL when I'm all alone. Kinda wierd...


Active Member
It depends for me. Somtimes thered a knock at the door while the whole house is smoked out and my heart will drop. Even if I know who it is. Other times I won't bother to look and awnser the door with a hit still in my lungs. lol Its kinda wierd. I've kinda grown acustom to smoking alone. I somtimes find myself concealing my pipe in my fist, and hitting it on the DL when I'm all alone. Kinda wierd...
Not calling you paranoid, but i see where you come from there. Even if im in the middle of no where im always puttin the pipe back in my pocket or hiding the stash after i break it up...Scary shit man. I had my mom walk it right after toking at like 3 in the morning..i just finished packing it all up in my bros cigarrilo case and she walked in. "whats wrong honey?'' ....uh uh ummm tired mah. lol! had to punch myself in the stomach afterwards to get my balls back =)