by any chance would this work?


Well-Known Member
if i was to leave my water to it with a peice of plastic wrap over it and let it evaporate into another container from

(water-evaporate-condence on the plastic -drip into new container)...

would this solve the ph issue of the water.. say if it was too acidic or basic..?:peace:
lol you have been watching survivorman or man vs wild. i was thinking of doing it with salt water to remove the salt to drink it. not for the

do you have a tester to try it out. it would probly take all day to get a cupfull.
yes but it would take a very long time. Plus anything unsterilized that collects the water will mess with the ph anyway.
Man vs wild is the shit, remember when he ate that salmon raw? He litteraly bit into the fishes spinal cord and chewed all the bones up and drank the spinal fluid for protien.
Bear Grylls is a bad ass.

Your plants would probably die from lack of water before you got anywhere doing this.
